Published May 10, 2024 ⦁ 9 min read
BDD Scenario Outlines: Writing Tips & Examples

BDD Scenario Outlines: Writing Tips & Examples

BDD scenario outlines are a powerful tool for efficient software testing. They allow you to define a scenario template with placeholders for data, enabling you to run the same scenario multiple times with different inputs. This reduces code duplication and makes tests more flexible and maintainable.

Key Benefits:

  • Efficient testing: Test multiple scenarios with different inputs without writing separate tests
  • Reduced code maintenance: Maintain a single scenario outline instead of multiple tests
  • Flexibility: Easily add or modify scenarios by changing placeholders and examples

Writing Tips:

  • Use simple language that everyone can understand
  • Focus on testing one behavior per scenario outline
  • Keep scenarios simple and break down complex ones into smaller pieces

Debugging Scenario Outlines:

  1. Check your examples table for correct formatting and values
  2. Verify your step definitions are functioning as expected
  3. Use debugging tools like print statements or debuggers
  4. Simplify your outline to isolate the issue

By following best practices and these tips, you can create concise, maintainable, and efficient scenario outlines that improve your BDD testing efforts.

How Scenario Outlines Work

Scenario outlines are a powerful tool in BDD testing that allows you to define a template for a scenario with placeholders for data that can be replaced with different values. This enables you to run the same scenario multiple times with different inputs, making it an efficient way to test various scenarios without having to write separate tests for each one.

A scenario outline typically consists of three main parts:

Scenario Outline Components

Component Description
Scenario Outline The template for the scenario, which includes placeholders for data that can be replaced with different values.
Examples A table that provides the actual data values to be used in the scenario outline. Each row in the table represents a separate test instance.
Placeholders The variables in the scenario outline that are replaced with the actual data values from the examples table.

Here's an example of a scenario outline:

Scenario Outline: User saves contact information
  Given I am on the contact details page
  When I enter the following details
    | email          | phone   |
    | <Email>        | <Phone> |
  And I save the details
  Then the details are correctly saved

  | Email                 | Phone                 |
  |        | 012345678             |
  | | 012345678901234567890 |

In this example, the scenario outline defines a template for testing the user's ability to save contact information. The placeholders <Email> and <Phone> are replaced with the actual data values from the examples table, allowing you to run the same scenario multiple times with different inputs.

By using scenario outlines, you can reduce code duplication and make your tests more efficient and flexible. In the next section, we'll provide some tips for writing effective scenario outlines.

Tips for Writing Scenario Outlines

When writing scenario outlines, it's essential to follow best practices to ensure your tests are effective, efficient, and easy to maintain. Here are some tips to help you write better scenario outlines:

Use Simple Language

Use clear and concise language in your scenario outlines to ensure they are easily understood by all team members. Avoid using technical jargon or complex terminology that might confuse others.

Focus on One Behavior

Each scenario outline should describe one behavior, providing clarity and making automated testing more manageable. Avoid trying to test multiple behaviors in a single scenario outline, as this can lead to complexity.

Keep It Simple

Avoid incorporating complex logic within scenario outlines, as this can lead to maintenance headaches. Instead, break down complex scenarios into smaller, more manageable pieces, and use separate scenario outlines to test each behavior.

Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind when writing scenario outlines:

Tip Description
Use simple language Ensure scenario outlines are easily understood by all team members.
Focus on one behavior Describe one behavior per scenario outline for clarity and manageability.
Keep it simple Avoid complex logic and break down complex scenarios into smaller pieces.

By following these tips, you can write effective scenario outlines that are easy to understand, maintain, and execute. In the next section, we'll provide some examples of scenario outlines to help illustrate these concepts.

Scenario Outline Examples

To illustrate how to effectively implement scenario outlines, this section provides practical examples. These examples demonstrate the application of the writing tips explained in the previous section.

Login Feature Example

Let's consider a simple example of a scenario outline for a login feature, showcasing the use of placeholders and an 'Examples' table.

Scenario Outline: Login with different credentials
  Given I am on the login page
  When I login with email "<email>" and password "<password>"
  Then I should see the message "<message>"

  | email                      | password      | message               |
  |            | Pass1234      | Login successful      |
  |          | wrongpass     | Invalid credentials   |

In this example, we define a scenario outline for a login feature, which can be executed multiple times with different sets of credentials. The placeholders <email>, <password>, and <message> are replaced with actual values from the 'Examples' table, allowing us to test various login scenarios efficiently.

Payment Gateway Testing Example

Now, let's consider an advanced example that covers multiple payment methods in an e-commerce context, illustrating how scenario outlines can simplify complex testing requirements.

Scenario Outline: Make payment with different gateways
  Given I am on the checkout page
  When I select payment gateway "<gateway>"
  And I enter payment details "<card_number>" and "<cvv>"
  Then I should see the payment result "<result>"

  | gateway         | card_number          | cvv | result               |
  | Visa            | 4111111111111111    | 123 | Payment successful    |
  | Mastercard      | 5105105105105100    | 456 | Payment successful    |
  | American Express | 378282246310005     | 789 | Payment declined      |

In this example, we define a scenario outline for testing multiple payment gateways, each with different payment details and expected results. By using placeholders and an 'Examples' table, we can efficiently test various payment scenarios, ensuring that our e-commerce application handles different payment gateways correctly.

These examples demonstrate how scenario outlines can simplify complex testing requirements, making it easier to write and maintain automated tests. By following the writing tips and best practices outlined in this article, you can create effective scenario outlines that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your testing efforts.


Common Mistakes with Scenario Outlines

When writing scenario outlines, it's easy to make mistakes that can lead to complex and hard-to-maintain tests. In this section, we'll discuss common mistakes, how to spot them, and how to avoid them.

Overly Complex Scenarios

One common mistake is making scenario outlines too complex. This happens when you try to test too many scenarios or edge cases in a single outline. To avoid this, focus on one behavior or scenario per outline, and keep your examples table concise and relevant.

Bad Example:

Scenario Outline: Doing Everything
  Given I am a XML API consumer
  And I am executing test "<ID>"
  When I request GET "<ENDPOINT>"
  Then I should get a status code of 200
  And the response value of "<PATH>" should not equal "<VALUE>"

  | ID    | ENDPOINT    | PATH                 |   VALUE     |
  | TST1  | /ep1        | options.val       | Some Text   |
  | TST2  | /ep2        | results.item.val  | A Value     |
  | TST3  | /ep3        |      | Mike        |

This scenario outline is trying to test too many things at once, making it difficult to understand and maintain. Instead, break it down into smaller, focused outlines that test specific behaviors or scenarios.

Debugging Scenario Outlines

When working with scenario outlines, you may encounter issues or errors. To effectively debug your outlines, follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Debugging

  1. Check your examples table: Ensure that your examples table is correctly formatted and that the values are correct.
  2. Verify your step definitions: Make sure that your step definitions are correct and functioning as expected.
  3. Use debugging tools: Utilize debugging tools, such as print statements or debuggers, to identify where the issue is occurring.
  4. Simplify your outline: Break down your outline into smaller, more focused scenarios to isolate the issue.

By following these steps, you can quickly identify and resolve issues with your scenario outlines, ensuring that your tests are running smoothly and efficiently.

Mastering Scenario Outline Writing

To write effective scenario outlines, follow these best practices:

Keep it Simple

Use clear and concise language in your scenario outlines. Avoid using technical jargon or complex terminology that might confuse others.

Focus on One Behavior

Each scenario outline should describe one behavior, providing clarity and making automated testing more manageable. Avoid trying to test multiple behaviors in a single scenario outline.

Avoid Complexity

Break down complex scenarios into smaller, more manageable pieces. Use separate scenario outlines to test each behavior.

Debugging Tips

When working with scenario outlines, you may encounter issues or errors. To effectively debug your outlines, follow these steps:

Step Description
1 Check your examples table: Ensure that your examples table is correctly formatted and that the values are correct.
2 Verify your step definitions: Make sure that your step definitions are correct and functioning as expected.
3 Use debugging tools: Utilize debugging tools, such as print statements or debuggers, to identify where the issue is occurring.
4 Simplify your outline: Break down your outline into smaller, more focused scenarios to isolate the issue.

By following these tips and best practices, you can create concise, maintainable, and efficient scenario outlines that cover a wide range of test cases. This, in turn, will lead to more effective BDD testing, faster test execution, and improved overall quality of your software application.

Remember, mastering scenario outline writing takes practice and patience. Start by applying these best practices to your existing tests, and gradually refine your skills as you work on more complex scenarios. With time and experience, you'll become proficient in writing scenario outlines that cover a wide range of test cases, ensuring that your software application meets the highest standards of quality and reliability.

More BDD Resources

To further develop your skills in writing effective scenario outlines and mastering BDD testing, we've curated a list of resources, including tutorials, documentation, and tools.

Online Courses and Tutorials

Resource Description
Cucumber's official tutorial A comprehensive guide to getting started with Cucumber and BDD
BDD 101 A free online course covering the fundamentals of BDD and scenario outlines
Test Automation University A platform offering courses and tutorials on test automation, including BDD and scenario outlines

Documentation and Guides

Resource Description
Cucumber documentation Official documentation for Cucumber, including guides on scenario outlines and BDD best practices
Behave documentation Documentation for Behave, a popular BDD framework, including guides on scenario outlines and testing
BDD Guide A comprehensive guide to BDD, including scenario outlines, test automation, and best practices

Tools and Frameworks

Tool/Framework Description
Cucumber A popular BDD framework for test automation
Behave A Python-based BDD framework for test automation
SpecFlow A.NET-based BDD framework for test automation
JBehave A Java-based BDD framework for test automation

Communities and Forums

Resource Description
Cucumber community A community-driven forum for discussing Cucumber and BDD-related topics
BDD subreddit A subreddit dedicated to discussing BDD, scenario outlines, and test automation
Stack Overflow A Q&A platform for programmers, including topics related to BDD and scenario outlines

By leveraging these resources, you can further develop your skills in writing effective scenario outlines and mastering BDD testing.


What is the difference between scenario outline and template?

A Scenario Outline is a template that contains placeholders for data. It's not run directly. Instead, it's run once for each row in the Examples section beneath it.

Here's a breakdown of the key differences:

Feature Scenario Outline Template
Purpose Defines a template with placeholders A direct, executable test
Execution Run once for each row in Examples Run directly
Placeholders Contains placeholders for data No placeholders

In summary, a Scenario Outline is a reusable template that allows you to run multiple tests with different data, while a template is a single, executable test.