Published Dec 22, 2023 ⦁ 18 min read
AI with JS: Beginner's Guide

AI with JS: Beginner's Guide

Most developers would agree that getting started with AI development can be intimidating.

But AI with JavaScript provides an approachable entry point, allowing you to dip your toes into machine learning without needing to master complex math or frameworks.

In this beginner's guide, you'll get an introduction to AI concepts, see JavaScript AI examples, choose the right tools, and walk through building basic ML models with TensorFlow.js - no advanced math or Python required.

Introduction to AI with JavaScript

Exploring AI and Machine Learning Concepts

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to machines mimicking human cognitive functions like learning and problem-solving. Machine learning is a subset of AI that focuses on algorithms that can learn from data and improve their accuracy over time without being explicitly programmed.

Some key concepts in AI and machine learning relevant to JavaScript developers include:

  • Neural networks: Systems modeled after the human brain that can recognize patterns. They are at the core of deep learning.
  • Training data: The example inputs used to teach a machine learning model. Quality training data is vital.
  • Features: The inputs or variables that a machine learning model uses to make predictions. Feature engineering is crucial.
  • Model evaluation: Testing a trained model on new unseen data to measure its performance through metrics like accuracy.

JavaScript AI Examples: A First Look

Here is a simple machine learning example in JavaScript for classifying iris flowers:

// Load TensorFlow.js with npm
import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs' 

// Load iris training and testing dataset
const {trainXs, trainYs, testXs, testYs} = loadIrisData();

// Define model architecture 
const model = tf.sequential();
model.add(tf.layers.dense({inputShape: [4], units: 5, activation: 'relu'}));
model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 3, activation: 'softmax'}));

// Train model with 50 epochs
model.compile({loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy', optimizer: 'sgd'});, trainYs, {epochs: 50});

// Evaluate model accuracy
const accuracy = model.evaluate(testXs, testYs).accuracy;
console.log(`Test set accuracy: ${accuracy}`);

This shows how TensorFlow.js allows training ML models directly in the browser with just a few lines of code!

Choosing the Right Tools for AI with JS

Some popular libraries for AI development with JavaScript include:

  • TensorFlow.js - Run ML models in browser or Node.js
  • Brain.js - Train neural networks with flexible architectures
  • ml5.js - Built on top of TensorFlow.js for beginners
  • Synaptic.js - Architecture-free neural network library

Consider what types of models you need, the environment, and your skill level when selecting a library. TensorFlow.js is the most full-featured while ml5.js offers more accessibility.

The Role of Node.js in AI Development

Node.js allows running JavaScript code on servers instead of just client-side in the browser. This is useful for:

  • Loading and pre-processing large training datasets
  • Serving prediction APIs based on exported models
  • Integrating with databases and file storage
  • Building real-time and low-latency AI applications

So while much AI code can run client-side with TensorFlow.js, Node.js unlocks extra capabilities on servers.

Can JavaScript be used for AI?

JavaScript is actually a great language for getting started with artificial intelligence and machine learning. Here's why:

  • Browser-based: JavaScript runs natively in web browsers, making it easy to build and deploy AI apps on the web without any special setup.
  • Established libraries: Mature JavaScript machine learning libraries like TensorFlow.js and ml5.js provide high-level APIs for tasks like image recognition, natural language processing, and neural network training.
  • Active ecosystem: The JavaScript AI ecosystem is rapidly growing with new tools and innovations like WebAssembly integration for running models faster.
  • Approachable: JavaScript is a beginner-friendly language used by millions of developers. This makes AI more accessible to build and learn.

In summary, JavaScript opens up many possibilities for integrating AI into web apps, sites, and interactive demos. With TensorFlow.js, you can even run pre-trained models entirely in the browser. The active ecosystem also lowers barriers for developers new to machine learning.

Is Python or JavaScript better for AI?

Python is generally considered better than JavaScript for most AI and machine learning tasks. Here's a quick comparison:

  • Python has a much more extensive collection of AI and data science libraries like NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, scikit-learn, Keras, PyTorch, and TensorFlow. JavaScript only recently started gaining some AI capabilities.
  • Python is ideal for building machine learning models and running them on servers. It has great support for numerical computing. JavaScript tends to be used on the front-end.
  • That said, JavaScript frameworks like TensorFlow.js allow you to deploy pre-trained ML models to web apps for inference. So there are use cases where JS can be useful for AI.
  • Python is preferable for back-end development and data-related tasks. JavaScript is better for front-end web development.

So in summary:

  • Use Python if you want to build, train or run machine learning models, especially on servers. It has the most extensive ecosystem.
  • Use JavaScript/TensorFlow.js if you want to deploy pre-existing ML models to web apps and do inference on the front-end.
  • Use Python on the back-end and JavaScript on the front-end for a full-stack AI web app.

Overall Python has richer capabilities for most AI tasks, while JS is convenient for front-end ML.

What is the AI tool for JavaScript code?

Codeium is an AI-powered code acceleration toolkit that provides autocomplete suggestions for over 20 programming languages, including JavaScript. It integrates directly into popular IDEs like VSCode, JetBrains, and Jupyter notebooks to provide intelligent code suggestions as you type.

Some key things to know about Codeium for JavaScript development:

  • It uses advanced AI models to analyze your code context and provide relevant completion suggestions for JavaScript code. This saves you time and reduces errors.
  • The autocomplete works for vanilla JavaScript as well as popular JS frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js.
  • It's completely free to use with no limitations. There's no need to sign up or provide any personal information.
  • Codeium currently only provides autocomplete suggestions. But future plans include adding other AI-powered coding assistants.
  • It integrates seamlessly into VSCode through an extension, requiring no complex setup.

To get started with Codeium's AI-powered autocomplete for JavaScript:

  • Install the Codeium extension in VSCode.
  • Open a JavaScript file and start typing. You'll see intelligent code suggestions pop up automatically.
  • Select a suggestion to quickly autocomplete code blocks, saving you keystrokes.

Codeium's autocomplete uses advanced AI to speed up development. It's a free addition to any JS dev's toolkit that directly integrates with your editor.

Can I do AI with Nodejs?

Node.js provides access to a wide range of AI and machine learning libraries through its package manager, npm. This makes it possible to build JavaScript applications with AI capabilities.

Some key things to know:

  • TensorFlow.js is the most popular library for machine learning in JavaScript. It allows you to load pre-trained ML models or train models directly in the browser or Node.js.
  • You can load models from TensorFlow Hub or convert existing Python TensorFlow models to TensorFlow.js to use them in Node.js.
  • Concepts like transfer learning can be applied by re-training parts of existing models with new data.
  • TensorFlow.js integrates seamlessly with Node.js projects for model serving and inferencing.

So in summary, yes you can absolutely use AI and machine learning techniques in Node.js applications thanks to libraries like TensorFlow.js. With just a few lines of code, you can add powerful ML capabilities for computer vision, NLP, recommendations and more.


Getting Started with TensorFlow.js

What is TensorFlow.js?

TensorFlow.js is an open-source machine learning framework that allows developers to train ML models directly in the browser or in Node.js using JavaScript. Some key benefits of TensorFlow.js include:

  • Enables running pre-trained ML models or training custom models using JavaScript
  • Supports both CPU and GPU-accelerated model training/inference
  • Integrates seamlessly with common JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue
  • Allows exporting models trained in Python to run in the browser or Node.js
  • Offers pre-trained models via TensorFlow Hub for common tasks like image classification

Overall, TensorFlow.js opens up machine learning to JavaScript developers by bringing ML training/inference directly into the JavaScript ecosystem.

Installing TensorFlow.js for AI with JS Projects

To install TensorFlow.js, you'll need to first setup a JavaScript project using Node.js and npm.

  • Initialize npm project: npm init
  • Install TensorFlow.js: npm install @tensorflow/tfjs

Now TensorFlow.js is installed locally and ready to import into your code.

import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';

Some other installation options:

  • Via CDN: <script src=""></script>
  • For React, Vue, Angular projects, install their respective TensorFlow.js framework bindings

Importing TensorFlow.js Models with GitHub Integration

Many pre-trained ML models are hosted publicly on GitHub, making it easy to import them:

const model = await tf.loadGraphModel('');

Some common TensorFlow.js models on GitHub:

Check the tfjs-models repo for many more examples.

TensorFlow Playground: Experimenting with Neural Networks

TensorFlow Playground allows you to visually build and train simple neural networks. It's a great way to get an intuition for how changing neural network hyperparameters impacts learning.

Some things you can try:

  • Adjust the number of hidden layers
  • Change activation functions
  • Modify the learning rate
  • Add/remove noise during training
  • Switch between classification and regression tasks

While it only trains low-complexity models, TensorFlow Playground lets you quickly prototype networks and is useful for understanding fundamentals.

Building Custom ML Models with TensorFlow.js

TensorFlow.js is a JavaScript library that allows us to build, train, and run machine learning models directly in the browser or with Node.js. In this section, we'll use TensorFlow.js to create custom models for tasks like image classification.

Creating a Simple Neural Network with tf.LayersModel

To get started, we'll build a basic neural network model with TensorFlow.js using the tf.sequential() method:

const model = tf.sequential();

model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [1]}));

model.compile({loss: 'meanSquaredError', optimizer: 'sgd'});

This creates a simple sequential model with one dense layer for a regression task. We can now generate some training data, train this model, and make predictions:

const xs = tf.tensor2d([1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 1]);
const ys = tf.tensor2d([1, 3, 5, 7], [4, 1]);

await, ys, {epochs: 10});

model.predict(tf.tensor2d([5], [1, 1])); 

While basic, this shows how we can quickly build and train neural networks with TensorFlow.js. Next, we'll look at a more complex example for image recognition.

Image Classification with Deep Learning: A TensorFlow.js Example

For a more practical example, let's build an image classifier model with TensorFlow.js and a custom dataset. We'll use a convolutional neural network architecture:

const model = tf.sequential();

model.add(tf.layers.conv2d({inputShape: [28, 28, 1], kernelSize: 5, filters: 8, activation: 'relu'}));
model.add(tf.layers.maxPooling2d({poolSize: [2, 2]}));

// Add more layers...

model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 10, activation: 'softmax'}));

model.compile({optimizer: tf.train.adam(), loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy', metrics: ['accuracy']});

We can now train this model on a dataset we created containing different image categories. This allows us to classify new images based on what the model learned during training.

The benefit of using TensorFlow.js is that we can run this ML model directly in the browser for applications like automated image tagging.

Saving and Loading Trained Models with TensorFlow.js

After training TensorFlow.js models, we can save them to disk and load them later to make predictions without having to retrain:

// Save model

// Load model  
const loadedModel = await tf.loadLayersModel('my-model-path');

const prediction = loadedModel.predict(myTensor); 

This allows us to reuse models we've already trained instead of training them every time our web app starts.

Convert Python Models to TensorFlow.js for Web Deployment

In some cases, you may already have a machine learning model trained in Python that you want to convert to TensorFlow.js to use in web applications.

TensorFlow.js provides utilities to help with this conversion process:

# In Python'my_model')

# In Node.js
import * as tfjs from '@tensorflow/tfjs-node';

const modelArtifacts = await tfjs.converters.loadPythonModel('my_model');

The model can now be loaded in TensorFlow.js using tf.loadLayersModel() or tf.loadGraphModel().

This allows us to leverage Python's extensive machine learning capabilities while still serving ML predictions directly in the browser.

Interactive AI Applications with TensorFlow.js

TensorFlow.js provides powerful machine learning capabilities that can be leveraged to build interactive AI applications right in the browser. In this section, we'll walk through some real-world use cases and demos using TensorFlow.js models.

Building a Webcam Controller with AI and @tensorflow-models/coco-ssd

The @tensorflow-models/coco-ssd package contains a pre-trained object detection model that can identify common objects like people, animals, household items, and more. We can use this to build an interactive webcam controller that responds to what it sees through the camera.

To get started, we first need to:

  • Set up the webcam and canvas elements in HTML
  • Load the COCO-SSD model from tfjs-models using load()
  • Detect objects in real-time video from the webcam using the model's detect() method
  • Draw the detections on the canvas, along with labels for each identified object

We can then apply interactivity by tracking a specific object category, like "person", and executing custom logic when it's detected - like taking a snapshot or controlling browser media playback.

This allows us to create an engaging experience where the web app interface reacts to the user based on the AI model's understanding of what's in view of the camera. The possibilities here are endless!

Rock, Paper, Scissors Classifier Using Transfer Learning

We can build a fun Rock, Paper, Scissors game that runs in the browser and leverages transfer learning to classify hand gestures from a webcam input.

The steps would be:

  • Capture example images of hands in rock, paper, and scissors poses
  • Use those to retrain an existing TensorFlow.js image classification model
  • Optimize the retrained model for inference in the browser using techniques like quantization
  • Apply the model to real-time webcam video to predict gestures
  • Play Rock Paper Scissors against the computer by showing hand poses!

This helps introduce machine learning concepts in an interactive and engaging format. We can discuss model optimization and transfer learning approaches along the way as part of the educational experience.

Text Sentiment Analysis: A TensorFlow.js Models Use Case

The tfjs-models library also contains pre-trained natural language models like sentiment analysis. We can build an app that determines if user-entered text conveys positive or negative emotion.

Steps would include:

  • Loading the tfjs-models sentiment analysis model
  • Passing user text into the model's predict() function
  • Interpreting the prediction scores to make a "positive" or "negative" assessment
  • Displaying the sentiment analysis back to the user

This makes for a simple but practical demo of TensorFlow.js's out-of-the-box NLP capabilities, allowing users to instantly get sentiment predictions on custom text.

Utilizing tf.GraphModel and tf.LayersModel for Predictive Analysis

When building custom ML models, TensorFlow.js provides two main model classes:

  • tf.LayersModel for sequential models
  • tf.GraphModel for more complex topologies

Both can be used to make predictions on new data by calling their predict() methods.

We could demonstrate usage by:

  • Training a simple model to predict numerical data based on inputs
  • Saving the model architecture and weights with TensorFlow.js
  • Loading the model back into a tf.LayersModel or tf.GraphModel instance
  • Calling predict() to make inferences on new data

This helps illustrate the end-to-end workflow for creating, saving, loading and running ML models with TensorFlow.js for real-time predictive analytics.

Advanced TensorFlow.js Techniques and Integration

Diving deeper into TensorFlow.js, we'll explore advanced techniques for optimizing and integrating AI models with web applications.

Use Transfer Learning with TensorFlow.js to Enhance Existing Models

Transfer learning is a powerful technique that allows you to take a pre-trained neural network and retrain it on a new dataset to enhance its capabilities for your specific use case.

Here are the key steps to apply transfer learning with TensorFlow.js:

  • Import a pre-trained model from TensorFlow Hub or one of the existing TensorFlow.js models like MobileNet or PoseNet
  • Freeze the weights of the lower layers of the network
  • Add your own classifier layers on top to train for your classes of interest
  • Retrain the model using your new dataset, only updating the weights of the classifier layers

This technique allows you to leverage the features already learned by the base model and rapidly adapt it to new tasks with limited data.

Some examples where transfer learning shines:

  • Adapting an image classification model to recognize new object categories
  • Tuning a text classification model to your domain
  • Specializing an audio recognition model to detect custom sounds

With TensorFlow.js and transfer learning, you can take powerful AI models and customize them for your web apps.

Integrating TensorFlow Hub Models with TensorFlow.js

TensorFlow Hub provides access to a vast repository of pre-trained TensorFlow models for transfer learning. Here is how to integrate them into TensorFlow.js:

  • Find the TensorFlow Hub model you want to use
  • Convert the model to TensorFlow.js format using the TensorFlow.js converter
  • Import the converted TensorFlow.js layers or graph model
  • Optionally: Freeze lower layers and retrain top layers

Some models that work well:

  • MobileNet for image classification
  • BERT for text encoding
  • Audio recognition models

Using TensorFlow Hub accelerates development by letting you tap into existing state-of-the-art models.

Efficient Model Execution with tf.GraphModel.execute and tf.node.TFSavedModel.execute

For production use cases, it's critical to optimize model execution performance. TensorFlow.js provides two methods for this:


  • Executes the model more efficiently by avoiding redundant intermediate tensors
  • Up to 2-3x faster execution versus predict()
  • Useful for models with expensive operations


  • Executes the model directly using the Node.js TensorFlow C++ backend
  • Even faster performance by avoiding JavaScript overhead
  • Requires Node.js backend

So in summary:

  • Use execute() to speed up client-side inference
  • Use Node.js execute() for lowest latency server-side inference

Server-side AI with TensorFlow.js using tf.node.loadSavedModel

While TensorFlow.js targets client-side AI, you can also run models server-side with Node.js:

  • Saves network transfer time for large models
  • Reduces browser memory usage
  • Enables low-latency serving from app servers

To use TensorFlow.js server-side:

  • Train model outside browser (Python, R, etc)
  • Export trained model to SavedModel format
  • In Node.js app, import tfjs-node and load model with tf.node.loadSavedModel()
  • Pass inputs and run model inference via model.execute()

So in summary, tf.node.loadSavedModel() allows you to load full-size models for fast server-side AI!

Conclusion and Next Steps in AI with JS

Recap of AI with JS Tutorial: Key Takeaways

This tutorial provided an introduction to working with artificial intelligence in JavaScript using TensorFlow.js. Here are some of the key takeaways:

  • TensorFlow.js allows you to leverage pre-trained ML models in the browser or in Node.js using JavaScript. This makes it easy to integrate AI into web or Node.js apps.
  • You can load pre-trained models from TensorFlow Hub to perform tasks like image classification without needing to code the models from scratch.
  • TensorFlow.js provides different model types like LayersModel, GraphModel, and TFSavedModel to meet different deployment needs.
  • Core concepts like tensors, layers, and models are key to understanding how neural networks function behind the scenes.
  • By using the webcam and existing models, you can quickly prototype interactivity and build AI-powered apps.

Exploring More AI with JS Examples and Resources

To continue learning about AI development with JavaScript, check out these additional resources:

  • TensorFlow.js examples on GitHub cover areas like transfer learning, generative models, word embeddings, and more:
  • Tutorials from TensorFlow show how to train models for tasks like doodling classification:
  • The TensorFlow.js blog features AI with JavaScript tutorials and announcements:
  • For inspiration, browse the Made With ML section on TensorFlow Hub:

Community and Collaboration: AI with JS on GitHub

On GitHub, you can find open-source AI projects to learn from or contribute to:

GitHub issues and discussions are great places to ask questions and connect with maintainers and contributors.

Planning Your AI Development Roadmap with JavaScript

As you continue your journey into AI with JavaScript, here are some ideas to level up your skills:

  • Build a browser extension or Node.js app powered by TensorFlow.js models
  • Train your own custom models by collecting data sets
  • Experiment with integrating different model types into apps and comparing performance
  • Learn more AI fundamentals and TensorFlow concepts by reading tutorials
  • Contribute to open-source AI projects through GitHub issues, PRs, or discussions

The world of AI with JavaScript is rapidly evolving. We hope this tutorial has inspired you to create your own AI experiments and applications!