Published Nov 10, 2023 ⦁ 8 min read

Optimize Your Site with the Best Online Website Analysis Tool


Regularly analyzing and optimizing your website is crucial for any business today. Auditing your site's SEO, speed, security, and overall performance allows you to identify issues and opportunities to improve. This helps maximize conversions, organic traffic, site security, and user experience.

In this post, we'll discuss using online website analysis tools like the ones found on DevHunt to audit and optimize your site. We'll cover assessing your site's SEO, evaluating page speed, checking for vulnerabilities, and monitoring changes over time. Our goal is to provide tips and recommendations to help you choose the best website analysis tool for your needs.

Let's dive in and explore how these powerful online tools can help take your site's performance to the next level!

Assessing Site SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is key for driving organic traffic and visibility. Website analysis tools like DevHunt's SEO analyzer can audit your pages for critical on-page and off-page SEO factors like keywords, backlinks, site architecture, and more.

Popular SEO analysis tools include Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMrush. These provide comprehensive reports to identify target keywords, backlink gaps, site crawl issues, and optimization opportunities. Regularly running SEO audits is crucial for identifying areas needing improvement.

Keyword Research

Choosing the right keywords to target and optimizing pages for them is foundational for SEO. Keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner help uncover valuable keywords aligned to your content and business.

Aim for keywords with high search volume and low competition. Avoid overusing keywords or awkwardly shoehorning them in. Optimizing pages for 3-5 primary keywords is ideal. Factors like search volume, keyword difficulty, and competition analysis are critical for profitable keyword selection.

For example, if you run an ecommerce site selling computer monitors, research keywords like "computer monitors", "lcd monitors", "gaming monitors", etc. Review search volume and difficulty for each to identify the best targets. Tailor content to naturally fit those terms.

The quality and quantity of external websites linking to your pages (backlinks) significantly impacts SEO rankings. Backlink analysis tools like DevHunt's backlink checker identify your current backlink profile and help find link building opportunities.

Monitor metrics like your domain authority and number of referring domains. Cultivate backlinks from high authority sites relevant to your industry. Avoid low-quality links from spammy or questionable sources.

For example, if you run a weight loss blog, seek backlinks from reputable health and wellness sites like Mayo Clinic to boost authority. But avoid shady pill vendor sites linking to you. Assess link quality in addition to quantity.

Site Architecture Audit

Your site's architecture can make or break your SEO efforts. Using site crawlers and sitemaps visualizes your page hierarchy and reveals issues like crawl errors, duplicate content, and indexing problems.

Optimize your information architecture by consolidating content, reducing steps to reach pages, implementing breadcrumbs, and improving page URL formats. A well-structured site helps search engines index and crawl your important pages.

For example, avoid deeply nested category pages or inconsistent URL structures. Make key content easy to reach in 2-3 clicks from your homepage using clear URLs like

Evaluating Site Speed

Site speed significantly impacts conversions, SEO, and user experience. Fast page load times keep visitors engaged rather than quickly bouncing.

Tools like DevHunt's website speed test reveal page speed bottlenecks like large images, unoptimized code, and inadequate caching. Use their detailed performance reports to make optimizing your pages for faster load times a priority.

Page Load Speed Tools

Google PageSpeed Insights checks your page against Google's mobile and desktop speed best practices. WebPageTest provides in-depth performance analysis with customized test locations and connectivity. These essential tools pinpoint exactly where your site needs speed improvements.

Key metrics like Time to First Byte (TTFB), First Contentful Paint (FCP), and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) indicate page load efficiency. Know the metrics that matter for speed insights. For example, aim for a TTFB under 200ms and FCP under 1 second.

Optimizing Images

High-resolution images significantly slow down page loads. Using image optimization tools like TinyPNG compresses images while retaining quality.

Always resize images for their display size, enable lazy loading, and serve images in next-gen formats like WebP. Optimized images load faster, boosting site speed. For example, compress a 5MB hero banner to 200kb using TinyPNG for a huge improvement.

Caching and CDNs

Caching stores pages in temporary locations closer to visitors to accelerate load times. Content delivery networks (CDNs) distribute cache servers globally to quickly serve site files.

WordPress caching plugins like WP Rocket add server-level caching for huge performance gains. Top CDN providers like Cloudflare offer easy global content acceleration. Combine caching and CDNs to maximize speed.

For example, implement WP Rocket and Cloudflare CDN together. Test site speed before and after to confirm massive improvements from adding layered caching.

Checking Site Security

Neglected security exposes your site to malware, data breaches, and blacklisting by search engines. Website scanners like DevHunt's malware scanner identify vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting and insecure plugins.

Regularly scan your site to find and fix vulnerabilities before hackers can exploit them. Monitoring site security helps avoid disastrous compromises and penalties.

Malware and Virus Scanning

Hackers frequently inject malware and viruses to hijack sites for black hat objectives. Malware scanners like Wordfence detect infections and prevent search engine blacklisting.

Scan regularly since threats evolve quickly. Remove any detected malware immediately and harden security to prevent reinfection. Don't let your site turn into an unknowing malware distributor.

For example, Wordfence will identify hidden malware payloads in your site's code and provide options to clean and block future attacks. Use it monthly to catch issues early.

Vulnerability Testing

Web application scanners like Acunetix check for open doors hackers look to exploit like SQL injection and cross-site scripting. Discovering vulnerabilities before criminals do is key.

Fixing common web security flaws should be priority one. Regularly scan your site with the latest checks to identify newly discovered holes as soon as possible. Make your site an unattractive hacker target.

For instance, use Acunetix to probe your site monthly for the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities. Fix any discovered flaws to lock things down.

SSL Implementation

Switching your site to HTTPS encryption with an SSL certificate provides significant security and SEO benefits. It encrypts connections, prevents ISP snooping, and builds user trust.

Migrating to HTTPS demonstrates your commitment to security and privacy to customers. Top certificate providers make getting set up easy. HTTPS implementation is a must these days.

For example, use Let's Encrypt's free SSL certificates to activate HTTPS on your site. It only takes a few minutes to install and encrypt.

Monitoring Site Changes

Tracking changes to your site's content, code, and performance over time quickly reveals issues impacting SEO, security, and more.

Website change monitoring solutions like DevHunt's regression testing take periodic snapshots to compare against and highlight modifications. Version control systems like Git also help track code changes.

Version Control Systems

Implementing Git or other version control systems tracks code changes, allows reversing mistakes, and streamlines team collaboration. Open source options like Git simplify version control for developers.

Regularly committing code changes enables tracing deployments that caused problems. Version control is a must for developers and vital for monitoring website alterations.

For example, commit any theme or plugin customizations to GitHub. Roll back commits if something breaks to quickly restore working versions.

Visual Regression Testing

Visual regression testing tools like DevHunt monitor your site for unexpected UI changes by comparing screenshots over time. This quickly catches layout and styling issues introduced by new code.

Automating visual regression testing saves immense time catching regressions before users notice them. Don't let new features or updates unintentionally break your site's appearance.

For instance, integrate DevHunt's visual regression testing to automatically alert on front-end changes. Review its highlighted screenshot diffs to pinpoint and fix UI bugs.

Website Monitoring

Monitoring tools like UptimeRobot continually check your homepage to catch downtime and performance changes quickly. Getting alerts for outages or speed drops allows rapid response.

Set up website monitoring to track uptime and availability 24/7. Know right away if your site goes down or becomes slow before customers complain. Website monitoring is essential for performance insights.

For example, get notified immediately if your site has an outage so you can investigate and restore availability urgently. Don't lose sales or SEO rankings from prolonged downtime.


Regularly analyzing your website using online website analysis tools like the diverse offerings on DevHunt provides invaluable insights to optimize SEO, speed, security, and conversions. Assessing your site's health identifies issues to improve and opportunities to maximize performance.

Creating a website audit checklist and repeating it quarterly ensures your site keeps up with the latest web standards. Don't leave your site's fate to chance - start optimizing it today with powerful online website analysis tools!