Ask AI questions with full Codebase context on your Desktop!

Code Snippets AI - Your Codebase + AI

Ask AI questions with full Codebase context on your Desktop!

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The Code Snippets AI desktop app is an enhanced chat interface for the most popular Open and Closed-Source LLMs. Enabling developers to chat with the latest AI models Including OpenAI GPT-4, Mixtral 8x7B, Capybara 7B. Index the folder where your project is located, to add it to chat context!

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  • Code Snippets AI - Your Codebase + AI
  • Code Snippets AI - Your Codebase + AI
  • Code Snippets AI - Your Codebase + AI

Comments, support and feedback

  • Rafal
    5 months ago

    all my code snippets are in Code Snippets AI. no exceptions.

  • Dima Rub
    5 months ago

    One of the best coding assistants in existence!

  • Carl Poppa
    5 months ago

    Probably one of the best coding assistants out there. And I'm not just saying this because Stefan is handsome. It is a well-crafted product and I highly recommend it.

  • Philipp Keller
    5 months ago

    I like that you launch this on DevHunt after Producthunt was not worthy of your product. All the best, Stef!

  • Matthias Neumayer
    5 months ago

    Forget Github Copilot or Cursor. This is what you need! Great product Stef!

  • Stefan F Meyer
    7 months ago

    Description continued... Use the Desktop app with any IDE, great for those who work in XCode and Jetbrains etc.
 Index the folder where your project is located, and Code Snippets AI will index your project for the AI's context. The app listens to changes in your codebase, feeding the latest changes to your chat context. Please let us know what you think!

About this launch

Code Snippets AI - Your Codebase + AI was launched by Stefan F Meyer in February 20th 2024.

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  • 4707
  • #9
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