Facebook SDK JS: Integration Basics
We can all agree that integrating Facebook SDK JavaScript into web projects has its complexities.
However, by following some fundamental configuration steps, we can simplify SDK setup and start leveraging Facebook login, share dialogs, analytics, and more.
In this post, we'll explore Facebook SDK JS integration basics - from obtaining API keys and adding the SDK script, to initializing the SDK, checking login status, and making basic Graph API calls. We'll also touch on best practices to avoid common pitfalls when integrating the Facebook JavaScript SDK into your web apps and sites.
Introduction to Facebook SDK for JavaScript
The Facebook JavaScript SDK provides a rich set of client-side functionality for integrating Facebook functionality into web applications. With the SDK, you can implement features like:
- Facebook Login for user authentication
- Sharing content to Facebook
- Retrieving user profile information
- Tracking analytics with Meta Pixel
To use the Facebook SDK in your projects, you'll need to:
- Sign up for a Facebook Developer account
- Register your app in the Facebook App Dashboard
- Get your app ID
- Include the SDK JavaScript file in your web pages
Once set up, you can initialize the SDK, make API calls like FB.login()
, open dialogs like Share, and more.
Getting Started with the Facebook SDK for JavaScript
The Facebook SDK for JavaScript provides client-side functionality for web apps to interface with the Facebook platform. It allows you to implement features like:
- Facebook Login - For user authentication and getting access tokens
- Sharing - Post updates to a user's feed with the Share dialog
- User Profile Data - Get name, picture, email and other info with the Graph API
- Analytics - Track events and e-commerce data with Meta Pixel
To use the SDK, you'll need to sign up for a Facebook Developer account, register your app to get an app ID, and include the SDK JavaScript file in your web pages.
Some key resources for getting started:
- JavaScript SDK Reference - Full API docs
- JavaScript SDK Guide - Setup instructions
- Login Guide - Implementing Facebook Login
We'll cover the basics in this article to help you get up and running!
Creating a Facebook Developer Account
To use the Facebook SDK and integrate with Facebook functionality, you'll need to create an account in the Facebook for Developers platform. This is where you'll register your app and get credentials like an App ID.
Here are the steps to create your account:
- Go to https://developers.facebook.com/
- Click on My Apps in the top menu bar
- Choose Register as Developer and agree to policies
- Enter your name and contact email and submit
And you're registered! Now you can create apps and start building.
Obtaining Your Facebook App ID
Once signed up as a Facebook Developer, you can register new apps in the App Dashboard and get an app ID.
Here's how to create an app and get this important credential:
- In the Developer Dashboard, click + Create App
- Choose a display name, contact email and category for your app
- Go through the security check and solve the captcha
- Click Create App ID
- You'll see your new app, click Settings > Basic to view the App ID
This unique ID ties your web pages to this Facebook app registration. Copy it to use later when initializing the SDK.
Now that you have a Developer account and App ID, you can integrate the SDK!
What is Facebook SDK for JavaScript?
The Facebook SDK for JavaScript is a JavaScript library that allows you to integrate various Facebook functionalities into your website or web app. Here are some key things it enables you to do:
- Integrate the Like and Share buttons so users can easily like and share your content on Facebook.
- Implement Facebook Login to let users log into your site with their Facebook accounts.
- Call Facebook's APIs like the Graph API to retrieve data, post content, etc.
- Use Facebook Analytics to understand usage patterns and measure engagement.
- Display social plugins like comments and embedded posts.
- Build personalized experiences with data from Facebook Login.
Some benefits of using the Facebook JavaScript SDK include:
- Easier setup: The SDK handles access tokens, user sessions, API calls behind the scenes.
- Cross-platform: Works across devices and browsers.
- Updates: Automatically stays updated with latest Facebook features.
- Localization: Supports over 70 languages.
To get started, you need to:
- Create a Facebook App to get an app ID.
- Install the SDK on your site.
- Initialize the SDK with the
method. - Implement functionality like Login, Share button using the SDK.
Overall, if you want Facebook integration in your web app, the Facebook JavaScript SDK is the easiest way to do it. The SDK docs and reference guide you through everything you need.
How to use Facebook SDK in React js?
To use the Facebook JavaScript SDK in a React app, follow these key steps:
Set up the SDK
First, install the SDK package:
npm install facebook-js-sdk
Then initialize the SDK by calling FB.init()
and passing your app ID:
import FB from 'facebook-js-sdk';
appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID',
cookie: true,
xfbml: true,
version: 'v3.2'
This loads the SDK asynchronously and configures it with your app credentials.
Add Login Button
Render the Facebook Login button by calling FB.XFBML.parse()
import { useEffect } from 'react';
function LoginButton() {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
This parses and renders the actual button component.
Handle Login State
Check the login state when the component mounts:
useEffect(() => {
FB.getLoginStatus(response => {
// handle response
}, []);
Then implement login/logout by calling FB.login()
and FB.logout()
const login = () => {
FB.login(response => {
// handle response
const logout = () => {
FB.logout(response => {
// handle response
This allows you to manage user sessions and integrate Facebook authentication into your React app.
Is Facebook SDK deprecated?
No, the Facebook SDK for JavaScript is not deprecated. However, older versions of the SDK do reach end-of-life status periodically.
Here is a summary of the deprecated Facebook SDK versions and dates:
- June 15, 2022: iOS & Android SDK v13 (Deprecated)
- February 22, 2022: iOS & Android SDK v12 (Deprecated)
- October 21, 2021: iOS & Android SDK v11 (Deprecated)
The current stable version is the JavaScript SDK v13.0. This version is fully supported and recommended for new Facebook API integrations.
When a Facebook SDK version is deprecated, it means Facebook will no longer provide support, maintenance, or updates for that version. Existing apps using deprecated SDKs will continue functioning, but you won't get bug fixes or new features.
So it's recommended to always upgrade to the latest major version of the Facebook SDK once your current version is deprecated. Review the upgrade guide when moving between major versions.
To check your app's current JS SDK version, look in the browser console for a log message like:
Facebook SDK loaded: JavaScript SDK v13.0
For best practices on keeping your Facebook SDK integration up-to-date, consult the JavaScript SDK docs. Reach out to Facebook Developer Support with any upgrade questions.
What is SDK in JavaScript?
An SDK stands for "software development kit". In the context of JavaScript, an SDK usually refers to a library that allows you to interact with a specific API.
Here are some key things to know about JavaScript SDKs:
They simplify API access
Rather than calling APIs directly, an SDK wraps the API in easy to use JavaScript functions. This saves you time since you don't have to write the API interaction code yourself.
For example, the Facebook JavaScript SDK allows you to call:
Instead of having to deal with POST requests, headers, authentication etc.
They handle cross-browser compatibility
SDKs abstract away browser differences so your code works across browsers. You don't have to worry about prefixes, feature detection, or quirks.
They bundle useful utilities
Besides the main API functionality, SDKs often provide utilities like:
- User interface components
- Local storage wrappers
- Debugging tools
- Math/date helpers
- UI notifications
- Build tools
This saves you from reinventing the wheel.
Examples of popular JavaScript SDKs
Some well-known JavaScript SDKs include:
- Facebook SDK
- Stripe SDK
- Google Maps SDK
- SendGrid SDK
So in summary, JavaScript SDKs make it easier to work with external platforms and services by handling the dirty work for you.
Basic Configuration and Initialization
Learn how to configure the Facebook SDK JS in your project with essential initialization settings.
Using FB.init() for SDK Setup
The FB.init()
function is used to initialize and configure the Facebook JavaScript SDK in your web app or website. Here are some key things to know about using FB.init()
- It sets up the SDK's configuration settings, including your Facebook App ID. This connects your site to your Facebook app configuration.
- It enables several key SDK features and services behind the scenes, like user session management, the Login dialog, calling the Graph API, and more.
- You only need to call it once, ideally on page load.
Here is an example FB.init()
appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID',
cookie: true,
xfbml: true,
version: 'v2.11'
Some key parameters:
: Your Facebook App ID, required.cookie
: Enables cookies to track user session state.xfbml
: Enables XFBML parsing for social plugins.version
: Set the API version to use.
See the reference doc for the FB.init
function for additional details.
Understanding Asynchronous Loading
The Facebook SDK loads asynchronously to improve page load performance. This means the SDK code is fetched in the background after the initial page load, without blocking other page resources from loading first.
Under the hood, the SDK uses Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) and RequireJS for async loading. But you don't need to worry about that - it handles everything automatically.
So keep in mind, if you try to call the SDK before it finishes loading, you'll get an error. Simply put your SDK calls inside a window.fbAsyncInit
callback to ensure everything is ready first.
Checking Login Status with FB.getLoginStatus()
Use the FB.getLoginStatus()
method to check if a user is logged in to your app and fetch their current authentication state.
It returns a promise that resolves with the status response containing:
: The login status (connected
: The auth data if logged in, or null if not.
Here is an example usage:
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
// User is logged in and authorized
} else {
// User is not logged in
This allows you to handle login and authorization flows in your app appropriately based on the user's current state.
See the FB.getLoginStatus()
reference docs for more details.
Revoking Permissions and Logging Out
If you need to revoke permissions granted to your app or log the user out completely, call the .logout()
FB.logout(function(response) {
// User is now logged out
This will clear the access token, remove any user session cookies, and revoke any granted permissions.
You can also pass a boolean parameter to only revoke specific permissions without logging the user out entirely.
See the .logout()
reference docs for more details.
Implementing Facebook Login
Integrating the Login Button
To add the Facebook Login Button to your website, the easiest method is to use the Plugin Configurator in the Facebook App dashboard. Here you can customize the button style and layout. Then select Get Code to generate the necessary script tags to copy/paste into your web pages.
The key things to specify are:
- Your App ID
- The permissions to request from users
For example:
appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID',
cookie: true,
xfbml: true,
version: 'v3.2'
This initializes the SDK, then displays a customized Login Button to let users authenticate with Facebook.
Handling the Login Dialog and Permissions
To programmatically trigger the Login dialog, call FB.login()
in your code. For example:
FB.login(function(response) {
// handle response
}, {scope: 'email,public_profile'});
The permissions you request must be approved by Facebook. See the Graph API permissions reference for options.
If users reject requested permissions, you can invoke the Login dialog later to ask again. Or if more permissions are needed after initial login, call FB.login()
to re-prompt the user.
Using FB.getLoginStatus() to Check Current Authentication
Call FB.getLoginStatus()
to get the current auth response object, without displaying any UI. For example:
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
// user is logged in and connected
} else {
// user is not connected
This allows you to check if someone is connected to your app. You can then display login/logout buttons accordingly.
See the FB.getLoginStatus() reference doc for more details.
Learning More about Facebook Login
For full details on properly implementing Facebook Login in your website or app, read the Facebook Login for the Web guide.
It covers additional topics like:
- Localization
- Advanced SDK setup
- Revoking permissions
- Handling invalidated tokens
- Troubleshooting
Using the JavaScript SDK to add Facebook Login takes just a few lines of code to get started. But there are additional considerations for a robust integration. Be sure to reference the Login documentation and Graph API reference for more information.
Graph API Integration and Examples
The Facebook Graph API allows you to programmatically access data from Facebook. With the JavaScript SDK, you can easily integrate Graph API calls into your web apps.
Making Graph API Calls with .api()
The .api()
method provides a simple way to make Graph API requests. Here is an example fetching the name of the current logged in user:
FB.api('/me', {fields: 'name'}, function(response) {
The first parameter is the Graph API endpoint, and the second parameter allows you to specify request parameters like fields.
Some key points:
- Endpoints start with a
- You can pass URL parameters in the second object
- The callback gets a response object
See the reference docs for more details on using .api()
Publishing Content via Graph API
To post content to Facebook via the Graph API, you can use the .api()
For example, to publish a message to the user's timeline:
FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', {message: 'Hello world!'}, function(response){});
Just call .api()
with the POST method and content parameters.
See the Publishing Guide for more examples.
Reading Graph API Reference Documentation
For specifics on Graph API endpoints, parameters, fields, and more, consult the Graph API Reference.
This contains documentation on all aspects of the API, like:
- Endpoint reference - paths, parameters, fields
- Permission options
- Response objects
Bookmark the reference to level up your Graph API skills!
Example: Retrieving User Profile Information
Here is an example using the Graph API to retrieve basic profile information about the logged in user:
FB.api('/me', {fields: 'id,name,email'}, function(response) {
const userId = response.id;
const userName = response.name;
const userEmail = response.email;
// Display profile data
document.getElementById('profile').innerText =
`Name: ${userName}
Email: ${userEmail}`;
We pass the /me
endpoint to get the user's own profile data. The fields
parameter limits data to only the ID, name, and email.
The response contains those fields, allowing us to display the name and email.
This shows how easy it is to fetch user data with the Graph API!
Working with UI Components and Dialogs
Learn how to implement and customize various UI components and dialogs provided by the Facebook SDK for JavaScript.
Sharing Content with FB.ui() and the Share Dialog
The FB.ui()
method allows you to open various UI dialogs and components, including the Share Dialog. This is useful for enabling users to share content from your web app to their Facebook timeline.
To open the Share Dialog:
- Call
and pass themethod: 'share'
parameter - Specify the
of the content being shared - Customize other parameters like
For example:
method: 'share',
href: 'https://developers.facebook.com/docs/',
quote: 'Check out the Facebook Developers documentation site!'
See the FB.ui reference doc for all available options.
Customizing UI Elements
You can customize the appearance and behavior of UI elements like the Login Button and Share Dialog by passing additional parameters.
For the Login Button, use the Plugin Configurator to generate customized code. You can set properties like button size, icon shape, login scope, and more.
For Share Dialog customization, pass parameters like hashtag
, quote
, description
etc. Review the FB.ui reference for details.
Reading the FB.ui
Reference Documentation
The FB.ui
Reference Documentation covers all configurable parameters for FB.ui()
components like Share Dialog.
It's important to review this when implementing UI elements to understand the full range of customization options. The docs provide code samples and usage guidelines for each parameter.
Facebook SDK React Integration
When using the Facebook SDK JS with React apps, install the facebook-js-sdk
package. It exports React components for key SDK features like Login and Share buttons.
Import and render these components in your views instead of calling FB.ui()
directly. See the Facebook SDK React docs for implementation details.
Monitoring and Analytics with the Facebook SDK
The Facebook SDK for JavaScript provides powerful tools for tracking analytics and monitoring user engagement within your web applications. By integrating the SDK and leveraging features like Meta Pixel, App Events, and purchase tracking, you can gain valuable insights to improve your product.
Implementing Meta Pixel with the Facebook SDK
The Meta Pixel allows you to track user actions on your site for analytics and advertising purposes. To implement it:
- Get your Meta Pixel ID from your Facebook Ads Manager
- Add the pixel code before the
tag - Use
fbq('init', pixelId)
to initialize - Insert
fbq('track', 'PageView')
to log page views
You can also track custom events like button clicks or form submissions. This data shows up in your Facebook Analytics to inform marketing.
Logging App Events with .AppEvents.LogEvent()
App Events allow you to log custom actions in your app, like:
- User registration
- Making a purchase
- Sharing content
To track events, call fbq('track', eventName)
or .AppEvents.logEvent(eventName)
in the Facebook SDK. You can view reports in your App Dashboard.
Tracking Purchases with .AppEvents.logPurchase()
To understand user spending behavior, track purchases with .AppEvents.logPurchase()
fbq('track', 'Purchase', {
value: 59.99,
currency: 'USD'
The event name is Purchase
. Pass in the order value and currency code as parameters.
Activating the App with .AppEvents.activateApp()
When users first open your app, call .AppEvents.activateApp()
fbq('track', 'CompleteRegistration');
fbq('activate', );
This helps attribute installs from mobile app ads campaigns. It should execute once per app session.
Conclusion: Integrating Facebook SDK JS
Review of Facebook SDK JS Integration Basics
Integrating the Facebook JavaScript SDK into your web applications starts with signing up for a Facebook Developer account and App ID. You'll need to add the SDK script tag to your site, initialize the SDK with your app ID, and make API calls like FB.login()
and FB.getLoginStatus()
to enable Facebook Login.
Key steps include:
- Register as Facebook Developer and create an App ID
- Add the SDK
tag before your site's</body>
- Initialize with
- Use
to check if user is logged in - Call
to launch the Login dialog - Request extended permissions as needed
- Subscribe to auth events with
- Make Graph API calls to get user data, post stories, etc.
Following Facebook's getting started guides and SDK reference docs provides more implementation details.
Best Practices and Common Pitfalls
Some best practices when integrating Facebook SDK JS:
- Load the async SDK script before your other scripts
- Initialize early in page load to avoid race conditions
- Request only needed permissions from users
- Localize language and translations
- Follow latest version and browser support
- Handle errors and invalid input gracefully
Common pitfalls:
- Forgetting to initialize the SDK
- Blocking page load waiting for SDK to load
- Not checking user login status properly
- Requesting unnecessary permissions at login
- Hardcoding English strings without localization
Further Learning and Resources
To continue learning about Facebook SDK JS, refer to these additional resources:
- JavaScript SDK Reference - Official API reference documentation
- JavaScript Tutorials - Facebook's JS SDK tutorials and guides
- JavaScript Facebook Page - Facebook page for JS updates
Focus on fully understanding the initialization flow, permission model, and core API methods like FB.login()
and FB.getLoginStatus()
. This will provide a solid foundation for more advanced Facebook SDK JS usage and integration.