Published Oct 26, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

10 DevOps Tools to Supercharge Workflow in 2023


The DevOps movement has had a monumental impact on modern software development. By bringing developers and operations teams together, DevOps practices have enabled huge gains in developer productivity, accelerated release cycles, and increased infrastructure reliability.

As we move into 2023, having the right DevOps tools will be key for teams looking to optimize workflows and remain competitive. This list covers 10 of the top DevOps tools that are worth focusing on this year based on their maturity, capabilities, and popularity among developers.

The featured tools span critical disciplines including continuous integration/delivery, source control, infrastructure provisioning, monitoring, and containerization. They were selected based on criteria such as ease of use, scalability, extensibility, cloud support, and integration options.

For discovering and showcasing new developer tools, DevHunt provides a great platform that developers can leverage. Now let's explore the top 10 DevOps tools to empower teams in 2023!

Continuous Integration & Delivery

Automating builds, tests, and deployments through CI/CD pipelines is essential for enabling reliable, rapid software delivery. These leading CI/CD tools help streamline development cycles by powering robust DevOps workflows.


Jenkins is the most established CI/CD tool with the largest ecosystem of plugins and integrations. Key strengths include:

  • Highly extensible architecture through plugins
  • Auto-scaling of build agents
  • Pipelines as code for customization
  • Rich ecosystem of plugins and integrations

For example, Jenkins could help a mid-sized engineering team at a startup scale their CI/CD as they rapidly add features. Its flexible pipelines and extensibility via plugins makes Jenkins a great fit for complex projects.

For DevHunt users, Jenkins plugins for GitHub, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Slack, and many more are available to connect pipelines to other tools.


CircleCI differentiates itself through ease of use, allowing developers to quickly configure pipelines in YAML. Key features include:

  • Low-friction onboarding with YAML-based pipelines
  • Free tier for small teams
  • Pre-built support for major languages
  • Tight GitHub integration

While Jenkins enables extreme customization, CircleCI may be ideal for teams that value developer experience and cloud platform support. Its reusable orb system simplifies sharing configurations between projects.

For example, teams using AWS services can easily build and deploy apps to EC2, ECS, Lambda, etc thanks to CircleCI's deep AWS integration.

Source Control Management

Robust source control is the bedrock of effective DevOps collaboration. These SCM tools help developers track changes to code and streamline team workflows.


GitHub has become the go-to platform for open source collaboration and Git-based source control. Key advantages include:

  • Collaborative pull requests and code reviews
  • GitHub Actions for automating CI/CD
  • Project management with GitHub Issues
  • Granular access controls and permissions
  • Free public repos for open source

While GitHub is great for open source, GitHub Enterprise offers more robust capabilities for development teams. GitHub Actions provide easy CI/CD automation alongside your code.

For DevHunt developers, GitHub integration allows showcasing projects and activity directly on your profile. GitHub Pages can even host static sites for launched tools.


GitLab provides an integrated DevOps platform with built-in CI/CD, monitoring, security, and more. Key strengths include:

  • Fully integrated CI/CD pipelines
  • Auto DevOps configuration support
  • Built-in container registry
  • Granular access controls and permissions
  • Options for SaaS or self-managed

Compared to GitHub, GitLab offers tighter integration but GitHub edges out in developer experience and open source community.

For DevHunt users, GitLab's permissions model can help manage access when collaborating on tool launches. Its native CI/CD pipelines also simplify continuous delivery.

Infrastructure Provisioning

Consistently provisioning dev, test, and prod environments is essential for reliable deployments. These IaC tools help automate environment configuration as code.


Terraform from HashiCorp is the leading declarative IaC tool for defining infrastructure as code. Key features include:

  • Declarative syntax for infrastructure
  • Preview changes before applying
  • Extensible provider plugin model
  • State for tracking infrastructure
  • Support for all major cloud and virtualization platforms

For DevHunt users, Terraform simplifies managing multi-cloud infrastructure across AWS, GCP, Azure, and more.


Ansible pioneered simple yet powerful automation for infrastructure and app deployments using YAML playbooks. Key features include:

  • Agentless architecture with SSH push model
  • Low learning curve with YAML syntax
  • Idempotent playbooks ensure consistency
  • Extensive plugins for major platforms and apps
  • Strong community support

While Terraform excels at multi-cloud IaC, Ansible's flexibility makes it great for streamlining configuration and deployments across cloud and on-prem environments.

Monitoring & Observability

Full visibility into systems and application performance is critical for operating reliable, resilient tooling. These leading monitoring platforms provide powerful analytics, alerting, and observability.


Datadog is a full-stack monitoring platform beloved by developers and operators for its breadth of capabilities. Key features include:

  • 400+ integrated application and infrastructure monitors
  • Intuitive dashboards with anomaly detection
  • Powerful alerting with on-call automation
  • Unified APM, logs, and security monitoring

For DevHunt users, Datadog provides deep visibility into tool performance across complex, distributed environments.


Grafana's open source observability platform is ultra flexible, visualizing data from any source. Key features include:

  • Pluggable data sources like Prometheus, InfluxDB, Elasticsearch
  • Intuitive dashboard and graph builder
  • Grafana Loki and Tempo for rich visualizations
  • Annotations provide powerful contextual logging to troubleshoot issues
  • Broad community plugin ecosystem
  • Managed or self-hosted options

For DevHunt developers, Grafana is great for building custom metric dashboards. Its annotations help quickly pinpoint problems for faster debugging.

Containerization & Orchestration

Containers encapsulate apps for reliable, portable deployments across environments. Container orchestrators like Kubernetes then manage and scale workloads.


Docker pioneered simple containerization, making it easy to package apps in lightweight containers. Key features include:

  • Simple Dockerfile syntax for defining images
  • Massive ecosystem of public container images
  • Isolated app environments
  • Versioned image repositories
  • Tight CI/CD integration

For DevHunt users containerizing tools, Docker Hub provides trusted base images. Docker's CLI improves the developer experience for building and shipping containers.


Kubernetes has become the open source standard for container orchestration, simplifying large-scale deployments. Key features include:

  • Automated container scheduling and replication
  • Horizontal pod autoscaling
  • Service discovery and load balancing
  • Declarative manifests to define desired state
  • Managed platforms like GKE, EKS, AKS

For teams deploying DevHunt-listed tools at scale, Kubernetes enables running resilient, self-healing infrastructure across clusters.


Adopting DevOps practices coupled with modern tooling like CI/CD pipelines, infrastructure as code, monitoring, and containers enables teams to improve productivity and ship higher-quality software faster.

This list covered the top 10 must-have DevOps tools for 2023. To recap, leading options in each category include:

  • CI/CD: Jenkins, CircleCI
  • Source Control: GitHub, GitLab
  • Infrastructure Provisioning: Terraform, Ansible
  • Monitoring: Datadog, Grafana
  • Containers & Orchestration: Docker, Kubernetes

Check out DevHunt for discovering and showcasing the next great DevOps tools to boost your team's productivity. The DevOps landscape will continue advancing rapidly, so leverage these solutions to maximize agility, collaboration, and deployment confidence.