Transform your databases into APIs in 1 minute
1stProduct of the week


Transform your databases into APIs in 1 minute

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Simplify your database experience with Neurelo. It eliminates many database tools and complexities by providing instant AI-powered REST and GraphQL APIs, GitSchema, Observability, and more for MongoDB, Postgres, and MySQL. Focus on what matters – your code.

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Comments, support and feedback

  • Call Me Fred
    2 months ago

    Super smart narrow use of GenAI for AI-assisted coding. Well done guys!

  • shashank agarwal
    3 months ago

    This looks amazing. @maker of this product: Do you have a monetization option?

  • Lars
    3 months ago

    It's amazing to see what the team has built in a short time!

  • Devluc
    3 months ago

    Awesome project. Supported. Good luck with the launch

  • Gabriel Fair
    3 months ago

    I was on the fence about this until i saw that it covers the big 3 databases. Every company I've worked for has created this sort of thing in house for testing and also for solution proving. I think this product is in a niche of it's own here and a lot of start ups could benefit from having Neurelo in their stack

  • Qlop T
    3 months ago

    This looks really promising!

About this launch

Neurelo was launched by Shani Shoham in May 7th 2024.

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