Never be confused about DNS again

DNS for Developers 🎓

Never be confused about DNS again

Learn DNS once and for all. This course includes 6 modules:
  1. DNS from first principles
  2. Domain names
  3. Operational DNS
  4. Types of DNS records
  5. Email and the DNS
  6. Debugging DNS issues
  • DNS for Developers 🎓

Comments, support and feedback

  • Ruurtjan Pul
    9 months ago

    Hi DevHunt 👋 I've spent the last 2 years full-time building Now I'm teaching everything I know about DNS in this course. AMA :)

About this launch

DNS for Developers 🎓 was launched by Ruurtjan Pul in January 3rd 2023.

  • 8
  • 2554
  • #82
    Week rank

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