A boilerplate for Sveltekit with prebuilt Blog, Docs and UI Components.

Svelte Starter Kit

A boilerplate for Sveltekit with prebuilt Blog, Docs and UI Components.

Svelte Starter Kit enables you to launch the website for you next SaaS extremely fast. It comes with prebuilt Blogging and Documentation system. So you don't need to waster your time in building your own blog and docs, just write markdown files and ship it.

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  • Svelte Starter Kit
  • Svelte Starter Kit
  • Svelte Starter Kit
  • Svelte Starter Kit
  • Svelte Starter Kit

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    About this launch

    Svelte Starter Kit was launched by Vivek Shukla in November 26th 2024.

    • 7
    • 2688
    • #5
      Week rank

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