Published Apr 18, 2024 ⦁ 30 min read
Top Web Analytics Tools for Tracking Website Performance in 2024

Top Web Analytics Tools for Tracking Website Performance in 2024

Looking for the best web analytics tools to track your website's performance in 2024? Whether you're starting a new website or seeking to enhance your current analytics strategy, this guide offers a comprehensive look at the top options available. From understanding visitor behavior to improving conversion rates, the right analytics tool can provide insights that are crucial for your site's success. Here's a quick rundown of what each tool offers:

  • Google Analytics: The go-to tool for most, offering detailed insights, real-time data, and integration with Google's suite.
  • Mixpanel: Focuses on user interaction, with features for tracking events and analyzing funnels.
  • Hotjar: Provides visual insights with heatmaps and user recordings.
  • SEMrush: A comprehensive SEO tool that also offers web analytics.
  • Crazy Egg: Visual analytics with heatmaps and user session recordings.
  • Matomo: A privacy-focused, open-source analytics tool.
  • Adobe Analytics: Offers deep insights and integration with Adobe's marketing products.
  • Woopra: Tracks customer journeys in real time.
  • Clicky: Offers instant data and straightforward analytics.
  • Fathom Analytics: Simplifies analytics while emphasizing privacy.

Quick Comparison

Tool Key Features Pricing Privacy Focus
Google Analytics Detailed insights, real-time data Free basic, $150K+ for 360 No
Mixpanel Event tracking, funnel analysis Free up to 1K users, $20+/month after No
Hotjar Heatmaps, session recordings Limited free, $29+/month No
SEMrush SEO analytics, competitor analysis $130+/month No
Crazy Egg Visual analytics, A/B testing $24+/month after free trial No
Matomo Open-source, full data ownership Free self-hosted, $19+/month cloud Yes
Adobe Analytics Advanced segmentation, predictive analytics Contact for quote No
Woopra Real-time tracking, customer journey analysis Free up to 500K actions, $999+/month No
Clicky Instant data, simple analytics Free under 1K views, $9.99+/month No
Fathom Simplified reports, privacy-centric $14+/month for 1 site Yes

Choosing the right web analytics tool depends on your specific needs, budget, and data privacy priorities. Whether you need detailed SEO insights, real-time user behavior analysis, or a privacy-focused approach, there's a tool that fits.

Criteria for Comparison

When you're looking at different web analytics tools, think about these important points:


Different tools have different special features. Here are some things to check out:

  • Reporting capabilities: How good is the tool at making reports? Can you make your own reports? Can you see data as it happens?
  • Data collection: What kind of information does the tool gather right away - like how many people visit, what they do, etc.? Is this information correct and trustworthy?
  • Integration: Can the tool work well with other systems you use, like customer management or marketing tools? Is there a way to connect it using APIs?
  • Attribution modeling: Can the tool help you understand how different marketing efforts lead people to your site through various channels?
  • Predictive analytics: Does the tool use smart tech like AI to help you see future trends or opportunities?
  • Customization: Can you change how dashboards look, or how data is grouped? Can you make it look like it's your own tool?


  • Ease of use: Is it simple for someone who's not a tech expert to use? Is everything easy to find and understand?

  • Learning curve: How much do you need to learn to get the most out of it? Is there help available if you get stuck?

  • Mobile access: Can you use it on your phone? Are there alerts or reports you can check when you're not at your computer?


  • Data limits: Is there a limit on how much information the tool can handle each month?

  • Data governance: Is the company open about how they handle and protect your data?

  • Uptime & reliability: Has the tool been reliable and available when needed?


  • Pricing model: Is it free, do you pay as you go, or is there a set price? Is it meant for big companies?

  • Cost: Does the price make sense for what you get? Are there discounts if you use a lot?

  • Free trial: Can you try it for free to see if you like it? Do you need a credit card? What features can you use during the trial?

Looking at these points can help you see what each tool is good at and what it's not so good at. The best choice depends on what you need, how much you can spend, and how detailed you want your analysis to be. Always think about what you specifically need before picking a tool.

Comparative Analysis of Top Web Analytics Tools

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics


Google Analytics helps you keep track of who visits your website and what they do there. Here's what it offers:

  • You can see what's happening on your site right now with real-time analytics.
  • It gives detailed reports on where your visitors come from, who they are, what they do on your site, and if they end up buying something or signing up.
  • You can set up your own dashboards to focus on the information that matters most to you.
  • It lets you look closer at specific data with segmentation tools.
  • Google Analytics works well with other Google tools like Search Console and Google Ads.


Google Analytics is pretty straightforward to use for checking basic reports. But, if you want to customize reports or dashboards, it might take a bit of time to learn how. There are plenty of guides and community help to get you through the tough parts.

Integration Capabilities

Google Analytics fits nicely with other Google marketing tools (like Google Ads and Google Search Console) and can connect with over 200 other tools like Salesforce and Mailchimp through apps and APIs.


For most small websites, Google Analytics is free and does everything you need. Bigger companies might need more features, which is where Google Analytics 360 comes in, starting at $150,000 a year.

Unique Selling Points

Google Analytics is super popular, which means there's a lot of help out there if you get stuck. The free version is really generous, without any limits on data. For big businesses, Google Analytics 360 offers some serious power, backed up by Google Cloud.

2. Mixpanel



Mixpanel is a tool that helps you understand what people do on your website or app. It looks at user actions like clicking buttons, filling out forms, or just visiting pages. Here's what it can do:

  • Event Tracking: Keeps track of specific things users do, helping you see patterns or popular actions.
  • Funnel Analysis: Shows you the path users take on your site, helping you spot where they stop or leave.
  • Retention Analysis: Finds out how often people come back to your site and what they do when they return.
  • A/B Testing: Lets you show different versions of your site to see which one works better.
  • Segmentation: Groups users based on their actions or details like age, helping you target messages better.


Mixpanel is user-friendly, letting you drag and drop to create reports. But, doing deep dives into data might need some learning.

Integration Capabilities

Mixpanel can connect with other tools like Zendesk or Salesforce, and it works with mobile apps too.


Mixpanel is free for tracking up to 1,000 users. If you have more users, plans start at $20/month. There are also custom plans for big businesses.

Unique Selling Points

Mixpanel is great for looking closely at how users interact with your product and making your site better based on real user actions. It's especially good for teams that aren't too tech-savvy but still want to get deep insights.

3. Hotjar



Hotjar is really good at showing you how people use your website or app. It has tools to help you see what parts of your site people are most interested in and where they might be getting stuck. Here's what it does:

  • Heatmaps: These are like pictures that show where people click, touch, or spend time on your site.
  • Recordings: You can watch videos of how real visitors use your site.
  • Funnels: See where people are leaving your site when they're trying to do something, like buy a product.
  • Polls & Surveys: Ask your visitors questions to find out what they think.
  • Form & Click Analysis: Figure out why people might not be finishing forms on your site.
  • Session Replay: Watch how individual visitors move through your site.


Hotjar is made to be easy to use. You can drag and drop things to make reports. While most of it is simple, some parts might take a bit to learn.

Integration Capabilities

Hotjar works with over 200 other tools like Google Analytics and Salesforce, letting you mix data and insights. You can also send your data to places like Excel or Google Sheets.


Hotjar has a free version for websites that don't get a lot of traffic. If your site has more visitors, prices start at $29/month. They also offer custom pricing for really big sites.

Unique Selling Points

Hotjar is great for understanding not just what visitors do on your site, but why they do it. It's especially useful if you're trying to make your site easier to use or want to get better at turning visitors into customers.

4. SEMrush



SEMrush is a tool that helps you make your website better by showing you what's working and what's not. It's mostly used to improve how your site shows up in search engines.

Here are some things it does:

  • Lets you see how your website stacks up against others, showing you how many people visit and what they're interested in.
  • Helps you figure out the best words to use on your site so more people can find you.
  • Shows you what content you're missing compared to your competitors.


  • The price starts at $129.95 a month, which can be a bit much.
  • Some of its tools are a bit tricky to learn, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty straightforward.
  • It gives you reports and charts to help you understand your site better.

Integration Capabilities

  • Works well with other tools you might be using for SEO or marketing, and you can get your data out to use in Excel or Google Sheets.


  • It costs $129.95 to start each month.
  • There's a free trial so you can try it out before you buy.

Unique Selling Points

  • Great for digging deep into SEO and seeing how you stack up against competitors.
  • It's a go-to for people who are serious about making their site more visible online.

5. Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg


Crazy Egg is all about making it easy to see how people use your website. It has tools like:

  • Heatmaps: These show you where people click, move their mouse, and spend time on your site.
  • Scroll maps: Find out how far down people scroll on your pages.
  • Session recordings: Watch videos of how visitors move around your site.
  • A/B testing: Try out different versions of your pages to see which one works better.


Crazy Egg is designed to be easy to use, with a simple drag-and-drop setup. Learning how to use the more detailed tools might take a little time.

Integration Capabilities

Crazy Egg can work together with Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Salesforce, and over 200 other tools through APIs.


Prices start at $24 a month after you try it free for 30 days. There are also special plans for big companies.

Unique Selling Points

What makes Crazy Egg good:

  • You can easily understand your website data with visual tools.
  • Watching how users actually use your site can give you lots of insights.
  • Testing different page designs helps you make your website better.
  • It's particularly useful for people who design websites, run online ads, or have online stores.

6. Matomo

6. Matomo


Matomo is a free, open-source tool for tracking how people use your website. It's great because you get to keep all the data it collects. Here's what it can do:

  • Tracks visitors to see what they're up to on your site
  • Lets you make your own reports and dashboards to check out your data
  • Shows you what's happening on your site as it happens
  • Heatmaps and videos of user sessions to see where people click and what they do
  • Tests different versions of your site to see which one people like more
  • Has ways to connect with other tools you use
  • Follows rules to keep user data safe and private


Matomo is pretty straightforward to use, but if you want to dig deep or make it do special things, you might need to know a bit more about tech.

Integration Capabilities

Matomo can work with other tools through special connections called APIs. It can also bring in data from Google Analytics.


If you host Matomo yourself, it's free. If you want them to host it, prices start at $19 a month. The cost goes up depending on how many websites you have and how much data you need to keep.

Unique Selling Points

  • You're in charge of your data, which is great for privacy
  • It's open-source, which means a lot of people work on making it better
  • You can start for free
  • It's made to be okay with privacy laws

7. Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics


Adobe Analytics helps you keep track of your website by offering:

  • Instant reports to see how your site is doing right now
  • Dashboards you can change to show the info you care about most
  • Works well with other Adobe tools for marketing and learning about your audience
  • Can gather data from many places
  • Helps you figure out the path customers take on your site


Adobe Analytics can be tough for beginners. It's not the easiest to use right away, and finding help or instructions could be better.

Integration Capabilities

Adobe Analytics works smoothly with other Adobe products. It's also pretty good at using data from almost anywhere.


Adobe doesn't say how much Adobe Analytics costs upfront. You'll need to talk to their sales team to get a price that fits what your business needs.

Unique Selling Points

Why Adobe Analytics is a good choice:

  • It can pull together info about your customers from different places
  • It's great at showing your data in a clear and useful way
  • It connects well with other Adobe tools for a complete marketing picture
  • It's designed for big businesses that need to look at a lot of data
  • You can tweak it to match what your business needs

Adobe Analytics is best for big companies that already use a bunch of data and need deep insights. It's all about helping you make smart choices based on your website's data.

8. Woopra



Woopra helps you understand how people use your website or app. It tracks where visitors go and what they do. Here are some things it does:

  • Keeps an eye on visitors' paths through your site or app.
  • Groups visitors based on what they do or their details.
  • Works with over 50 other services like email and customer support tools.
  • Lets you see how well your site turns visitors into customers.
  • You can make your own reports to check on different things.


Woopra is easy to use, but it has a lot of features, so you might need some time to learn everything. They offer help to get you started.

Integration Capabilities

Woopra connects with a lot of other tools you might be using, like Salesforce and Slack. It also lets you add more connections if you need.


  • Core: Free for up to 500K actions each month.
  • Pro: $999 a month.
  • Enterprise: They'll work out a price based on what you need.

Unique Selling Points

  • Gives you a real-time look at how people use your site or app.
  • Helps you understand your visitors better with detailed tracking.
  • Lets you target visitors more precisely.
  • Has tools to help turn visitors into customers.
  • Works for both small projects and big companies.

9. Clicky



Clicky is a straightforward tool that helps you see what's happening on your website right now. Here's what it can do:

  • Shows you what visitors are doing at this very moment.
  • Heatmaps let you see where people are clicking on your pages.
  • Scrollmaps show how far down people are scrolling.
  • Tracks goals like sign-ups or purchases to see how well your site is doing.
  • Checks where people might be giving up and leaving your site.
  • Keeps an eye on how fast your pages load.
  • Lets you make simple reports to see what you need.


Clicky is all about being easy to use. You get a clear view of the most important stuff without having to dig too deep. Making reports is straightforward, but you won't find some of the deeper analysis tools that other services might offer. Everything looks neat and is simple to understand.

Integration Capabilities

Clicky works with other tools you might already be using, like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, and Zapier. It also lets you get click data in a way that tech folks can use, either by downloading it or through a special coding language (API).


Clicky is free if your site doesn't get more than 1,000 views a month. If you have more visitors, plans start at $9.99 a month. If your site gets a lot of traffic, they'll give you a discount.

Unique Selling Points

  • Great for small websites and online shops.
  • Super easy to use and gives you a quick look at what's happening on your site.
  • The real-time data feature is handy for keeping an eye on your visitors as they browse.
  • It's affordable, making it a good option if you're watching your budget.

10. Fathom Analytics


Fathom Analytics is all about making web analytics simple and keeping your visitors' privacy safe. Here's what it does:

  • Shows basic info like how many people visit your site and how many pages they look at.
  • Has clear reports and pictures to help you understand your website traffic.
  • Uses heatmaps so you can see where people are clicking the most.
  • Tracks actions like when someone downloads something or buys a product.
  • Tells you where your visitors are coming from and which pages they visit first and last.
  • Follows strict rules to make sure it respects visitor privacy (like GDPR).


Fathom is made to be easy for anyone to use, even if you're not a tech expert. It uses simple words and focuses on the key info you need. Setting up custom reports is easy, too.

Integration Capabilities

Fathom can connect with well-known platforms like WordPress and Google Analytics. It also works with Slack, Zapier, and Integromat for more integration options.


Fathom's cost depends on how many sites you're tracking:

  • 1 site: $14/month
  • 2-9 sites: $39/month
  • 10+ sites: Custom pricing

Unique Selling Points

Here's why Fathom Analytics stands out:

  • Puts a big emphasis on keeping your visitors' data private
  • It's reliable and fast, with a 99.9% uptime
  • Perfect for small business owners and marketers
  • Super easy to use and understand
  • More affordable than bigger, complex tools

Fathom is a great choice if you want a web analytics tool that respects privacy and is simple to use. It's especially good for small businesses and people working on their own.

Pros and Cons

Tool Pros Cons
Google Analytics - Free for basic stuff
- Easy to start with
- Lots of help out there
- Works well with Google's other tools
- Can get tricky if you want to customize
- You need to pay for more advanced stuff
Mixpanel - Good for seeing what users do
- Easy to use
- Tracks mobile apps too
- Helps understand if users stick around
- Needs some tech knowledge to set up
- Gets expensive for big sites
Hotjar - Tools like heatmaps to see where users click
- Watch videos of what users do
- Simple to use
- Works with many other tools
- Limited free version
- Doesn't predict user actions
SEMrush - Helps you see how you stack up against competitors
- Deep dive into SEO and keywords
- Helps your site get noticed
- Hard for beginners
- Pricey for small sites
Crazy Egg - Heatmaps and how far users scroll
- Watch user sessions
- Built-in testing of page versions
- Easy to grasp
- Limited free stuff
- Mainly focuses on one thing
Matomo - Free and you run it
- You keep all the data
- Privacy-friendly
- Works with Google Analytics
- Running it yourself needs tech skills
- Customizing it needs coding
Adobe Analytics - Lots of advanced stuff
- Works with Adobe's other tools
- Can predict trends
- Really complex
- Expensive
- You're stuck with Adobe's stuff
Woopra - Tracks users in real time
- Insights on customer paths
- Works with lots of services
- Good for any size business
- Can be pricey
- Lots to learn
Clicky - Tracks users right now
- Straightforward
- Good price
- Basic heatmaps
- Not many advanced features
- Simple reports
Fathom - Focuses on user privacy
- Reliable and quick
- Simple for beginners
- Good for small sites
- Missing advanced tools
- Pricier compared to simple tools

Choosing the right web analytics tool depends on what you need.

If you're starting and want a no-cost way to see your site's visitors, Google Analytics is a good start.

If you're into seeing where users click or watching their actions, Hotjar and Crazy Egg have cool visual tools. Mixpanel is your go-to for app details.

Big businesses looking for lots of data, custom reports, and to see how they do against others might need to pay for tools like Adobe Analytics or SEMrush.

If keeping user data private is a big deal for you, Matomo and Fathom are worth a look.

Trying them out for free can help you decide which one fits best. The right analytics tool can show you how to keep visitors coming back and turn them into customers. It's important to take your time and pick wisely.

Side-by-Side Comparison

Tool Key Features Pricing Pros Cons
Google Analytics Reporting, works with Google tools, customizable dashboards, groups visitors Free for basic,
$150K+ per year for 360
Easy to start, lots of help, works with Google stuff Can be tricky to customize, advanced stuff costs money
Mixpanel Tracks user clicks, path analysis, checks if users come back, tests different site versions, groups users Free up to 1K users,
$20+/month after
Great for tracking clicks, user-friendly, good for mobile apps A bit technical, can be expensive
Hotjar Shows where users click, videos of users, path analysis, asks users questions, checks forms, replays sessions Limited free version,
$29+/month paid
Lets you see user clicks visually, easy to use, works with lots of tools Paid plans can be pricey
SEMrush Helps with site visibility, checks site health, compares content, tracks links $130+/month Deep dive into how visible your site is, checks competitors A bit hard for beginners, expensive for small sites
Crazy Egg Shows where users click and scroll, videos of users, lets you test page designs 30-day free trial,
$24+/month after
Easy to see what users do, lets you test designs Free stuff is limited, mainly for visual tracking
Matomo You make reports, see live stats, shows clicks, tests sites, you own the data, open source Free self-hosted,
$19+/month cloud
You control your data, good for privacy, has a free option Running it yourself needs tech know-how
Adobe Analytics Custom reports, understands customers, tracks where sales come from, predicts trends Contact for quote Lots of advanced stuff, works with Adobe Really complex, pricey
Woopra Tracks visitors, shows customer paths, live stats, groups users Free up to 500K actions,
$999+/month paid
Shows live visitor actions, helps understand customers Might be costly, has a learning curve
Clicky Shows live visitor actions, shows clicks, tracks goals Free under 1K views,
$9.99+/month after
Shows what's happening now, straightforward, good price Not many deep-dive tools
Fathom Tracks site visits, shows clicks, tracks goals, cares about privacy $14+/month based on sites Focuses on privacy, simple for anyone, good for small sites Missing deeper tools, might be a bit expensive

This table gives you a quick look at 10 different tools for checking how your website is doing.

When picking a tool, think about what you really need and how much you can spend. Consider if it's easy to use, if it respects privacy, how much it costs, and if it works well with other tools you use.

Trying out the free trials can help you decide if you like a tool before you buy it. In the end, pick something that fits what you want to do, how much tech stuff you know, and how much you're willing to spend.


Implementation Tips for 2024

Picking and setting up a web analytics tool right can give you a ton of useful info about how your website is doing and what your visitors like. But with so many options out there, it's key to find one that fits what you need and to use it correctly. Here are some straightforward tips for getting web analytics to work for you in 2024:

Choose the Right Tool

Think about what you want from your website and who you're trying to reach. Then, look at different tools, both free and ones you pay for, to find the best match. Here's what to keep in mind:

  • Data accuracy - Make sure the tool gives you info you can trust.
  • Privacy compliance - Go for a tool that follows privacy laws and keeps user info safe.
  • Custom reporting - You'll want a tool that lets you tweak reports to see exactly what you're interested in.
  • Intuitive interface - Pick something that's easy for you and your team to use every day.
  • Scalability - Choose a tool that can handle more data as your website grows.

Set Up Goals and Events

Decide on the main things you want to track, like if someone signs up for your newsletter or buys something. Keeping an eye on these actions helps you see if your website is doing its job.

Integrate with Other Tools

Link your web analytics with other systems you use, like your customer management or email marketing tools. This helps you get a fuller picture by putting all your data together.

Optimize Mobile Experience

Since a lot of people visit websites on their phones, make sure your analytics tool can track mobile users and supports app analytics if you have an app.

Regularly Analyze Reports

Make time to look through your reports and see what they're telling you. Use this info to make your website better.

Test and Iterate

Keep trying new things with your analytics, like checking out different data or asking new questions. This helps you learn more about what makes people visit your site and stick around.

Setting up a solid web analytics approach needs a bit of planning at first, but it's worth it for the insights you'll get. Following these simple steps will help you understand your website better and improve how it works.


Picking the right tool to track how your website is doing is really important. There are a lot of options out there, and it might seem tough to choose the best one for you. We've looked at 10 different tools and talked about what makes each one special, how easy they are to use, how much they cost, and more.

When you're deciding on a tool, think about a few key things:

  • Accuracy of data: You want to make sure the numbers and info you get are right.
  • Privacy compliance: Choose a tool that keeps your visitors' info safe and follows the rules.
  • Custom reporting: It's good to have a tool that lets you set up reports just how you like them.
  • Ease of use: Pick something that you and your team can use without getting a headache.
  • Scalability: Make sure the tool can grow with you as you get more data.

Here's how to find the right web analytics tool for your needs:

  • Write down what you need: Think about the most important things you want from a tool, and what you can spend.
  • Try them out: Use free trials to see how the tools work for you.
  • Ask around: Talk to other businesses like yours to see what they use.
  • Plan for the future: Remember to think about how your needs might change as your business grows.

By doing your homework and trying things out, you can pick a tool that helps you understand your website better. Remember, every business is different, so choose the tool that fits what you're looking for.


What should I think about when picking a web analytics tool?

When choosing a tool for tracking your website, consider these points:

  • Accuracy - Make sure the tool gives you correct information. Wrong data can lead to bad decisions.
  • Privacy - It’s important to use a tool that protects your visitors' information and follows the law.
  • Customization - Choose a tool that lets you focus on the info you really care about.
  • Usability - The tool should be easy for you and your team to use.
  • Scalability - Your tool should be able to handle more visitors and data as your site grows.

What are some important things a web analytics tool should track?

Here are some key things to keep an eye on:

  • How many people visit your site
  • How many pages they look at
  • If they leave quickly (bounce rate)
  • How long they stay
  • Where they come from (like Google or Facebook)
  • The first and last pages they visit
  • If they sign up or buy something
  • Sales

Keeping track of these helps you understand your visitors better.

How do I set up web analytics the right way?

Here are some tips:

  • Decide what actions on your site are important, like buying something or signing up.
  • Make sure your analytics tool works with other tools you use.
  • Track visitors across different devices.
  • Look at your data regularly and make changes based on what you find.
  • Keep trying new things to learn more about your visitors.

Why start with a free web analytics tool like Google Analytics?

Free tools like Google Analytics let you track basic info without spending money. This is great for small sites just starting out. You can always upgrade to more detailed tools later.

What if I need to track customer journeys accurately?

If you want to really understand how customers move through your site, try tools like Hotjar or Mixpanel. They show you more about how visitors interact with your site. Make sure you set up goals and events to track conversions too.

How can I get more from Google Analytics?

To do more with Google Analytics:

  • Set up tracking for important actions like sales.
  • Connect it to other tools like your CRM.
  • Use its advanced features to dig deeper into your data.
  • Link it with Google Optimize for testing different page designs.
  • Combine it with Google Search Console and Google Ads for better insights.

What is a site heatmap and why is it useful?

A heatmap shows where people click and scroll on your site. It helps you see what grabs their attention. This can make your site better by improving how you arrange content and where you place buttons.

What is the most used web analytics tool?

Google Analytics is the top choice for checking how websites are doing. As of January 2024, it's used by more than 90% of websites. It's free, easy to use, and works well with other Google tools like Search Console, making it very popular.

What is the future of web analytics?

The future of web analytics will see:

  • More use of artificial intelligence and machine learning for smarter insights
  • A bigger focus on keeping customer data private and safe
  • Better ways to understand how customers use different devices and platforms

Technology is getting better all the time, so we'll have even more useful information to make websites better. Keeping user data safe will also be more important.

What is the most widely used analytics tool?

The most commonly used tool for analyzing data is Microsoft Excel. About 90% of businesses use Excel for organizing, analyzing, and reporting data. Even though it's not just for analytics, Excel's easy-to-use setup makes it the go-to choice for many.

How do I track my website using web analytics?

To keep an eye on your website, you need to set up goals and events in your analytics tool. For instance, with Google Analytics, you can track goals like people signing up for your newsletter or buying a product. This helps you see where people might be losing interest. You can also track events like clicks on buttons or links to understand what visitors do on your site. Checking this information regularly helps you make your website work better.