Create diagrams and plan your code with TypeScript.


Create diagrams and plan your code with TypeScript.

Online tool that turns TypeScript code into diagrams. Use interfaces, type aliases, and classes to represent models and plan your code.
  • TSDiagram
  • TSDiagram
  • TSDiagram

Comments, support and feedback

  • Bhavik (
    a year ago

    Nice project Team. It's very useful in the world of TS projects today. I can think of the best use of it by creating one diagram for my project and pinning it on the channel so everyone can idea of the project. Would love to know your future plans!

About this launch

TSDiagram was launched by Andrei Neculaesei in January 2nd 2024.

  • 5
  • 2427
  • #9
    Week rank

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