Full open-source toolkit for next-level domain analysis

Domain Digger

Full open-source toolkit for next-level domain analysis

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Domain Digger is an open-source web-based utility for retrieving various domain related details
  • Domain Digger
  • Domain Digger
  • Domain Digger
  • Domain Digger
  • Domain Digger

Comments, support and feedback

  • Fazal
    7 months ago


  • Raphael Kaiser
    a year ago

    Love the product, congrats on the launch!

  • Bhavik (Impler.io)
    a year ago

    Loved it. I always look for domain information when starting with a new idea.

  • Felix Wotschofsky
    a year ago

    Hey there, thanks for checking out Domain Digger! I started this project out of frustration with similar existing tools. I would find myself switching between multiple different tools and copy-pasting a lot of data around. With Domain Digger I made it my goal, to incorporate all relevant tools into one and present them in one cohesive package. Here are the most important features: * 🌍 Comprehensive DNS Lookup: Access detailed DNS information. * πŸ“ IP Details & Geolocation: Get precise IP information including location data. * πŸ’‘ Smart Suggestions: Intelligent recommendations for efficient searches. * πŸ”— Global DNS Lookup: Perform DNS lookups across different global servers. * πŸ”„ Multiple DNS Resolvers: Utilize various DNS resolvers for diverse insights. * πŸ—ΊοΈ DNS Map Visualization: Visual representation of DNS data. * πŸ” Full & Quick WHOIS Lookup: Rapid and detailed WHOIS data retrieval. * πŸ“œ Certificate History: Track SSL/TLS certificate changes over time. * πŸ”– Quick-access Bookmarklet: Bookmark for fast access. * πŸŒ“ Light and Dark Mode: Choose your preferred theme for comfortable use. Very curious to hear your feedback! Is there something you'd like to see added?

About this launch

Domain Digger was launched by Felix Wotschofsky in March 26th 2024.

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  • #4
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