Fast, secure websites deployed to the edge

Static Site Hosting by Kinsta

Fast, secure websites deployed to the edge

Live preview
Connect to GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, select a branch, and push your static site to our edge cache, placing it closest to your visitors. Fresh out of beta, fully tested, ready to launch to the world. Deploy to our edge network - Up to 100 sites - 600 build minutes and 100 GB bandwidth/month - 1 concurrent build/site - 1 GB build size limit/site

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  • Static Site Hosting by Kinsta
  • Static Site Hosting by Kinsta
  • Static Site Hosting by Kinsta
  • Static Site Hosting by Kinsta

Comments, support and feedback

  • Mark Redman
    8 months ago

    This looks interesting, when you mean static, no server code, but a you can host a JavaScript/react application?

About this launch

Static Site Hosting by Kinsta was launched by Tom Zsomborgi in January 3rd 2023.

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  • #20
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