Published Oct 26, 2023 ⦁ 7 min read

Why Outsource to Software Development Firms? Gain Specialized Skills at Lower Costs

Introduction: The Benefits of Outsourcing Software Development

Outsourcing software development to specialized IT consultancies and dev shops provides many advantages compared to building in-house teams. These outsourcing providers offer access to niche expertise, cost savings through greater efficiency, flexibility to scale up or down rapidly, and knowledge of the latest technologies and methodologies. With rigorous testing and established processes, quality is also ensured.

  • Outsourcing software development provides access to specialized skills and expertise that may not be available locally. Firms maintain diverse talent pools with niche skills in AI/ML, AR/VR, IoT and more.

  • Development costs are often lower when outsourcing compared to hiring in-house teams. Outsourced teams in lower-cost locations reduce overall project expenses. There's no need to invest in office space, equipment, HR and other overhead.

  • Outsourcing offers greater flexibility and ability to scale teams up or down to match workloads. You pay only for the work being done rather than salaried employees.

  • Firms provide knowledge of the latest languages, frameworks, and methodologies by staying on top of emerging technologies. Their developers continuously upgrade their skills.

  • Quality is ensured through rigorous testing and established processes like code reviews, documentation, and mature QA standards.

Cost Savings

Outsourced software development houses in lower-cost regions can significantly reduce overall project costs in several ways:

  • Teams located in countries with lower salaries and overhead naturally reduce total expenditures. The cost per developer is much lower.

  • There's no need to invest in office space, equipment, HR, training, and other overhead when outsourcing. The firm handles all of that.

  • You pay only for the work being done rather than carrying salaries of full-time employees. Activity can be scaled up or down flexibly.

  • Larger outsourced teams allow projects to be completed faster by throwing more human resources at critical initiatives.

  • Firms have economies of scale from servicing multiple clients over many years. Their processes are optimized for efficiency.

Access to Specialized Skills

Outsourced software development providers maintain diverse talent pools with specialized skills not readily available locally:

  • Firms proactively seek out and develop talent in niche technology skills that may be hard to find in your city. This provides access to specialized expertise.

  • Outsourcing provides access to skills and knowledge from other geographic regions that may be ahead of what's available locally.

  • There's no need to vet and find highly specialized developers with proficiency in new or legacy languages. Firms have experts ready.

  • Leading firms like DevHunt stay on top of emerging languages, frameworks, methodologies so their teams have expertise in the latest technologies.

  • Certain complex enterprise projects require skills too advanced for junior developers. Outsourcing provides seasoned experts.

Focus on Core Business

Outsourcing software projects enables focus on core products and offerings rather than building in-house dev teams:

  • Avoid the hassles and stress of recruiting, building, and managing software teams. Let the experts handle it.

  • Focus your resources and energy on enhancing your core products, services, and offerings.

  • Let experienced firms manage the complexities of software projects using proven processes.

  • Internal staff are freed up to work on more strategic initiatives central to the business.

  • Outsourcing can simplify long-term planning and budgeting for technology projects.

Choosing the Right Outsourcing Partner

Selecting the right outsourcing partner requires evaluating expertise, communication practices, project management processes, security protocols, and client references:

  • Look for firms with expertise relevant to your specific project's needs and use cases.

  • Review portfolios and case studies to verify capabilities in your industry and with required technologies.

  • Ask about communication practices, collaboration tools like Jira, Trello, and overall project management approach.

  • Inquire about security protocols like 2FA, access controls, VPNs and intellectual property controls.

  • Favor firms with glowing testimonials and client references in your domain.

Industry and Technology Expertise

For best results, the ideal partner has proven experience building similar apps:

  • Seek experience developing within your specific industry like healthcare, finance, etc. Domain knowledge is invaluable.

  • Choose firms proficient with languages, frameworks, databases required by your project. Alignment accelerates progress.

  • Verify expertise in emerging related technologies like AI/ML, cloud, blockchain that may be leveraged.

  • Look for knowledge of regulations like HIPAA that applies in certain industries and must be accommodated.

  • Favor developers with backgrounds similar to your target use cases and user profiles.

Communication and Collaboration

Define expectations upfront for smooth collaboration:

  • Agree on schedules for status reports, standups, demonstrations, and ongoing cadences.

  • Pick firms open to using your preferred platforms and tools for collaboration.

  • Discuss processes for specification changes, approvals, notifications to prevent misalignment.

  • Align on realistic timelines for milestones, deliverables, testing, and releases.

  • Ensure developers will be available during key business hours for meetings and reviews.

Quality and Security

Validate capabilities in quality assurance, information security, and intellectual property controls:

  • Ask about code testing processes, reviews, QA standards and methodologies.

  • Review information security policies, compliance certifications, and auditing.

  • Verify protocols for protecting source code, architecture designs, and other intellectual property.

  • Discuss disaster recovery plans and business continuity guarantees in case of interruptions.

  • Require thorough code documentation for long-term maintainability by your team.

Managing Outsourced Projects Successfully

Define scope clearly upfront and maintain transparent communication for successful outsourced projects:

  • Clearly define project scope, objectives, requirements, and priorities early on. Leave no room for misinterpretations.

  • Maintain ongoing transparent communication and feedback loops between both teams.

  • Leverage project management tools to provide visibility into progress, blockers, and milestones.

  • Define quantitative metrics and SLAs like uptime or response time for measuring deliverables and quality.

  • Build in contingencies for potential timeline adjustments, change requests, and scope creep.

Setting Expectations

Set clear expectations upfront to avoid misalignments:

  • Provide high-level vision but leave technical details to the experts during implementation.

  • Align on communication cadences, response times, meeting schedules, and availability.

  • Define approval processes for design choices, releases, specification changes, etc.

  • Clarify roles and responsibilities for both teams. Document who is accountable for what.

  • Ensure developers understand your target users, industry, use cases, and requirements intimately.

Oversight and Governance

Maintain active governance through the engagement:

  • Require access to project dashboards, task management, QA reports, and other artifacts.

  • Conduct sprint reviews, request regular demos, audit code quality, and validate performance.

  • Establish change control processes early on for modifications, approvals, notifications, etc.

  • Reserve the right to conduct code reviews and audits periodically.

  • Monitor budget versus actual costs continuously. Require detailed invoices.

Building Effective Partnerships

Foster personal connections and mutual understanding:

  • Cultivate personal relationships between team members through introductions, visits, socials, etc.

  • Recognize and appreciate developer contributions often through bonuses, awards, retrospectives.

  • Solicit candid feedback from the firm on improving collaboration, processes, and relationships.

  • Discuss ways to expand the relationship over time through new projects, responsibilities, and access.

  • Reward high performance with expanded scope, incentives, and preference for future work.

Conclusion: Leveraging Specialized Skills for Better Execution

Outsourcing software development complements in-house capabilities allowing both firms and clients to focus on their true specialties for better outcomes. IT consultancies and dev shops provide scalability, flexibility, niche expertise, and cost efficiency that in-house teams would struggle to match. However, realizing these benefits requires choosing partners strategically based on project needs and technical requirements. Effective oversight, governance, transparency, and relationship building ensures outsourcing success over the long-term. Outsourced developers become trusted advisors while clients gain loyal partners. With the right approach, outsourcing unlocks skills and capacity impossible internally.

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