Don't follow the trend, Manage It!


Don't follow the trend, Manage It!

The best directory NextJs boilerplate to dominate your niche and become the next listing place to be.
  • DirectoryFast
  • DirectoryFast
  • DirectoryFast

Comments, support and feedback

  • Dany
    2 months ago

    Hey DevHunt! I'm Dany, and I used to live a pretty wild life, traveling the world for 12 years. But last year, I decided to settle down and get back to what I really love - building stuff. I jumped into indie hacking (because apparently, I can't stay away from risks) and ended up creating a book directory. It's now getting about 2,000 indie hackers visiting each month, which is pretty cool. But here's the thing - in this game, you've got to stay ahead. That's why I made DirectoryFast from it. It's a tool that lets you build feature-rich directory websites super quick. I wanted to make something that's not just good, but also easy for anyone to use. With DirectoryFast, you get: • A modern tech stack (NextJS, Tailwind, Shadcn, NextAuth...) • Built-in community features like ratings, favorites, and user collections • SEO optimization to help your directory get found • Easy payment integration with LemonSqueezy • A customizable admin dashboard The best part? You can set it all up in under 10 minutes, even if you're not a coding pro. So if you've got an idea for a directory but don't want to spend months coding, give DirectoryFast a shot. I'd love to hear what you think and see what kind of directories you come up with!

About this launch

DirectoryFast by Dany Will be launched September 17th 2024.

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