Published Nov 6, 2023 ⦁ 8 min read

Master Calling an API with These 5 Simple Tips

Calling APIs is an essential skill for modern developers. APIs allow you to integrate complex functionality into your apps without having to build everything from scratch. Whether you're accessing a SaaS platform, public web service, or internal systems, calling APIs correctly is crucial.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll share 5 simple tips to help you master calling APIs like a pro. These actionable insights cover key aspects of working with APIs including authentication, error handling, documentation, testing, and leveraging client libraries. Read on to become an API expert!


APIs (application programming interfaces) provide easy ways for software systems to communicate with each other. Developers use APIs to add powerful features to apps without having to develop those capabilities themselves.

With the right API, you can enable login with Facebook or Google, send emails and texts, process payments, fetch maps and location data, call AI algorithms, and access 100s of other complex services. APIs have revolutionized app development.

But APIs can't be harnessed to their full potential without knowing how to properly call them from your code. You need to authenticate, handle errors, follow documentation, test responses, and more. Calling APIs correctly requires some learning and best practices.

In this guide, we'll provide 5 actionable tips to master calling APIs. Whether you're just getting started with APIs or have some experience, these tips will help take your skills to the next level. Let's dive in!

Understanding API Authentication

Nearly all APIs require some form of authentication to identify the caller and authorize access. The API needs to know who you are before letting you use its capabilities.

The two main authentication mechanisms are API keys and OAuth 2.0. Let's explore both including examples and security considerations.

API Keys

An API key is a simple alphanumeric string that gets passed in with API requests, usually in the request headers. The API uses this key to identify the caller and provide access.

For example, the Mailchimp API uses an API key that you include in the request headers to authenticate your account and authorize API calls.

When using API keys:

  • Pass the key string in request headers or as a parameter as required by the API.
  • Store keys securely - don't expose them in client code or repositories. Use environment variables.
  • Rotate keys periodically for security, especially if they may have been compromised.
  • Enforce request rate limits based on the key to prevent abuse.

OAuth 2.0

For more robust authentication, OAuth 2.0 has become the standard protocol. OAuth allows users to grant limited access to their data on one site (like GitHub) to another site without exposing credentials.

Instead of directly handling usernames and passwords, OAuth uses access tokens that expire and provide controlled permissions. There are several OAuth 2.0 flows like authorization code and implicit grant.

With OAuth:

  • Users are redirected through a browser-based sequence to authorize access.
  • Your app requests access and refresh tokens from the API.
  • The access token gets passed in API requests to authenticate.
  • Refresh tokens let you request new access tokens after expiration.

Overall OAuth 2.0 provides much more secure and granular access control than API keys. It takes more implementation work but is essential for robust production APIs.

Handling Errors Gracefully

Things don't always go as planned when calling APIs. Networks fail, servers crash, permissions get changed. That's why proper error handling is so important for resilient applications.

When an API request fails, the API will return an HTTP status code and often include some error details in the response body. Common status codes include:

if(response.status === 200) {
  // Success!
} else if (response.status === 401) {
  // Handle unauthorized error
} else {
  // Other error handling
  • 200 OK - Success!
  • 400 Bad Request - Something was wrong with the request.
  • 401 Unauthorized - Authentication failure.
  • 404 Not Found - The resource doesn't exist.
  • 500 Internal Server Error - The server encountered an unexpected error.

To handle errors gracefully:

  • Check the status code on every response before proceeding.
  • Parse the error message and details from the response body.
  • Notify the user of the issue and gracefully degrade functionality if possible.
  • Implement retry logic with exponential backoff to retry temporary failures.

Robust error handling will ensure your app remains stable and usable even when APIs are flaky. Users won't be left high and dry.

HTTP Status Codes

There are standard HTTP status code ranges that APIs may return:

  • 1xx Informational
  • 2xx Success
  • 3xx Redirection
  • 4xx Client Error (your mistake!)
  • 5xx Server Error (API's fault)

Knowing the status code meanings helps debug issues faster. For example, 403 Forbidden means you don't have permission versus 404 Not Found means the resource doesn't exist.

APIs can also define custom status codes for specific errors like daily rate limit exceeded. Always check the docs!

Retry Logic

To avoid temporary network errors or API outages from crashing your app, implement retry logic. The common pattern is:

  • Make API request
  • If failure, wait a few seconds then retry
  • If failure, wait a bit longer then retry again
  • Repeat increasing the wait between retries with exponential backoff.

This gives the API time to recover and often the request will eventually succeed. Capping at 3-5 retries prevents infinite loops.

Many languages have retry/backoff packages. Overall robust retry logic will make your app more resilient.

Following API Documentation

APIs aim to be self-documenting, but you'll always need to refer to reference docs to use one properly. Documentation provides crucial details like:

  • Endpoints - the available API URLs.
  • Parameters - options that can be passed.
  • Request methods - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.
  • Response fields - data that gets returned.
  • Code samples - usage examples in various languages.

Finding and understanding the right documentation is key to API success. Tips:

  • Review the docs before coding to guide implementation.
  • Use site search to quickly find needed info.
  • Read endpoint descriptions and sample requests/responses to understand capabilities.
  • Ctrl+F to search for keywords like error codes.
  • Try code samples in the language you're using.
  • Search the docs thoroughly before asking for help in forums.

Tools like Swagger auto-generate interactive API docs. Overall, diligently reading documentation will make calling APIs much easier.

Testing Your API Calls

Before relying on an API in production, be sure to test it thoroughly in development. Testing helps identify usage issues early and ensures your code handles all response scenarios.

Dedicated API testing tools like Postman and Stoplight are extremely useful for making test API calls. Key features include:

  • Easily call endpoints with different parameters and headers.
  • Save collections of test cases for regression testing.
  • Set up environments to store variables like API keys.
  • Automatically generate code snippets.
  • Mock servers to test without depending on real APIs.

When testing APIs here are some key things to check:

  • Call with valid and invalid parameters.
  • Verify expected status codes and response fields for success cases.
  • Check error handling for different failures.
  • Try edge cases like empty values and extremely large numbers.
  • Watch for inconsistencies vs. documentation.

Robust API testing will smooth out integration and prevent bugs down the road.

Leveraging Client Libraries and SDKs

Rather than calling APIs directly, most provide libraries and SDKs for major programming languages and platforms. These packages wrap the API in language-specific interfaces.

For example the Twilio API has official libraries for Node, Python, Ruby, Java, .NET, Go and more. These libraries handle:

  • Authentication management
  • Request building
  • Response parsing
  • Error handling
  • Retries
  • Rate limiting

This saves tons of development time and avoids boilerplate code. Usage is also standardized across developers.

Downsides are vendor lock-in and lagging behind API updates. Evaluate libraries upfront and always check changelogs. Examples beyond Twilio include SDKs for Stripe, Google Cloud, and most other major platforms.


Calling APIs may seem intimidating, but following these 5 tips will set you on the path to mastery:

  • Understand API authentication - API keys, OAuth, managing credentials securely.
  • Handle errors gracefully - Check status codes, parse messages, implement retries.
  • Follow documentation diligently - Study before coding, search thoroughly.
  • Test calls extensively - Use tools like Postman, validate responses.
  • Leverage client libraries - Ease integration, reduce boilerplate.

While calling APIs well takes practice, these tips will level up your skills. Soon you'll be leveraging APIs like a pro to build awesome applications!

Check out the Twilio API docs and this API testing guide for more great API learning resources. Now it's time to start applying these learnings on your next API integration project.

If you need help discovering innovative APIs and client libraries, explore DevHunt's catalog of developer tools. Their launchpad makes it easy to find and evaluate APIs for your apps. Happy coding!