Published Nov 3, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Build serverless apps faster with AWS Node SDK


The AWS SDK for JavaScript allows developers to quickly integrate AWS services into Node.js applications. With the rise of serverless architectures and Node.js usage in the backend, the AWS SDK is becoming increasingly valuable for accelerating serverless development.

This post will demonstrate how the AWS JavaScript SDK can optimize building serverless applications using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and other services. We'll cover the key capabilities of the SDK, best practices for configuration, and examples of building scalable APIs and integrating services like S3 and DynamoDB. Follow along to see how the AWS SDK eliminates boilerplate code and streamlines your serverless workflow.

Here are some of the main benefits we'll highlight:

  • Easily configure and manage AWS credentials/regions
  • Import and call individual service clients
  • Develop Lambda functions for HTTP endpoints
  • Build REST APIs with API Gateway
  • CRUD operations for DynamoDB tables/items
  • File upload and processing with S3
  • Invoke Lambda functions from other services
  • Make SDK calls using async/await for concurrency
  • Increase performance by reusing connections

By the end, you'll have the knowledge to start developing full-stack serverless applications with the AWS Node.js SDK. Let's dive in!

Getting Started with AWS Node.js SDK

The AWS SDK for JavaScript can be easily installed via npm:

npm install aws-sdk

To start using the SDK, we first need to import the AWS client and configure our credentials:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');

  region: 'us-east-1', 
  credentials: {
    accessKeyId: 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY',
    secretAccessKey: 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY',

We can also set credentials via environment variables, shared credential file, or IAM roles for EC2 instances. The SDK will automatically check these credentials sources.

Some other handy options for the global SDK config include:

  • Setting a different region
  • Using an endpoint for custom domains
  • Configuring max retries and timeouts
  • Enabling client-side monitoring

After credentials are configured, we can import individual service clients:

const S3 = require('aws-sdk/clients/s3');
const DynamoDB = require('aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb');

This allows lazy loading only the specific clients we need for better performance. Now let's look at building APIs...

Building Serverless APIs with AWS Lambda and API Gateway

The AWS Node.js SDK makes it a breeze to build REST APIs with Lambda and API Gateway. We'll implement the Lambda handlers to power our API endpoints, then connect everything to API Gateway for a complete deployment.

Some key steps include:

  • Creating Lambda functions to handle API requests
  • Configuring API Gateway methods, routes, authorization
  • Mapping API Gateway routes and methods to Lambda
  • Enabling CORS, caching, compression
  • Deploying the API to a public endpoint

Developing Lambda API Handlers

Our Lambda handlers receive and respond to HTTP requests for a given endpoint. Here is an example handler for a GET request:

exports.handler = async (event) => {

  // Log event and context
  console.log('Received event:', JSON.stringify(event, null, 2));

  // Get items from DynamoDB
  // ...
  // Return HTTP response
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: JSON.stringify(items),

We can write similar handlers for POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. The handler can use async/await to call other AWS services like DynamoDB and S3, then return the desired HTTP response.

Other best practices include input validation, error handling, logging, and writing reusable modular handlers.

Integrating API Gateway

With our Lambda handlers implemented, we can setup an API in API Gateway:

  • Define routes like /users, /posts
  • Configure methods like GET, POST, DELETE
  • Set caching, throttling, CORS, auth
  • Map routes and methods to Lambda functions

This allows invoking our handlers in a serverless way. API Gateway provides many features like request validation, custom domains, VPC links, and more.

In just a few clicks, we can deploy our API and have a production-ready serverless backend! The AWS SDK allowed us to focus on business logic rather than boilerplate web server code.

<b>Check out DevHunt to discover and promote your own serverless projects built with AWS Node.js SDK.</b>

AWS SDK Usage Examples for Common Services

Now let's explore some examples of using the AWS SDK's various service clients for common use cases:

DynamoDB CRUD Operations

The DynamoDB client allows full create, read, update, delete operations on tables and items. For example:

  • Create tables and manage provisioning
  • Batch write items
  • Query and scan table data
  • Perform atomic counters and conditional writes
  • Use transactions for complex logic

We could build a serverless TODO API by implementing these DynamoDB operations in our Lambda handlers.

S3 File Upload and Processing

The S3 client enables uploading files and working with buckets:

  • Create buckets and upload objects
  • Generate pre-signed URLs for private assets
  • Resize images with Sharp upon upload
  • Trigger Lambda functions when a file is uploaded

These capabilities allow building a service like an image thumbnail generator powered by S3 and Lambda.

In addition to S3 and DynamoDB, the SDK provides access to virtually all AWS services - SQS, SNS, Kinesis, and more. The SDK eliminates the need for service-specific APIs and custom integration code.

Performance Tips and Optimization

Here are some tips for maximizing performance with the AWS Node.js SDK:

  • Use async/await for concurrent requests
  • Reuse SDK clients and connections
  • Tune retries and timeouts for your use case
  • Create custom service clients
  • Enable request tracing for debugging
  • Monitor usage metrics and logs


In this post, we covered the essentials of the AWS Node.js SDK, including configuration, developing Lambda handlers, building APIs, and integrating services like DynamoDB and S3.

With the AWS SDK, you can develop complete serverless backends faster by eliminating boilerplate code and tedious service integration. Best practices like credentials management, performance tuning, and request optimization help you further accelerate development.

The examples and key learnings provided should give you a solid foundation for leveraging the SDK's capabilities for your serverless applications. Be sure to check out the DevHunt community to discover and showcase your own projects built with the AWS Node.js SDK.

Happy serverless coding!