Published Oct 21, 2023 ⦁ 10 min read

Top Developer Tools for Building iOS Apps

The iOS ecosystem has exploded in growth over the past decade, with over 1 billion active devices now running iOS. As a result, demand for high-quality iOS apps continues to surge. To build robust apps efficiently, iOS developers need a reliable set of tools in their arsenal. This post will review some of the most useful dev tools for iOS to help boost your productivity.

We'll be looking at key categories like debugging, testing, profiling, API tools, IDEs, and analytics. For each category, we'll highlight the top tools and how they can streamline your workflows. The aim is to identify the most invaluable dev tools for iOS that you can integrate into your development stack today to level up your productivity.

Overview of Key iOS Developer Tool Categories

Here's a quick rundown of the main types of iOS dev tools we'll be covering:

Debugging: Find and Fix Bugs More Easily

Debuggers like Xcode let you step through code, pause execution, and print debug messages to diagnose issues. They provide visibility into problems that may be hard to uncover otherwise.

Testing: Ensure App Reliability and Performance

iOS testing frameworks like XCTest and tools for API mocking enable comprehensive test coverage at both unit and integration levels. This helps catch bugs early and prevents regressions.

Profiling: Optimize App Speed and Memory Usage

Instruments and other profilers give you visibility into runtime performance metrics like CPU usage, memory, and network activity. This data enables optimizing apps for speed and efficiency.

API Tools: Simplify Network Requests and Responses

API testing suites like Postman streamline the development and testing of remote API integrations. They reduce duplication of efforts across mobile, web, and server devs.

IDEs: Enhanced Workflows and Collaboration

Feature-rich IDEs like Xcode improve code editing, testing, debugging, and collaboration capabilities compared to basic text editors. They can maximize productivity.

Analytics: Gain User Insights to Improve UX

Mobile analytics platforms give visibility into real-world usage patterns and conversion funnels. These actionable insights help improve UX through data-driven decisions.

Next, we'll dive deeper into the top tools in each category.

Top 5 iOS Debugging Tools

Robust debugging capabilities are crucial for quickly diagnosing issues in iOS apps. Here are 5 of the most useful debugging tools for iOS developers:


  • Xcode is Apple's official IDE for iOS development. Its built-in debugging features like breakpoints, step debugging, and debug consoles are invaluable.

  • The debug navigator provides visibility into memory graph and leaks to detect issues.

  • Integrated tightly into Apple's ecosystem, but only works for iOS.


  • Reveal allows visually inspecting the UI element hierarchy during runtime to debug layouts and views.

  • It integrates with Xcode to debug alongside code for powerful workflows.

  • More useful for UI debugging than core app logic.


  • Flipper is an open source mobile debugger from Facebook, with network inspection, crash reporting, and React devtools.

  • It's highly extensible via open source plugins for debugging all aspects of iOS apps.

  • Mostly focused on React Native apps, not native iOS.


  • Bugsee provides video recordings and replays of app crashes, enabling you to see screenshots and logs leading up to errors.

  • This helps diagnose hard-to-reproduce crashes and UI issues.

  • Limited debugging features beyond crash replays.


  • The open source FLEX library makes debugging in-app logic easier via object explorers, network monitors, and modified UI styling.

  • Its extensive capabilities and active development make it a go-to flexible debugging utility.

  • Requires modifying source code for integration.

For tackling general iOS app bugs, Xcode remains the top choice for its tight integration with Apple's ecosystem. For more specialized use cases, the other tools provide complementary capabilities to consider.

Leading iOS Testing Frameworks

Comprehensive testing is critical for ensuring iOS apps are reliable and deliver great experiences. Here are some leading testing frameworks and tools for iOS:


  • XCTest is Apple's built-in unit testing framework, providing a baseline for test-driven workflows.

  • Writing test cases in XCTest verifies logic early at the unit level.

  • Limited to only unit testing features.


  • Kiwi enables BDD-style testing in iOS with an expressive DSL and integration with Xcode.

  • Its syntax promotes writing tests that closely mirror app requirements.

  • Small community and development activity.


  • Frank makes stubbing HTTPS requests simple for testing API interactions, preventing flakiness.

  • Easy to integrate and essential for robust testing of network code.

  • Only focused on network stubbing.


  • EarlGrey from Google provides a native automation framework for UI testing on iOS.

  • It allows writing integration test cases that simulate real user flows.

  • Only handles UI testing, not unit or API.


  • OHHTTPStubs enables stubbing network requests to test all code paths reliably, even offline.

  • You can test edge cases and failures not dependent on real remote services.

  • Requires extensive setup and management of stubs.

For broad test coverage across units, UI, and network, Xcode's built-in XCTest paired with a dedicated stubbing library like OHHTTPStubs provides a robust foundation.

Profiling Tools to Improve Performance

Ensuring excellent performance is key for quality iOS apps. Profiling tools give visibility into optimization opportunities:


  • Instruments offers comprehensive profiling of CPU, memory, network, leaks, and other metrics.

  • Its customizable dashboard quickly highlights areas for improvement.

  • Steep learning curve to use extensively.

Xcode Debug Navigator

  • Xcode's debug navigator profiles memory graph and leaks over time to pinpoint issues.

  • Comparisons isolate sudden memory spikes during workflows.

  • Limited to memory profiling.

Spark Inspector

  • Spark Inspector integrates timeline and CPU flame chart views into Xcode to show expensive operations.

  • Its network profiler waterfall reveals slow API calls.

  • Focused mostly on network performance.


  • Dotzu monitors all network traffic between device and server with detailed HTTP timings.

  • Bottlenecks and failures become obvious for troubleshooting.

  • Only network-related metrics provided.

MAT (Memory Analyzer Tool)

  • MAT helps diagnose memory leaks and growth issues, comparing heapshots over time.

  • The open source command line tool integrates with Xcode.

  • Specialized for memory profiling.

For general purpose profiling, Instruments remains the most comprehensive option. But the other tools provide targeted insight into performance issues.

Streamlining API Development and Testing

Efficient API workflows are essential for integrating backend services into iOS apps. Here are some valuable tools:


  • Postman enables comprehensive API testing with collections, documentation, and monitoring.

  • It's an indispensable tool for API-driven development.

  • Learning curve to master advanced features.


  • Swagger auto-generates client SDKs for iOS and other platforms directly from API specs in OpenAPI format.

  • This reduces duplication of client libraries across mobile apps.

  • Some compatibility issues with Swift.


  • Runscope offers robust API testing and debugging tools like alerts, traffic inspection, and CI/CD integration.

  • Scheduled tests monitor for regressions and outages after deployments.

  • Complex pricing plans for full-featured access.


  • Paw provides an easy way to design, test, and mock APIs with its GUI and code generation capabilities.

  • The OpenAPI exporter streamlines documentation.

  • Limited community support forums.

Charles Proxy

  • Charles Proxy lets you view and manipulate all network traffic between your iOS device and servers.

  • Mocking and throttling help build apps to handle real-world conditions.

  • Steep learning curve for advanced features.

For comprehensive API testing workflows, Postman leads for its balance of usability and extensive features tailored for API developers.

Review of Leading iOS IDEs and Editors

While Xcode remains the default for native iOS development, many alternatives exist:


  • Xcode provides deep integration with Apple tools like Interface Builder, instruments, and simulators.

  • Its design and debugging capabilities are hard to beat for iOS.

  • Tight coupling with Apple ecosystem can limit flexibility.


  • AppCode from JetBrains offers robust refactoring, analysis, testing, and profiling as a native IDE alternative.

  • Powerful editor, debugger, and tester for iOS.

  • Expensive licensing for extended use.


  • Vim and Emacs are popular lightweight and customizable text editor options.

  • They work well for developers who prefer minimalist setups.

  • Limited IDE features beyond text editing.


  • Atom provides an open source hackable text editor with iOS dev plugin extensions.

  • Great for those wanting more control over their environment.

  • Can be buggy with some plugin combinations.

Visual Studio

  • Visual Studio enables cross-platform mobile dev with Xamarin, allowing you to leverage C# and .NET while still building iOS apps.

  • Seamless IDE for iOS, Android, and Windows development.

  • Xamarin ecosystem involves learning curve.

For native iOS development, Xcode remains the ideal choice for its deep Apple ecosystem integration. But developers needing cross-platform capabilities may prefer Visual Studio with Xamarin.

Comparing Mobile Analytics Options for iOS

Analytics provide invaluable insights into real-world iOS app usage. Here are some top options:

Google Analytics

  • Google Analytics offers free mobile analytics to track key metrics like active users, acquisition reports, demographics, and more.

  • Powerful features given its free tier.

  • Very limited event and user property tracking compared to paid options.


  • Mixpanel provides advanced segmentation and funnel analysis to model user behaviors in iOS apps.

  • Excellent for analyzing conversion and retention.

  • Steep learning curve and complex UI.


  • Amplitude focuses specifically on behavioral analytics, with detailed user profiles and cohort analysis.

  • Powerful analytics scaled for mobile.

  • Expensive plans required for full access to features.

Firebase Analytics

  • Firebase Analytics offers out-of-the-box usage metrics in realtime, integrated with Google's ecosystem.

  • Quickly enables basic analytics for iOS and Android.

  • Very limited compared to standalone platforms.


  • Appsee provides mobile analytics with touch heatmaps and user session recordings for advanced UX analysis.

  • Helpful for improving user flows in apps.

  • Only focuses on user session replays.

For a free starting point, Firebase Analytics is handy. But for advanced analytics, Mixpanel strikes the right balance of powerful analytics and ease of use.


iOS developers have an expansive set of tools available to build great apps efficiently. Debugging tools like Xcode and Flipper enable rapid diagnosis of issues. Testing frameworks like XCTest and OHHTTPStubs provide confidence in code reliability. Profilers like Instruments and Spark Inspector ensure optimal performance. API tools like Postman and Paw streamline backend integrations. IDEs like Xcode and Visual Studio maximize workflows. Analytics platforms like Mixpanel give visibility into real-world usage and conversions.

Carefully integrating the right combination of these iOS dev tools will boost your productivity and enable you to deliver the best user experiences. As the iOS ecosystem continues evolving rapidly, keeping an eye out for emerging tools in these categories will ensure you stay ahead of the curve. The top iOS developers make a habit of continuously evaluating and adopting the most useful dev tools to improve their workflows.

If you're looking to discover and try out new iOS developer tools, check out DevHunt. Their platform features and promotes innovative iOS dev tools to help you find ones that best fit your needs.