Published Oct 15, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Track Web Analytics For Better Reporting


Implementing web analytics tracking can provide game-changing insights into how users interact with your website or application. By gathering data on traffic sources, volumes, engagement metrics, conversions, and more, analytics empowers data-driven decisions and continuous optimization.

Platforms like DevHunt integrate leading analytics solutions like Google Analytics and Mixpanel to give developers visibility into community engagement. Core metrics provided out-of-the-box include traffic volume, bounce rate, average session duration, and conversion funnel performance. These insights highlight opportunities to improve user experiences, increase conversions, and achieve business goals.

The goal of this article is to discuss best practices for implementing web analytics reporting in order to generate actionable reports. We’ll cover choosing a platform, configuring tracking, segmenting data, building custom reports, and analyzing insights to guide decisions. With the right analytics tracking strategy, you can unlock a wealth of data to boost results.

Choosing a Web Analytics Platform

Many excellent analytics platforms exist, including Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Mixpanel, Amplitude, and more. Consider factors like available features, pricing, ease of implementation, data ownership, and integrations with other platforms.

DevHunt provides built-in integration with leading solutions to deliver out-of-the-box tracking and reporting. Once you choose a platform, you'll need to add the required tracking code to your website to start collecting data. Clearly define tracking plan rules to link analytics to other platforms like advertising, email, and CRM.

Configuring Tracking Settings

Begin by enabling core metrics like pageviews, sessions, users, and bounce rate. Then track custom events for interactions like clicks, form submissions, downloads, signups, purchases, etc. Configure goals and conversion funnels tailored to your business objectives, like newsletter signups or premium plan purchases.

For DevHunt’s marketplace, implement ecommerce tracking to measure product performance. Leverage DevHunt’s predefined events, funnels, and configurations to accelerate implementation.

Segmenting Your Data

Segmentation is key for deriving targeted insights. Use tags, custom variables, and filters to slice data by criteria like traffic source, location, device, browser, frequency, recency, and more. Analyze marketing channel performance by segmenting traffic by source and medium.

DevHunt’s robust audience targeting options allow you to define and analyze segments like email subscribers, high-value customers, and more. Segmentation uncovers performance gaps and opportunities for optimization.

Tracking On-Page Engagement

Analytics provides invaluable visibility into how visitors navigate and interact with your site or app. On-page metrics like scrolling, clicks, form usage, and more reveal visitor intent and behavior.

Scroll Tracking

Measure how far down each page visitors scroll to gauge engagement. Track exits before reaching key content to identify potential issues. Scroll depth and percentage metrics inform better page design and layout. Integrations like ScrollMapper make scroll tracking simple.

Click Tracking

Analyze clicks on buttons, links, menus, and other page elements to uncover most popular content and user paths. Identify dead ends and leverage heatmaps from tools like Hotjar to visualize clicks. Use these insights to better position calls-to-action and optimize page layouts.

Form Tracking

Monitor form usage, conversions, and drop-off rates to find and fix issues impeding completions. Track interactions with each field to detect problems. Improved form analytics lifts conversions for emails, trials, purchases, and more.

Heatmaps and Session Recordings

Heatmaps visualize clicks, taps, and scrolling to highlight engagement hot spots. Session recordings capture on-site struggles to identify usability issues. Both help inform design and content optimization. SessionCam and Hotjar offer full-featured heatmap and recording capabilities.

A/B Testing

Run A/B tests with statistical significance to identify high-performing page variants. Test different headlines, copy, designs, layouts, and calls-to-action. Implement winning versions to maximize conversions site-wide. Tools like Google Optimize make A/B testing simple and powerful.

Monitoring Site Performance

Site speed is critical for conversions, engagement, and SEO. Use analytics to monitor performance and diagnose issues. Load times, synthetic monitoring, real user data, and user timing metrics provide a holistic view of speed and availability.

Page Speed Metrics

Track overall page load times along with DOM and content render durations to gauge user experience. Set targets for acceptable speeds by page and monitor trends. Diagnose slow components causing bottlenecks. The Page Speed module is DevHunt’s integrated performance monitoring tool.

User Timing Tracking

Measure backend request times, database queries, and front-end component loads using markers and intervals. Identify poorly optimized third-party code introducing lag. User timing metrics shine a light on hidden performance sinks.

Synthetic Monitoring

Simulate user journeys across locations to monitor uptime and availability. Get alerts for outages and track status over time. However, synthetic checks alone can miss real user performance gaps.

Real User Monitoring

Real user monitoring (RUM) gathers speed and availability data from actual user sessions across geographies, devices, and networks. RUM provides real world data to complement synthetic monitoring. Tools like New Relic blend synthetic and RUM data for full visibility.

Diagnosing Issues

Drill into slow pages and transactions to pinpoint root causes like inefficient APIs, database queries, external services, etc. Relate speed metrics to business KPIs to quantify performance impact. Leverage tools like New Relic Browser to diagnose issues.

Monitoring User Behavior

Analyzing how users navigate and convert provides tremendous insights to drive engagement. Track key behaviors across the user lifecycle from acquisition to activation, retention, and beyond.

Acquisition Channels

Report on the volume and quality of users from each marketing channel. Track attribution to gauge ROI and optimize spend. For DevHunt, monitor performance across organic search, social media, email campaigns, and other sources of new users.

User Paths

Visualize the journeys users take through your site or app. Identify common entry and exit pages, paths leading to conversions, and drop-off points revealing UX issues. Tools like Mixpanel and Amplitude provide complete path analysis.


Map multi-step processes like signups, checkouts, and onboarding. Measure drop-off at each stage to pinpoint leaks and frictions. Improving funnel performance increases conversions and retention. Monitor DevHunt’s developer onboarding funnel for insights.

User Retention

Analyze repeat usage and churn rate over time, segmented by persona, plan, cohort, and more. Identify issues driving attrition across user segments and inform retention strategies. DevHunt’s robust retention reports spotlight opportunities to better engage users long-term.

User Profiles

Build audience personas based on behavior, demographics, preferences, and more. Personalize experiences, content, and messaging for each segment to boost engagement. Mixpanel and Amplitude provide powerful segmentation and profiling capabilities.


Implementing comprehensive web analytics reporting provides invaluable insights into audience behavior and business performance. Configure tracking to capture key metrics across traffic, conversions, speed, and user engagement. Build custom reports to analyze trends, identify issues, and uncover optimization opportunities.

With platforms like DevHunt, it’s easy to start monitoring analytics and acting on data to boost results. Check out DevHunt's built-in analytics and reporting features to take your web analytics tracking to the next level.