Published Nov 3, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Debug Node.js Apps Seamlessly with These Top Debuggers


Debugging is an essential part of Node.js development. Effective debugging improves productivity by allowing developers to quickly identify and fix errors in their code. However, debugging the asynchronous, event-driven nature of Node.js can be challenging without the right tools. This article compares the most popular Node.js debuggers to help developers pick the one that best fits their needs.

We'll be evaluating both CLI and GUI-based debuggers on criteria like usability, features, performance, integration and support. The goal is to provide an overview of the leading options so you can make an informed decision on integrating a debugger into your Node.js workflow. Whether you are looking for an all-purpose debugging solution or something more specialized, this guide has you covered.

The Challenges of Debugging Asynchronous Node.js Apps

Debugging asynchronous Node.js applications presents some unique challenges:

  • Callbacks and promises execute out of order, making stepping through code difficult. For example, a callback defined earlier may execute after a callback defined later.
  • Deeply nested callbacks and complex code flows (commonly called "callback hell") are hard to follow when debugging. The call stack can get very cluttered.
  • Limited stack traces on errors make pinpointing the root cause tricky. You often have to piece things together across multiple files.
  • Node.js has no built-in debugging tools in core, so you have to integrate third-party solutions into your workflow.

Debuggers address these issues by letting you pause execution, inspect state across files, and step through code systematically. Key features like breakpoints, REPLs, and watch expressions become invaluable.

Key Debugging Capabilities Offered

Some key capabilities offered by Node.js debuggers include:

  • Stepping - Allows paused code execution to step through in a line-by-line fashion. Helpful for following asynchronous flow across files.
// Stepping through this code line-by-line
fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', (err, data) => {
  if (err) throw err;

console.log('After readFile'); 
  • Breakpoints - Pause execution at specific points in code to inspect program state across files.
// Adding breakpoint here
fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', (err, data) => {
  // Execution will pause here

  if (err) throw err;
  • Watch Expressions - Track values of variables and expressions as code executes to understand state changes.
  • Call Stack - Displays the current call stack frame by frame to follow asynchronous execution flow.
  • REPL/Console - Execute code in the context of current state for exploration and inspection.
  • Memory Profiling - Track memory allocation and usage over time to find leaks.

There are many Node.js debuggers to choose from. Here are some of the most popular and mature options:

Node Inspector

Node Inspector is one of the most widely used Node.js debuggers:

  • Built on Chrome DevTools so provides a familiar UI for debugging.
  • Excellent breakpoint support and code stepping capabilities.
  • Allows watch expressions and has an integrated REPL console.
  • However, lacks CLI interface, memory profiling, and active maintenance.
  • Very usable but missing some features compared to newer alternatives.


ndb is a lightweight CLI debugger from Google:

  • Purely terminal-based interface making it fast and simple to use.
  • Supports breakpoints, watchers, and REPL for basic debugging needs.
  • Very easy to get started with and requires minimal configuration.
  • However, more limited debugging features compared to other options.
  • Actively maintained and improving but lower adoption currently.

Node Debug2

Node Debug2 is an enhanced fork of node-debug that is actively maintained and full-featured:

  • Allows breakpoints and offers a REPL console like original node-debug.
  • However, interface and documentation is dated compared to modern alternatives.
  • Lacks some newer capabilities like memory profiling.
  • But solid basic features and active ongoing maintenance.

Key Evaluation Criteria for Debuggers

When comparing Node.js debuggers, here are some key factors to consider:


  • How intuitive are the workflows? Is the tool easy to use?
  • Is the interface CLI or graphical? Ease of use for each?
  • What's the learning curve and quality of documentation/support?


  • What debugging capabilities are offered like breakpoints, watch, REPL etc?
  • Are there specialized features like memory profiling or hot reload?


  • How much runtime overhead does the debugger incur?
  • Are there measurable lags when debugging?
  • What is the memory usage and potential for leaks?


  • Does the debugger integrate with editors like VSCode, Atom etc?
  • Are there plugins or extensions available?

Support & Community

  • Quality of documentation and ability to get help/answers?
  • How active is the project and community around it?

Comparative Analysis of Top Debuggers

Now let's see how some of the popular Node.js debuggers stack up across these criteria:

Usability Comparison

In terms of usability:

  • Node Inspector offers the most familiar interface given its Chrome DevTools foundation but requires browser context switching.
  • ndb provides the most lightweight CLI debugging experience with minimal configuration.
  • Node Debug2's documentation is dated compared to ndb and Node Inspector.
  • Overall, ndb and Node Inspector have the easiest onboarding experience currently.

Features Offered

Looking at features:





Memory Profiling

Hot Reload

Node Inspector












Node Debug2






  • Most debuggers offer basic breakpoint, watch, REPL capabilities.
  • Node Inspector leads in features given its robust Chrome DevTools foundation.
  • IronNode offers advanced memory profiling and hot reloading.

Performance Benchmarks

In terms of performance overhead (lower is better):

Debugger Performance Graph

  • ndb and Node Debug2 have minimal lag during debugging.
  • Node Inspector introduces noticeable slowdowns.
  • Memory usage is comparable for most options.

Based on this comparison, here are some debugger recommendations for different scenarios:

All-Round Debugging

For full-featured debugging, Node Inspector is a great choice:

  • Offers a robust set of debugging capabilities for maximum flexibility.
  • Excellent overall usability, features and performance.
  • Provides both CLI and GUI options to suit different preferences.

Lightweight Debugging

When performance overhead and simplicity are critical:

  • A minimal debugger like ndb would be optimal.
  • Very lightweight and CLI focused but still solid features.
  • Much less lag compared to heavier alternatives.

Getting Started with Debugging

For developers new to Node.js debugging, these resources can help get started:


There are many great Node.js debugger options, each with their own strengths. This comparison of popular solutions should help identify which debugger best fits your needs.

Key factors to evaluate are usability, features, performance, integration and support. For full-scale debugging, Node Inspector is a robust choice. For lightweight debugging, ndb offers simplicity. Resources like the Node.js community and DevHunt can provide further guidance on integrating debugging into your workflow.