Published May 4, 2024 ⦁ 8 min read
React DevTools Explained

React DevTools Explained

React DevTools is a powerful debugging tool for React applications. It allows you to inspect and edit component state, props, and hooks in real-time, identify performance bottlenecks, and streamline your development workflow.

Key Features:

  • Inspect Component Hierarchy: View the component tree and understand relationships between components.
  • Analyze State and Props: Inspect and edit component state and props for debugging.
  • Performance Profiling: Analyze rendering times and identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Detect Unnecessary Re-renders: Highlight components that re-render unnecessarily for optimization.
  • Hooks and Context Debugging: Trace state changes and manage application-wide data.


Browser Installation Steps
Chrome 1. Visit Chrome Web Store and search for "React DevTools"
2. Click "Add to Chrome" and install the extension
Firefox 1. Visit Firefox Add-ons and search for "React DevTools"
2. Click "Add to Firefox" and install the extension
Standalone App 1. Run npm install -g react-devtools
2. Launch with react-devtools command

By mastering React DevTools, developers can create high-quality, scalable, and performant React applications while streamlining their debugging process and improving their development workflow.

Installing React DevTools

React DevTools

Browser Extensions

You can install React DevTools as a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. Here's how:

Chrome and Firefox Installation Steps

Browser Installation Steps
Chrome 1. Visit the Chrome Web Store and search for "React DevTools".
2. Click on the "Add to Chrome" button.
3. Wait for the extension to download and install.
4. Once installed, you'll see the React DevTools icon in the top right corner of your browser.
Firefox 1. Visit the Firefox Add-ons page and search for "React DevTools".
2. Click on the "Add to Firefox" button.
3. Wait for the extension to download and install.
4. Once installed, you'll see the React DevTools icon in the top right corner of your browser.

Automatic Updates

Both Chrome and Firefox will automatically update React DevTools when a new version is available.


If you encounter any issues during installation, try the following:

  • Check if your browser is up-to-date.
  • Ensure that you have enabled extensions in your browser settings.
  • Try reinstalling the extension.

Standalone App

You can also install React DevTools as a standalone application using npm. This is useful for environments like React Native or Safari.


  1. Open your terminal and run the following command: npm install -g react-devtools
  2. Wait for the installation to complete.
  3. Once installed, you can run React DevTools by typing react-devtools in your terminal.


To use the standalone React DevTools, simply run the command react-devtools in your terminal, and then open your React application in a browser. React DevTools will automatically detect your application and provide you with debugging tools.

Remember to check the React DevTools documentation for any specific setup or configuration requirements for your environment.

Using the React DevTools Interface


The React DevTools interface is designed to be easy to use and understand. It provides a clear view of your React application's component hierarchy.

Components Tab

The Components tab is the main part of the React DevTools interface. It shows a tree view of your React components. You can select a component to see its props, state, and hooks in detail. This helps you understand how data flows through your application and how components interact.

You can also edit a component's state and props in real-time, which is useful for testing changes quickly without modifying code and reloading the app.

Profiler Tab

The Profiler tab helps you analyze your React application's performance. It records the rendering of React components and provides a detailed breakdown of the rendering time. This helps you identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your application.

Here's an overview of the React DevTools interface:

Tab Description
Components Displays a tree view of React components, allowing you to inspect and edit their props, state, and hooks.
Profiler Records and analyzes the rendering of React components, helping you identify performance bottlenecks.

By using the React DevTools interface, you can easily debug and optimize your React applications.

Key Features of React DevTools

React DevTools offers several essential features that enhance the development process. These features enable developers to inspect, debug, and optimize their React applications efficiently.

Inspecting Component State and Props

React DevTools allows you to inspect and edit the state and props of React components in real-time. This feature is useful for debugging purposes, as it enables you to identify and fix issues quickly.

Feature Description
Inspect State and Props View and edit component state and props in real-time
Debugging Identify and fix issues quickly

Performance Analysis

The Profiler tab in React DevTools provides a detailed breakdown of the rendering time of React components. This feature helps you identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your application.

Feature Description
Performance Breakdown Analyze rendering time of React components
Identify Bottlenecks Optimize your application's performance

Working with Hooks and Context

React DevTools provides features to work with React Hooks and Context, enabling you to trace state changes and manage application-wide data.

Feature Description
Hooks and Context Trace state changes and manage application-wide data
Debugging Identify and fix issues related to state management

Exploring Component Hierarchy

React DevTools allows you to explore the component hierarchy of your application, enabling you to understand the relationships between components.

Feature Description
Component Hierarchy View the relationships between components
Debugging Identify and fix issues related to component relationships

By leveraging these key features of React DevTools, you can streamline your development process, debug and optimize your application efficiently, and ensure that your application is scalable and performant.


Advanced Debugging with React DevTools

Advanced debugging techniques are crucial for identifying and resolving complex issues in React applications. React DevTools provides several features that enable developers to debug their applications efficiently.

Analyzing Re-renders

Analyzing re-renders is a critical aspect of debugging a React application. React DevTools offers a highlighting feature that helps developers visualize and diagnose unnecessary re-renders in the component tree. This feature is particularly useful for identifying performance bottlenecks and optimizing rendering times.

To analyze re-renders, developers can use the "Highlight updates when components render" feature in the React DevTools settings. This feature highlights components that re-render unnecessarily, enabling developers to identify areas of the application that require optimization.

State Tracking and Time Travel

React DevTools also provides features for tracking state changes over time and leveraging time-travel debugging features for an improved debugging process. The "Components" tab in React DevTools allows developers to inspect the state and props of React components in real-time.

By using the "Time Travel" feature, developers can track state changes over time and identify the root cause of issues.

Integrating with State Management Tools

React DevTools can be integrated with state management tools like Redux DevTools to streamline the debugging of complex applications. By leveraging these integrations, developers can gain a deeper understanding of their application's state management and identify areas for optimization.

Integration Description
Redux DevTools Track state changes, inspect action payloads, and debug reducers

By leveraging these advanced debugging strategies, developers can efficiently identify and resolve complex issues in their React applications, ensuring that their applications are scalable, performant, and reliable.

Best Practices for React DevTools

Customizing the Interface

To get the most out of React DevTools, you can customize the interface to fit your workflow. Here are some ways to do it:

Customization Description
Theme selection Choose from light and dark modes to suit your coding environment
Layout and organization Arrange DevTools panels to optimize your debugging workflow
Filtering Use filters for components, props, and state to quickly find specific information

Using Advanced Features

To take your debugging to the next level, learn about advanced features like:

Feature Description
Profiling Analyze component rendering times to identify performance bottlenecks
Suspending fallbacks Debug your application in a controlled environment
Sharing profile data Collaborate with team members to debug and optimize your application

Staying Up-to-Date

Stay current with the latest updates and enhancements in React DevTools to:

  • Take advantage of new features and improvements
  • Ensure your debugging workflow remains efficient and effective
  • Build high-quality, scalable, and performant applications

By following these best practices, you can maximize the potential of React DevTools and streamline your debugging process.


React DevTools is a powerful tool that helps developers debug, optimize, and enhance their React applications. Throughout this article, we've explored the various aspects of React DevTools, from its installation and interface to its key features and best practices.

Key Takeaways

By using React DevTools, developers can:

  • Streamline their debugging process: Identify performance bottlenecks and optimize their application's rendering times.
  • Create high-quality applications: Build faster, more efficient, and more reliable applications.
  • Improve their development workflow: Master React DevTools to take their React development skills to the next level.

Final Thoughts

React DevTools is an essential tool for any React developer. By mastering its features and best practices, developers can create exceptional React applications. We encourage you to explore React DevTools further and unlock its full potential.


How do you use React DevTools effectively?

To use React DevTools effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Inspect the component hierarchy: Understand the structure of your application by looking at the component tree.
  2. Check and update component state and props: Use the Components tab to inspect and modify component state and props.
  3. Track component rendering time: Utilize the Profiler tab to analyze performance and identify bottlenecks.
  4. Detect unnecessary re-renders: Use the Profiler tab to track re-renders and optimize your application's rendering times.

What do React DevTools do?

React DevTools is a Chrome DevTools extension for the open-source React JavaScript library. It allows you to inspect the React component hierarchies in the Chrome Developer Tools.

How do I use DevTools in React?

To use DevTools in React, follow these steps:

  1. Open Chrome DevTools (View > Developer > Developer Tools).
  2. On the same banner as Elements, Sources, Console, etc., there will be two new React tabs: Components and Profiler.
  3. These two tabs will only appear on sites using React.

How do I use React DevTools standalone?

To use the standalone version of React DevTools, follow these steps:

Step Description
1 Install or run the react-devtools package.
2 It should connect to your simulator within a few seconds.
3 We recommend running react-devtools via npx, but you can also install a given version globally.

Note: The standalone version of React DevTools allows connecting to React Native apps.