Published Nov 9, 2023 ⦁ 5 min read

Internet Analytics Tools That Boost Conversions


In the digital age, leveraging analytics is no longer optional for businesses looking to survive and thrive online. With the wealth of data available today, companies must embrace analytics to gain actionable insights that can drive meaningful business growth. Specifically, implementing the right analytics tools is crucial for optimizing conversions and sales.

By unlocking a data-driven understanding of customer behavior and needs, analytics empowers businesses to tailor engaging experiences that convert. Beyond increasing conversions, analytics can also inform wider efforts around customer retention, loyalty building, and product improvement. Ultimately, analytics should enable data-informed strategies and decision making across the organization.

In this post, we'll explore some of the top internet analytics tools available and how to effectively use data to boost conversions. Whether you're a marketing leader, ecommerce manager, product developer or growth specialist, leveraging analytics is key to succeeding today. Let's dive in.

Top Tools for Conversion Analytics

Many analytics tools now exist to meet different needs. Here are some leading options with robust conversion tracking and optimization capabilities:

Google Analytics

As the most widely adopted free offering, Google Analytics provides strong core reporting on traffic trends, sources, on-site behavior, conversions and more. Integrations with Google's marketing products like Ads, Search Console and Optimize offer a powerful ecosystem for analysis. While limitations exist compared to the paid 360 suite, the free Google Analytics still delivers ample insights for most use cases. The latest updates with Google Analytics 4 properties add more flexibility and customization as well.

Adobe Analytics

This enterprise-focused solution is part of Adobe Experience Cloud, touting advanced segmentation, attribution modeling and integration with Adobe's suite. Typical costs run high, but the extensive metrics, calculated metrics, dashboards and visualizations yield deep analysis opportunities to identify and optimize conversion leakages.


Mixpanel takes a targeted product analytics approach, excelling in analyzing user actions and funnel flows within web and mobile apps. For SaaS companies or app makers looking to optimize user retention and conversion funnels, Mixpanel is a top choice. Plans range from free core features to paid options with more advanced segmentation, automation and integration capabilities.


Another leader in product analytics and marketing analytics, Amplitude allows deep analysis of behavioral cohorts, retention trends, and user journey workflows to help optimize conversions. Their platform offers flexible integration with marketing tools through extensive APIs and partners. Amplitude offers a free trial and different paid plans to suit needs.


As a versatile option, Hotjar reveals on-site user behaviors through heatmaps, session recordings, surveys and more visual tools. Instantly see how visitors click, tap and scroll to analyze engagement and conversion friction points. While the free plan has basic features, paid upgrades unlock advanced functionality.

DevHunt Analytics

For lean teams looking to enable data-driven conversion optimization with minimal implementation, DevHunt Analytics is a promising free solution to consider. It focuses on delivering the key metrics, goal tracking, and custom reporting needed to pinpoint areas for improvement. As a developer-focused platform, DevHunt Analytics also makes it easy for makers to monitor and enhance their product experiences using data.

Other Options

Many other tools exist like Heap, Kissmetrics, CrazyEgg, Mouseflow, and more. The key is choosing a platform aligned with your analytics maturity, resources and goals. Prioritize flexibility, segmentation, and actionable insights over vanity metrics.

Using Analytics Data to Increase Conversions

Simply collecting analytics data will not directly boost conversions - the human element is crucial for extracting insights and taking informed action. Here are some proven tips for using data to optimize conversion performance:

Analyzing Visitor Behavior

Study location, device, source, and other trends to build audience and buyer personas. Identify points of high dropout in conversion funnels to diagnose issues. Test variations of page elements and calls-to-action to reduce friction. Personalize experiences for different segments. For example, travel site Tripadvisor increased conversions by personalizing site content based on user analytics.

Optimizing Landing Pages

Frequently A/B test landing page components like headlines, copy, designs, and offers since they are key entry points. Ensure clear value propositions tailored to each target audience. Shorten forms and reduce steps using analytics on drop-off rates. Personalize messaging and content. Doing this helped SaaS company Unbounce boost conversions by over 200%.

Monitoring Goals and Funnels

Configure goals in your analytics platform to monitor key conversions like form fills, purchases, downloads. Map out important funnels and use custom reports to surface optimization areas. Relying on this approach, LendingTree improved funnel conversion rates by 5x.

Improving Page Content

Measure content performance via scroll depth, time on page and exit rates. Experiment with different copy, layouts, visuals and calls-to-action. Personalize content by audience. Refreshing poor performing pages helped Salesforce increase conversion rates by 10%.

Auditing Site Navigation

Check typical click paths and reduce steps for common goals. Highlight important pages in menus and architecture. Identify problematic pages causing exit spikes for fixes. Doing this allowed Moz to lift conversion rates by 15%.

The key is to constantly analyze data, form hypotheses, test changes, and repeat. Each optimization informed by analytics moves you closer to conversion and revenue goals.

Key Takeaways

  • Analytics provides immense opportunity, but human creativity is crucial for extracting and acting on insights
  • Proper goal tracking, custom reports and alerts enable surfacing meaningful findings
  • Many analytics tools exist like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Mixpanel, and DevHunt Analytics
  • Studying behavior trends and funnel metrics is key to pinpointing and addressing conversion issues
  • Optimization of landing pages, site content, navigation and more can drive big lifts
  • Continued experimentation and iteration based on data is critical for lasting gains

In today's digital landscape, leveraging analytics tools to understand customers and optimize experiences has become essential. By following the strategies outlined here and harnessing data, companies can boost conversions and accelerate growth through informed optimization. The key is pairing analytics with vision and creativity to unlock opportunities.