Easy API and Database Backend
1stProduct of the week


Easy API and Database Backend

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codehooks.io is a JavaScript-powered backend-as-a-service for building APIs quickly without any complicated setup. Without coding, you get a CRUD API right away. Using the built-in machinery like NoSQL db and key-value store, worker queues, scheduled jobs, authentication, custom domains and more, you can build anything and deploy within seconds.

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  • codehooks.io
  • codehooks.io
  • codehooks.io

Comments, support and feedback

  • slaven lulic
    2 months ago

    My BITDEFENDER dont beelive in tools

About this launch

codehooks.io was launched by Knut Martin Tornes in May 21st 2024.

  • 13
  • 5429
  • #1
    Week rank

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