Published Oct 10, 2023 ⦁ 9 min read

Goodbye Hand Coding: How AI is Revolutionizing Website Building


Artificial intelligence and machine learning are rapidly transforming how websites can be built. Intuitive drag and drop website builders powered by AI allow practically anyone to create professional, responsive sites without needing extensive coding knowledge.

Over the past 5 years, AI-driven solutions like Webflow, Bubble, Wix ADI, and Strikingly have emerged to disrupt traditional website development. These automated platforms abstract away the complexity of hand coding and enable individuals, startups, and businesses to launch sites incredibly fast.

AI website builders provide immense advantages in speed, ease of use, and cost savings compared to hiring developers. However, they also have limitations around customization, complex web apps, and dependence on proprietary platforms.

This article explores the rise of AI in web development, weighing key benefits against limitations, and comparing top options like Webflow and Bubble to help determine if an automated website builder is right for your next project.

The Rise of Automated Website Builders

AI-powered website builders utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning to generate clean code, assets, and content through an intuitive drag and drop interface. This allows creating and editing sites visually without needing to manually write HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other code.

Key capabilities provided by AI website builders include:

  • Drag and drop page building with templates, themes, and blocks
  • Automated responsiveness, SEO, analytics, and more
  • AI assistants to enhance workflow and generate assets
  • Empowering non-coders to develop sites independently

By handling coding behind the scenes, AI website builders expand access to professional web development beyond just experienced engineers.

Several factors have driven the rapid adoption of AI-powered platforms over the past decade:

  • High demand for faster, cheaper website building, especially among small businesses and startups seeking an online presence.

  • Emerging startups like Webflow, Bubble, and Strikingly recognizing the opportunity for disruption.

  • Funding and acquisitions, like Webflow raising over $72 million and Wix acquiring DeviantArt to power its ADI technology.

  • User traction, as individuals, communities, and companies find AI websites builders meet their needs.

  • Advances in AI/ML providing the foundation for generating code, assets, and content automatically.

Analysts forecast strong continued growth for the AI website builder market as the technology improves and businesses recognize the speed and efficiency gains compared to traditional web development.

Key Advantages of AI Website Builders

AI-powered platforms offer significant benefits that explain their surging popularity over hand coding sites from scratch.

Speed - Launch Sites in Days, Not Months

AI website builders enable launching new sites extraordinarily faster compared to manual coding. For businesses that value rapid iteration or getting to market quickly, the speed advantage is highly compelling:

  • Visual editing replaces tedious coding work, allowing sites to be built in days or weeks instead of months. Webflow claims sites can be developed 3x faster than traditional methods.

  • Pre-designed templates and blocks further accelerate the design process compared to creating everything from scratch.

  • Automating optimizations like responsiveness and SEO removes significant grunt work for developers.

  • AI website builders empower validating basic ideas or MVPs at incredible speeds. Startups have used them to launch initial versions in just 1-2 weeks that would have previously taken months of coding.

The ability to go from concept to live website at blazing speeds compared to full custom development generates immense time and cost savings for many users.

Usability - Empowering Anyone to Build Sites

AI website builders are exceptionally easy to use for those without coding skills. Their intuitive drag and drop editors make it possible for practically anyone to bring their vision online:

  • Visual design without touching code, using simple drag and drop interfaces. AI handles generating optimized code behind the scenes.

  • No coding skills required to build a basic, quality website. Some HTML/CSS customization may expand possibilities, but not needed for core site.

  • Democratization of development as amateurs and non-technical users can build polished websites themselves. Empowers small businesses and individuals.

  • Simplified maintenance as future edits and additions can be handled directly by non-developers.

By abstracting away coding complexity, AI website builders have made professional web development accessible to whole new demographics.

Cost Savings - A Fraction of Hiring Developers

For many users, the cost savings from avoiding hiring web development agencies and engineers pays for AI website builders many times over:

  • No expensive dev teams needed as individuals and small companies can build their own sites at a fraction of the cost.

  • Affordable subscription plans typically ranging from $10 - $50 per month. A steal compared to average custom development costs.

  • Free tiers offered by Webflow, Bubble, and others provide generous limits for basic websites.

  • Saves long-term as non-coders can edit and add features themselves later, instead of continually paying devs.

The ability to get a polished, responsive site for extremely low cost compared to custom development makes AI website builders financially compelling for many use cases.

Other Key Advantages

In addition to speed, usability, and affordability, AI website builders provide other benefits:

  • Fast iteration and testing of changes
  • High quality templates and themes
  • Built-in SEO, analytics, and performance optimization
  • Enable easy user-generated content at scale

For many individuals, communities, startups, and businesses, AI website builders present an appealing bundle of advantages over traditional coding.

Limitations to Consider

While AI website builders offer impressive capabilities, they do have limitations to evaluate when considering if they are the right choice:

Customization Constraints

  • Less flexibility compared to full code control when building from scratch.
  • Difficult to deeply customize pre-made templates to exact preferences.
  • Limited ability to add advanced custom code and interactions.
  • Complex experiences may not be feasible.

Web Application Development Challenges

  • Cannot build truly complex apps like social networks or marketplaces.
  • Limited features like real-time collaboration and syncing.
  • Ideal for brochure sites and simple online stores. Robust web apps still need custom development.

Dependence on Templates and Blocks

  • More constrained selection compared to infinite possibilities coding from scratch.
  • New templates and updates reliant on vendor's roadmap.
  • Can feel repetitive if popular templates get overused.
  • Harder to create fully unique sites vs competitors potentially using same templates.

While AI website builders excel at simple sites and basic MVPs, they lack the extreme customizability and complexity that full custom development provides. Evaluating if they can still meet a project's needs is crucial.

Comparing Leading AI Website Builder Platforms

The marketplace has expanded robustly with established vendors and innovative startups. Here is an overview of leading options:

Webflow - Advanced design-focused platform

Webflow offers professional-grade design capabilities and CMS integration:

  • Intuitive visual designer with interactions.
  • CMS for dynamic content management.
  • Large template library and active community.
  • Limited ability to add custom code.
  • Integrates with popular tools.

Best for - Sites where custom design aesthetic is important.

Bubble - Build web apps visually

Bubble focuses on web application development with visual programming:

  • Create complex workflows and web apps visually.
  • Real-time database and hosting.
  • App marketplace and 3rd party integrations.
  • Steep learning curve but more flexibility.
  • UI kits for consistent design.

Best for - Building web app MVPs and workflows quickly.

Wix ADI - AI-powered assistant

Wix ADI is an AI tool for the Wix platform:

  • Automated site generation from business details.
  • Tailored to small businesses, ecommerce, and online stores.
  • Tightly integrated into broader Wix ecosystem.
  • Limited design control after site created.

Best for - Quick small business and simple ecommerce sites.

Strikingly - Fastest site generation

Strikingly provides simplified website building for small businesses:

  • Templates optimized for basic online stores and brochures.
  • Extremely fast site generation with minimal config.
  • Very simple sites and online business cards.
  • Little customization capability.

Best for - Ultra-fast website creation with no coding.

WordPress + AI plugins - Enhance existing sites

WordPress remains widely used. Emerging plugins add AI capabilities:

  • Automattic acquires AI site builder
  • Plugins like Penji and Ryte provide content and SEO optimization.
  • Augment existing WordPress sites vs migrating.
  • Leverage CMS features and community.

Best for - Expanding existing WordPress sites with AI.

Choosing the Right AI Website Builder

With the growing selection available, deciding on the right platform requires weighing:

Project scope - Brochure vs online store vs web app vs marketplace

Design needs - Pixel-perfect control vs pre-made templates

Existing tech stack - Expand current site vs rebuild from scratch

Budget - Free or low-cost options available

Timelines - Speed of launch and iteration

Think carefully about your specific needs and try different platforms on a small test project before fully committing. The field continues advancing rapidly, making now an opportune time to explore leveraging AI to transform how your next website is built.


AI-powered website builders are revolutionizing web development by enabling anyone to create professional sites quickly, easily, and affordably without coding expertise. Solutions like Webflow, Bubble, and Wix ADI provide immense speed, usability, and cost advantages compared to hiring developers.

However, AI website builders have limitations around customization, complex web apps, and reliance on proprietary platforms. Evaluating if an automated platform can still meet your project needs versus traditional coding is key.

The democratization of web development driven by AI promises to expand opportunities for what individuals and businesses can create online. For your next website project, consider taking advantage of these new capabilities to launch your online presence faster and easier than ever before.

Try Webflow's AI-Powered Web Design Platform Webflow