An English School for you with English courses for every level

Academic IELTS exam preparation course in London – Study english in the UK

An English School for you with English courses for every level

Academic IELTS is an internationally recognised english language test which is used as an entry requirement for studying at universities in the UK. We fully prepare you for the IELTS exam so that you can achieve your target score. You will continue to learn English through exam practice alongside relevant grammar and vocabulary exercises.

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  • Academic IELTS exam preparation course in London – Study english in the UK
  • Academic IELTS exam preparation course in London – Study english in the UK
  • Academic IELTS exam preparation course in London – Study english in the UK

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    About this launch

    Academic IELTS exam preparation course in London – Study english in the UK was launched by Asif in January 2nd 2024.

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