Awesome Tools
Resize image, generate favicons, make CSS animation, and more tools in one place
Developers often face boring tasks such as image resizing, audio trimming, preparing favicons, converting timestamp, and so on. And we often reach for online tools that are 1. poorly-designed, 2. bloated with ads, or 3. simply not maintained.
Awesome Tools a toolbox that provides all those tools in one place, and it has 1. modern standard UIs 2. minimum ads (*) 3. always up-to-date (if not, please let me know!)
(*) We currently have 0 ads. In the future, we may add an minimum ads to keep the service alive. But it will no more than 1 small ad in the footer.
If you have any request on tools, please let me know. I will add it immediately ;)
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About this launch
Awesome Tools was launched by Yuya Uzu in 5 days ago.
- 4Upvotes
- 1643Impressions
- #3Week rank