Published Nov 13, 2023 ⦁ 8 min read

Software development tools examples: Essential toolbox for modern coders


Developing software is a complex process that requires using the right tools for the job. As a programmer, having a robust toolbox of complementary software development tools can optimize your workflows, boost productivity, and make you more effective. The goal of this article is to provide examples of must-have tools that should be in every modern developer's stack. We'll focus on essential categories like version control, debugging, testing, collaboration, and code editing.

Mastering these complementary technologies is vital for efficient coding and collaboration in today's digital landscape. Whether you work solo or on a team, having the right tools can level up your development game. Platforms like DevHunt aim to showcase the most helpful new and existing developer tools across all categories in one place.

Version Control Systems

Version control systems allow teams to collaborate on code and track changes over time. They provide source control and manage revisions of projects. Some popular options include:

  • Git - Distributed version control system developers install locally. Integrates with DevHunt.
  • GitHub - Cloud hosting for Git repositories with collaboration features. GitHub integration is a core part of DevHunt.
  • Bitbucket - Provides unlimited private repositories with Git-based version control. Integrates with Jira.

Git and GitHub

Git is a distributed version control system developers install locally on their machines. GitHub provides cloud hosting for Git repositories along with collaboration features like pull requests, code reviews, issue tracking, wikis, and more.

Repositories on GitHub store project files and track revisions/changes to code over time. Developers can push local commits to GitHub to share code changes and sync with the team. GitHub's pull requests and code reviews allow discussing changes before merging them into the main branch.

DevHunt displays GitHub stars, forks, issues, and pull requests for each project profile.


Bitbucket focuses on unlimited private Git repositories for version control. It deeply integrates with Jira project management software and tools like Confluence, Opsgenie, and Bamboo.

Bitbucket streamlines code reviews and provides smart search tools, an intuitive UI, and role-based access controls. It is commonly used by agile development teams.

Code Editors and IDEs

Code editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) are essential tools for writing code. Lightweight editors like Visual Studio Code provide handy features like syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and extensions. Full IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA offer more robust capabilities like debugging, refactoring, and code navigation.

Some top picks across both categories include:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Sublime Text
  • Atom
  • Eclipse
  • JetBrains IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm

DevHunt provides syntax highlighting for code snippets shared on project profiles.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is an extremely popular open source editor developed by Microsoft. It boasts a robust extension ecosystem with thousands of add-ons available.

VS Code is lightweight, fast, and supports many programming languages. It integrates nicely with essential tools like Git, npm, and GitHub. The minimalist interface is highly customizable with themes, shortcuts, and layout adjustments.

Debugging Tools

Debuggers allow stepping through code line-by-line to identify issues. Most programming languages come with first-party debuggers like gdb, jdb, and pdb. IDEs also include robust debugging capabilities.

For front-end web development, browser developer tools are essential for debugging JavaScript. Some top options across categories include:

  • Chrome DevTools
  • Firefox Developer Tools
  • gdb and pdb
  • Visual Studio debugger

DevHunt displays supported languages for each project.

Browser Developer Tools

Modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari have developer tools built right in. These allow inspecting and debugging front-end code, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.

Developer tools support setting breakpoints, watches, network analysis, profiling, and other essential debugging features. They are invaluable for web developers and designers. Chrome DevTools are particularly full-featured and widely adopted.

Visual Studio Debugger

Microsoft's Visual Studio IDE features a robust debugger for .NET and other languages. It supports breakpoints, watches, memory inspection, and other advanced capabilities.

The Visual Studio debugger is tightly integrated with the editor and compiler toolchain for a streamlined workflow. It provides an easy to use GUI and data visualization tools.

Testing Frameworks

Testing frameworks automate validation of code correctness. They are essential for practicing test-driven development (TDD). Some popular options include:

  • JUnit (Java)
  • PyTest (Python)
  • Mocha (JavaScript)
  • Jest (JavaScript)

Most frameworks allow creating unit tests and integration tests. DevHunt displays supported testing frameworks for each project profile.


JUnit is the most widely used unit testing framework for Java. It integrates tightly with IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA. Annotations make JUnit tests easy to write and maintain.

JUnit supports assertions, test suites, parameterized tests, and more. It is the de facto standard library for unit testing Java applications.


PyTest is a full-featured Python testing framework that is compatible with Python's builtin unittest module. PyTest makes writing tests quick and easy with minimal boilerplate code required.

It supports test parameters, markers, fixtures, plugins, and other helpful features. PyTest is commonly used for testing Python web applications and APIs.

Project Management

Online project management tools enable agile development with boards, workflows, and sprint tracking. They help manage tasks, issues, bugs, and more. Some top options:

  • Jira
  • Trello
  • Asana
  • Basecamp
  • GitHub Projects

These tools integrate with vital services like email, calendars, docs, Git, and Slack. DevHunt displays project management badges on profiles.


Jira from Atlassian is a powerful work tracking tool for software teams. It offers advanced workflows and boards to support Scrum, Kanban, and custom agile processes.

Jira deeply integrates with DevOps tools like GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Bamboo. It provides robust permissions, reporting, and customization capabilities.


Trello provides an intuitive kanban-style board system for task management. It uses cards, lists, and columns to create customizable workflows.

Trello is great for lightweight agile project coordination. It offers seamless integrations with tools like Slack, Google Workspace, and more.

Collaboration Tools

Effective team communication and coordination is critical for productivity. Top collaboration tools include:

  • Slack
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Discord
  • Google Chat

These facilitate discussions via chat, audio calls, and video conferencing. Integrations with email, docs, calendars, and workflows streamline coordination. DevHunt displays team badges and website links.


Slack is a leading chat app for the workplace with robust API integrations. Custom channels, threaded messages, and notifications help teams stay on the same page.

Slack offers premium capabilities like screen sharing and video calls. The Slack API enables creating custom integrations and bots. Slack is great for developer teams with code snippet support.


Discord is a free voice and text chat platform popular with gamers. The low latency voice/video makes Discord viable for agile development teams on a budget.

Discord servers can be organized into topic-based text and voice channels. The Bot API allows automating workflows with customized integrations.

Monitoring and Performance

Observability tools provide invaluable visibility into applications, infrastructure, and workflows. Log management, application performance monitoring (APM), and infrastructure monitoring are key categories.

Top options include:

  • Datadog
  • New Relic
  • Splunk
  • Grafana

These tools help ensure uptime and quickly detect anomalies or problems. DevHunt provides uptime and response time badges for SaaS profiles.


Datadog is a leading monitoring and analytics platform for cloud infrastructure, servers, and applications. It has over 400 out-of-the-box integrations with modern tech stacks.

Datadog offers dashboards, intelligent alerting, distributed tracing, robust analytics, and more. It can monitor everything from logs and metrics to APM and synthetics in one place.

New Relic

New Relic provides powerful application and infrastructure monitoring capabilities. Real user monitoring shows frontend performance. AI-driven features like alerting, anomaly detection, and root cause analysis help troubleshoot issues.

New Relic specializes in monitoring complex microservices architectures. Its tools provide great visibility into integrations and dependencies.


Having the right software development tools for each job is essential for effective and efficient coding in today's digital landscape. Version control, debugging, testing, collaboration, and monitoring tools help streamline workflows for both individual developers and teams.

Widely used options like GitHub, Visual Studio Code, Slack, and Datadog are practically ubiquitous. While personal preferences exist, adeptly leveraging the optimal tools makes programmers more productive.

Platforms like DevHunt aim to showcase helpful new and existing developer tools across all categories in one place. Discovering innovations can level up your projects. The right tools allow developers to focus on writing amazing code and bringing ideas to life.