MaxiBlocks Free Page Builder & Template Library


MaxiBlocks Free Page Builder & Template Library

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MaxiBlocks is a no-code visual page builder and block library that can create responsive, fast-loading web pages using an integrated design library. You can choose from 1,830 patterns, 128-page templates, and 13,400 SVG icons to kickstart page building and bring your creative vision to life.

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  • MaxiBlocks
  • MaxiBlocks
  • MaxiBlocks
  • MaxiBlocks
  • MaxiBlocks

Comments, support and feedback

  • Diane
    4 months ago

    Beautiful designs

  • Devluc
    4 months ago

    Really cool project. Congratulations. Supported

About this launch

MaxiBlocks was launched by Kyra Pieterse in March 26th 2024.

  • 19
  • 3283
  • #5
    Week rank

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