Published Oct 10, 2023 ⦁ 5 min read

Go Beyond Google Analytics: The Top Alternatives for 2023

Introduction: The Changing Web Analytics Landscape

For over 15 years, Google Analytics has been the ubiquitous free platform for understanding website traffic and customer behavior. However, with the upcoming sunset of Universal Analytics in July 2023, we are entering a new era of web analytics. This transition brings both new opportunities and challenges:

  • Companies have relied heavily on Google Analytics, lacking diversity in their analytics tech stack. This over-dependence can constrain advanced analysis.
  • Privacy changes are restricting third-party cookie tracking and data sharing by tech giants like Google.
  • With Google Analytics 4, new implementations and customized reporting will be required to avoid data gaps.
  • Marketing teams feel increasing pressure to unlock more sophisticated behavioral insights as digital experiences expand across channels.

Now is the ideal time to explore alternatives and complement Google Analytics with other platforms. Testing new solutions will enable deeper analysis to optimize experiences across websites, mobile apps, digital campaigns, and emerging channels.

In this guide, we'll compare the top analytics platforms to consider as you diversify your tech stack beyond Google Analytics alone. Whether replacing or complementing, these alternatives unlock more flexibility and customization for data-driven decisions.

Top Google Analytics Alternatives

Adobe Analytics

With robust segmentation and predictive modeling, Adobe Analytics unlocks deep behavioral analysis as part of Adobe Experience Cloud. Key strengths:

  • Enterprise-level capabilities for customer data analysis.
  • Tight integrations between Adobe Marketing Cloud solutions.
  • Flexible data visualization and dashboard creation.
  • Cross-device identity management.

Pricing starts around $10,000 annually. Adobe Analytics provides customized analytics for marketing stacks at enterprise scale.


Mixpanel specializes in user analytics and journeys across devices and campaigns. Key features:

  • Retention and funnel analysis to reduce churn.
  • Flexible cohorts for segmenting users.
  • A/B testing for engagement optimization.
  • Scales from early startups to large enterprises.

Starting at $999/month, Mixpanel is tailored for product teams analyzing usage and conversions across customer lifecycles.


Amplitude focuses on behavioral analytics to understand customer experiences. Notable capabilities:

  • Behavioral cohorts and persona analysis.
  • Powerful retention and funnel visualization.
  • Predictive analytics and anomaly detection.
  • Integrations with data warehouses and BI tools.

With plans from $29/month, Amplitude targets product usage analytics from testing to enterprise adoption.


DEVHUNT provides a unique analytics platform for promoting developer tools based on community engagement. Key features:

  • Detailed tracking of user engagement with listed tools.
  • Analyzing product adoption, churn, and usage trends.
  • Promoting tools based on analytics and community feedback.
  • Special pricing and benefits for open source tools.

For developer-focused products, DEVHUNT combines analytics with discovery and promotion. Setup requires listing tools on the platform.

How To Choose The Right Platform

With many analytics options, here are key evaluation criteria:

  • Data Depth - Review data flexibility, custom variables, and access to raw, unsampled metrics.
  • Ease of Use - Evaluate setup, customization, reporting, and integrations.
  • Scalability - Test ability to scale from single sites to cross-channel enterprise analysis.
  • Integrations - Consider turnkey connections with CRM, marketing automation, data tools, etc.
  • Pricing - Compare free tiers to paid plans based on features and scale.

The ideal solution depends on budget, resources, data needs, and cross-channel requirements. Gradual testing is recommended before full commitment.

Implementation Tips and Best Practices

Transitioning analytics platforms requires planning and discipline:

  • Audit existing analytics to define gaps and requirements.
  • Research alternative solutions and test with trials.
  • Start with low-traffic sites first before expanding.
  • Allocate resources to implement new tracking and workflows.
  • Slowly phase out legacy platforms as you ramp up new ones.

Patience and incremental adoption reduces gaps during transitions. DEVHUNT's flexible plans allow painless expansion from initial testing to larger implementations.

The Road Ahead for Web Analytics

Here are some predictions for where web analytics is headed:

  • More focus on first-party data, privacy, and personalization with customer data platforms (CDPs).
  • Tighter connections with underlying data infrastructure through warehouses and lakes.
  • Machine learning and AI for predictive insights and anomaly detection.
  • Multi-channel analytics across websites, apps, IoT devices, and emerging touchpoints.
  • Specialized analytics for non-digital interactions like call centers and in-store.
  • Innovation and consolidation across the analytics vendor landscape.

The market will continue evolving quickly. Diversifying your analytics tech stack beyond just Google provides the flexibility to adopt new techniques and platforms.

Key Takeaways

With Google Analytics sunsetting Universal Analytics, now is the time to rethink your approach:

  • Relying solely on Google Analytics has limitations for customization, data depth, and cross-channel support.
  • Top alternatives like Adobe Analytics, Mixpanel, and Amplitude provide robust enterprise-level capabilities.
  • Gradual testing and incremental adoption reduce risk when adding new analytics platforms like DEVHUNT.
  • Expect ongoing analytics innovation in privacy, machine learning, omnichannel tracking, and product integrations.

Evolving your analytics tech stack unlocks the sophisticated capabilities needed to understand customer behavior in the digital age. The time is now to look beyond Google Analytics alone.