Published Oct 26, 2023 ⦁ 5 min read

Unlock Web Developer Magic with Safari Tools


Safari's built-in web developer tools provide a powerful toolkit right out of the box, removing the need for many popular Chrome and Firefox extensions. The Inspector, Debugger, Resources panel, and mobile simulation deliver robust capabilities for building, testing, and optimizing modern websites and web apps. With Safari's integrated toolkit, you can skip installing extensions and get right to crush bugs, auditing performance, and crafting cutting-edge user experiences.

The key tools include real-time editing of page content and styles with the Inspector, stepping through JavaScript code line-by-line with the Debugger, monitoring network requests and diagnosing bottlenecks using Resources, and simulating responsive designs across mobile devices. Whether you want to rapidly tweak UI, hunt down script bugs, improve page speed, or build cutting-edge interfaces, Safari brings together an integrated set of must-have developer tools.

Diving Into the Inspector

The Inspector facilitates real-time tweaking of page content and styles on the fly. With it, you can visually explore and edit the DOM, CSS, and accessibility of a web page and immediately see the results.

Use the Inspector to rapidly experiment with styles without needing to refresh the page. Audit and improve accessibility. Debug responsive designs and media queries. Having real-time editing profoundly improves development workflows compared to the edit-and-refresh cycle.

Key Highlights of the Inspector

The Inspector provides diverse perspectives into the ingredients of a web page. Some of the most useful capabilities include:

  • Live editing of HTML, CSS, and DOM attributes
  • Viewing layout details like box models
  • Inspecting modern CSS like grid and flexbox
  • Visualizing media queries across breakpoints
  • Auditing accessibility issues
  • Pixel-perfect rulers and magnifying glass
  • Capturing screenshots of specific elements
  • Color picker, contrast checker, and more

You can even persist changes locally to test different states. The Inspector delivers a robust HTML and CSS editing environment right inside the browser.

Responsive Design with Device Simulation

Building responsive sites is a breeze with Safari's integrated device simulation. You can:

  • Resize viewports to emulate mobile screens
  • Configure touch events and gestures
  • Override geolocation and user agent values
  • Visualize media queries as you interact
  • Throttle CPU and network speeds
  • Debug hard-to-find mobile rendering issues

Test across a range of emulated devices like iPhone, iPad, and desktops. Configure pixel ratios, networks speeds, and location values. Debug complex multi-breakpoint responsive designs with ease.

Step-by-Step JavaScript Debugging

The built-in Debugger allows pausing and stepping through JavaScript code just like in IDEs. Set breakpoints, inspect variables, and monitor the call stack as code executes.

Essential Debugger Capabilities

Key debugging features include:

  • Breakpoints to pause execution
  • Stepping through code line-by-line
  • Inspecting the call stack and local variables
  • Watching expressions and logging
  • Promise and async code debugging
  • Network request and DOM breakpoints
  • Device throttling to simulate slow networks

The Debugger helps you diagnose everything from syntax errors to logical bugs in script execution. Profile memory usage and performance. Track network requests causing bottlenecks. The integrated debugging environment delivers all the essentials for effective JavaScript debugging.

Built-in Framework Debugging

The Debugger also facilitates debugging popular frameworks:

  • Sourcemaps to debug minified code
  • Specialized views for frameworks
  • React component hierarchy and state
  • Angular dependency injection browser
  • Vue reactivity and component tree visualization
  • Ember objects and dependency graphing
  • jQuery selector profiler

No more jumping through hoops to debug minified production code. Safari handles sourcemaps, specialized object browsers, DOM breakpoints, and other complex needs of modern JavaScript frameworks.

Network Insights with Resources

The Resources panel provides invaluable insights into all the assets loaded by a website. It includes:

  • Waterfall view of requests
  • Previewing images, fonts, and other assets
  • Inspecting headers
  • Page load timeline visualization
  • Runtime caching and service worker inspection
  • Network and CPU throttling

What Resources Offers

With Resources you can:

  • Filter and search requests
  • Check images and fonts without downloading them
  • View request and response headers
  • See page load events on a timeline
  • Debug service workers and caching
  • Override caching and throttle speed

Resources helps reveal networking issues and opportunities to optimize page speed.

Auditing Performance

In addition to network monitoring, Resources provides audits to improve performance:

  • Page load speed metrics
  • First paint and largest contentful paint tracking
  • Total page load timeline
  • Identify unused CSS and unoptimized images
  • Detect missing compression and caching

Use Resources to diagnose slow page loads across networks and devices. It offers actionable insights to boost performance and loading speed.

More Integrated Tools for Web Development

Beyond its core toolkit, Safari offers additional built-in tools:

  • Local overrides editor
  • WebGL shader debugger
  • IndexedDB and cache inspection
  • Improved console API
  • Dark theme
  • Custom tool extensions

Emulate sensors, override geolocation, and mock user agents. Debug complex WebGL shaders step-by-step. Inspect storage mechanisms like IndexedDB. Safari provides diverse integrated tools for modern web development.


With its robust built-in toolkit, Safari delivers all the essential web developer tools without requiring extensions. The Inspector enables real-time editing of styles and content. The Debugger allows stepping through JavaScript. Resources monitors network requests and audits performance. Mobile simulation streamlines responsive testing.

Safari's integrated tools work seamlessly together to build, refine, and optimize modern web experiences. The Inspector, Debugger, and Resources combine must-have capabilities for rapid development and debugging. By removing the need for extensions, Safari lets you unlock your web developer magic faster.

Ready to give Safari's tools a spin? Check out DevHunt to explore and compare the top web developer tools across all the major browsers.