Published Nov 9, 2023 ⦁ 7 min read

Debug Faster with These Must-Have Debugger Tools


As developers, we've all experienced the frustration of tracking down bugs in our code. Spending hours trying to figure out why your application is crashing or producing incorrect outputs can be incredibly time consuming and demoralizing. This is where debuggers come in - they are invaluable tools that allow you to quickly identify and resolve issues in your codebase.

Debuggers give you visibility into the runtime state of your application. They provide capabilities like breakpoints, step execution, and variable inspection that enable you to efficiently analyze code execution and find the root causes of problems. With a robust debugger in your toolkit, you can save hours or even days debugging. But with so many options to choose from, how do you select the right one?

In this article, we'll cover the key features to look for in a debugger. We'll highlight some of the top standalone debugger tools showcased on DevHunt, a platform for discovering and promoting developer tools. We'll also provide effective debugging strategies you can apply no matter which specific tools you use. Read on to supercharge your debugging and accelerate development!

Must-Have Debugger Features

All good debuggers have a core set of capabilities that enable efficient debugging. Here are the most important features to look for:


Breakpoints allow you to pause execution at specific lines or when certain conditions are met. For example, you could set a conditional breakpoint to stop only when a variable exceeds a threshold. Handy breakpoint features include:

  • Conditional breakpoints based on expressions
  • Hit counts to break after a number of hits
  • Breakpoint groups for easier management
  • Convenient UI for setting and organizing breakpoints

Step Execution

Step execution enables incrementally running code one statement at a time. You can step over, into, or out of functions to analyze the control flow. Key features include:

  • Granular stepping through specific threads
  • Step filtering to focus on relevant code paths
  • Easy control via buttons, hotkeys or the UI

For example, you could use stepping to watch how data changes within a loop.

Variable Inspection

Inspecting variables and data is crucial to analyzing state. Useful variable inspection capabilities include:

  • Watches to track values over time
  • Editing variables dynamically
  • Data tooltips to view values inline
  • Convenient variable exploration UI

You could inspect a map to ensure it contains the expected key-value pairs.

Call Stack

The call stack shows the active function calls and execution flow. Handy call stack features include:

  • Filtering and searching call stacks
  • Inspecting stack frames
  • Following stack traces
  • Call stack navigation in the UI

For instance, you could examine the call stack to pinpoint the origin of an error.

Memory Debugging

Tools for debugging memory issues like leaks are invaluable for certain classes of bugs. Useful memory debugging capabilities include:

  • Memory profiling over time
  • Leak detection
  • Heap analysis
  • UI for efficient memory debugging

You could leverage memory debugging to ensure you are properly releasing resources.

Top Debugger Tools on DevHunt

Now that we've outlined the key capabilities, let's look at some of the top standalone debugger tools showcased on DevHunt:

React Debugger

React Debugger is an open source debugger optimized for debugging React and JavaScript apps. It allows debugging directly in the browser with:

  • Breakpoints, stepping, and call stack support
  • Inspecting component state and props
  • Integrated performance profiling
  • Time-travel debugging to replay events
  • Smooth integration with DevHunt launch features

You can use it to debug front-end React code without any special setup.

.NET Debugger

.NET Debugger is a powerful .NET and C# debugger. It provides:

  • Conditional breakpoints with hit counts
  • Diagnostic tools like memory profiling
  • Step filtering for easy control flow analysis
  • Attaching to live .NET processes
  • Seamless DevHunt integration

For example, you could use .NET Debugger's data breakpoints to break when a variable is null.

Python Debugger

Python Debugger enables robust Python debugging with:

  • Real-time debugging of running code
  • Multi-threaded and remote debugging
  • Multiple simultaneous debug sessions
  • Call stack linking back to source code
  • DevHunt launch support

You could use it to debug a live Flask application without restarting it.

Go Debugger

Go Debugger focuses on debugging Go code. It includes:

  • Goroutine-aware debugging
  • Smart step debugging
  • Debugging pprof CPU and memory profiles
  • Terminal or browser-based UI
  • Integration with DevHunt profiles

For instance, you can seamlessly step between goroutines to track down concurrency bugs.

Java Debugger

Java Debugger provides advanced Java debugging with:

  • Granular data breakpoints
  • Bulk breakpoint management
  • Customizable data tooltips
  • App server integration
  • Launch support through DevHunt

You could leverage data breakpoints to break when a variable is null.

Get Started Quickly with a New Debugger

When evaluating a new debugger, look for walkthroughs and documentation that let you quickly get started. For example, DevHunt debugger profiles include setup guides for different environments. Handy tips for ramping up effectively with a new debugger include:

  • Following setup guides for your language/environment
  • Starting with demo apps or simple test cases
  • Trying basic workflows like breakpoints and stepping
  • Consulting documentation or communities if stuck

Leveraging available learning resources helps you become productive with a new debugger quickly.

Tips for Effective Debugging

Complement your debugger's capabilities with proven debugging strategies. Here are some tips for squashing bugs more efficiently:

Use Logging Statements

Comprehensive logging provides visibility before you ever attach a debugger. Best practices include:

  • Logging key function inputs/outputs
  • Adding debug/info/error log levels
  • Filtering logs to focus on relevant entries

Reproduce Issues Consistently

Reproducing bugs reliably is key to quick resolution. Helpful techniques include:

  • Isolating parts of code through unit tests
  • Capturing reproduction steps, environment details, etc
  • Using tools that automate replaying failures

Analyze Details Thoroughly

Don't ignore seemingly minor details when debugging. Make sure to:

  • Inspect stack traces and thread states
  • Drill down instead of just high-level overviews
  • Note exact variable values, memory usage, etc

Divide Problems Incrementally

Break big problems down into smaller isolated pieces. Strategies include:

  • Using binary search to narrow scope
  • Dividing code or data sets
  • Leveraging debuggers with automated subdivision

Take Regular Breaks

Walk away periodically to avoid burnout. Five to ten minute breaks can provide a fresh perspective.

Leverage Static Analysis

Static analyzers can detect bugs without running code. Look for:

  • Type checking in strongly typed languages
  • Linters for code quality and style issues
  • Compilation warnings to catch common bugs


Using a high-quality debugger like those showcased on DevHunt can help identify and fix issues faster. Core debugger features like breakpoints, variable inspection, and memory profiling empower you to understand program execution. Combine your tool's capabilities with proven debugging strategies like thorough logging, reproducing issues reliably, and dividing big problems incrementally. Stop spending hours trying to squash bugs manually - let a robust debugger do the heavy lifting instead! Check out DevHunt's innovative debugger profiles to find the perfect match for accelerating your development workflows.