Published Nov 9, 2023 ⦁ 5 min read

Track Website Performance with the Best Website Analytics


In today's digital world, website analytics have become a must-have for businesses seeking to optimize their online presence and boost results. With website analytics, companies gain invaluable insights into website traffic, visitor behavior, conversions, and more. For ecommerce businesses in particular, analytics are crucial to maximize online revenue. Robust analytics empower data-driven decisions to continuously improve digital experiences. But with the sea of options available, how do you determine the best website analytics platforms for your needs?

In this post, we'll compare some of the top analytics tools and metrics to consider. Whether you run a small business website or a large ecommerce platform, leveraging the right analytics paves the way for optimizing journeys to increase engagement and conversions. Implementing a solution tailored to your goals and resources enables fact-based decisions to gain a competitive advantage.

Leading Website Analytics Platforms

Several robust platforms dominate the website analytics space, with key players including:

Google Analytics

The free gold standard, Google Analytics offers unmatched breadth across standard metrics. It seamlessly integrates insights from other Google tools. Limitations include data sampling caps and less flexibility compared to paid tools.

Adobe Analytics

A powerful enterprise-level paid platform with advanced capabilities like attribution modeling and predictive intelligence. Adobe centralizes insights across channels for unified analysis. Highly customizable but requires expertise.


Matomo is an open source alternative focused on data ownership and privacy. As a self-hosted platform, it provides unrestricted data access without reliance on any external service. The tradeoff is a steeper learning curve.


Heap differentiates itself with retroactive session analysis to see exactly how users interacted with each page element. This powerfully optimizes UX by uncovering usability issues leading to dropoff.


Geared for understanding funnel conversion and retention, Mixpanel excels at segmenting users and analyzing engagement over time. Its pricing scales based on monthly actions tracked.

These leading solutions each have strengths in specific analytics capabilities, use cases, pricing models and other factors. The optimal choice depends on your business goals, resources, and reporting needs.

Key Website Analytics Metrics and Reports

In addition to the platform, you need to track metrics aligned to your goals:

Audience Overview

Baseline metrics like visits, unique visitors, engagement time reveal overall website popularity and trends. Visitor segmentation provides demographics for persona targeting.


Analyze traffic sources driving visitors and conversions. Compare channel costs and ROI to optimize spend. Review keywords for SEO insights.


User flows uncover common clickpaths through the site. Page-level analytics highlight sticking points increasing exits. Clearly defined goals and events drive actionable behavior insights.


Configure goals to monitor key conversion funnels from initial visit to signup, purchase, or other objectives. Run A/B tests to continuously improve performance.

Custom Reporting

Build dashboards tailored to your most important KPIs. Leverage segments and integrations to complete the picture for comprehensive analysis.

Choosing the Right Platform

With countless options available, focus on platforms offering insights tailored to your specific business goals and metrics. Consider factors like:

  • Reporting needs and KPIs
  • Internal resources and expertise
  • Data volumes and scalability
  • Platform costs and value
  • Integrations with other systems
  • Ability to drive an optimization culture

The best analytics solution empowers your team with actionable data to boost engagement and ROI.

For example, a small business on Shopify may find the built-in Shopify analytics sufficient for basic reports. Medium-sized companies may gain greater insights from Google Analytics to improve SEO and email marketing. Large enterprises may invest in Adobe Analytics for advanced segmentation, attribution, and predictive capabilities at scale.

Understanding your unique business objectives and constraints helps narrow down the ideal analytics platform.

Maximizing Value from Analytics

Simply having analytics is not enough. To drive value:

  • Move from passive reporting to active optimization

  • Review reports regularly and measure optimization impact

  • Democratize dashboard access across teams

  • Continuously test new opportunities for improvement

  • Integrate analytics into your broader digital strategy

By fostering a culture focused on analytics-driven incremental testing and refinement, you’ll sustain long-term gains.

For example, ecommerce sites can analyze shopping cart abandonment rates and experiment with email or push notifications to recover dropoffs. Or test layout changes on product pages to lift conversions. Analytics platforms like Google Optimize even make A/B testing seamless.

Key Takeaways

  • Analytics provide invaluable data to optimize experiences and boost online growth.

  • Leading platforms have strengths around functionality, use cases, pricing models and other factors.

  • Focus on metrics aligned to overarching business goals beyond just website data.

  • Look for analytics enabling easy sharing, customization, and actionable insights tailored to your needs.

  • A culture focused on continuous testing and improvement guided by analytics drives value.

Ready to select a platform aligned to your goals and start leveraging insights? Check out DevHunt's featured analytics and optimization tools to find the right solution for your website and business needs. Their launchpad showcases top developer technologies - including analytics, A/B testing, and monitoring platforms - to help you evaluate options. Sign up on DevHunt to explore analytics providers that can take your online results to the next level.