Published Nov 7, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

AI Dev Tools Simplify Coding With Intelligent Assistance

Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming software development. AI-powered tools like AI coding assistants, intelligent debuggers, and automated code reviewers are emerging that aim to augment developers by automating repetitive coding tasks, providing intelligent suggestions, and applying data-driven insights to boost productivity. In this post, we'll explore some of the most promising new AI developer tools and how they stand to reshape coding.

AI-Powered Coding Assistants

AI coding assistants leverage machine learning models trained on millions of code repositories to generate context-aware code suggestions and entire functions as you type.

Popular assistants include:

  • TabNine - Autocompletes code snippets by predicting likely completions based on deep learning analysis of GitHub.

  • GitHub Copilot - An AI pair programmer that suggests code snippets and generates entire functions as you code. Developed by applying deep learning to billions of lines of public code.

  • DeepCode - An AI code reviewer that scans code for bugs, errors, and security issues. It then suggests fixes to improve quality.

  • Kite - Provides AI-powered autocompletions personalized to a developer's codebase and programming habits.

  • Codex - OpenAI's code generation model that creates code based on natural language descriptions and prompts.

Key Benefits

AI coding assistants provide several advantages:

  • Faster coding with less manual typing needed.
  • Fewer bugs and errors by generating reliable code.
  • Write complex code more easily through AI assistance.
  • Focus on higher logic instead of implementation details.
  • Learn best practices from the AI studying millions of quality repos.

Current Limitations

However, current limitations include:

  • Potential to suggest incorrect or inefficient code.
  • Limited ability to handle complex architectural decisions.
  • Concerns around AI bias and licensing of generated code.
  • Risk of reducing developer skills with overreliance on AI.
  • AI still lacks human judgment in many cases. For example, Copilot may autocomlete code that compiles but lacks the elegance and efficiency of code written by an experienced engineer.

Intelligent Debugging Assistants

AI-powered debugging tools leverage application monitoring and log analysis to speed up identifying and diagnosing bugs:

  • LogRocket - Records user sessions to replay and debug front-end errors. It shines for quickly diagnosing UI issues reported by customers in production.

  • Sentry - Monitors app crashes and errors in real-time. Great for alerting on regressions and application failures.

  • Raygun - Error and crash reporting with ability to replay user sessions.

  • Bugsnag - Stability monitoring that diagnoses errors and exceptions like null pointer dereferences that cause crashes.

  • Rollbar - Finds the root cause of bugs based on app monitoring and telemetry. For example, pinpointing the source of spikes in latency.

Use Cases

Intelligent debuggers help developers in several ways:

  • Reduce debugging time by highlighting likely error causes through AI.
  • Improve app quality by uncovering hard-to-find edge cases.
  • Enable faster incident response by being instantly notified of crashes.
  • Lower user frustration by preventing cryptic application failures.
  • Identify performance optimization opportunities through monitoring.

Implementation Tips

To maximize the impact of AI debugging, it helps to:

  • Integrate early in the development process for greater benefit.
  • Send rich contextual data to unlock advanced AI capabilities.
  • Triage issues based on AI-assigned severity scores.
  • Review error clustering to uncover widespread bugs.
  • Tune sensitivity settings to find the right signal-to-noise ratio.

Automated Code Reviews

AI code review tools analyze code quality, style consistency, and detect bugs:

  • Codacy - Automated code reviews for quality and security. It excels at identifying security vulnerabilities like SQL injection that human reviewers may miss.

  • CodeScene - Identifies complex code needing refactoring via static analysis.

  • CodeClimate - Enforces style guides and coding best practices.

  • LGTM - Finds security flaws and code errors through automated analysis. Great for ensuring adherence to secure coding standards.

  • Scrutinizer - Automated code quality checks and maintainability metrics.


Benefits of AI code reviews include:

  • Catching bugs and anti-patterns early.
  • Freeing up developer time spent on manual reviews.
  • Enforcing consistent code quality and style.
  • Objectively measuring code maintainability.
  • Providing continuous feedback to improve code.


However, potential downsides to consider:

  • Lack of nuanced human judgment in reviews. An AI tool may flag a complex but elegant solution as overly complex.
  • Can feel intrusive or pressuring to developers.
  • Configuration is needed to tune rules and avoid noise. Too many style violations flagged can overwhelm developers.
  • Risk of overreliance on automation over human review skills.
  • Cannot provide mentoring value of human code reviews. Pair programming between junior and senior engineers provides unique learning opportunities.

AI Testing and Simulation

AI is also transforming software testing by automatically generating test cases and mocking services:

  • Applitools - AI visual testing for web and mobile apps. Great for identifying visual regressions across platforms.

  • LambdaTest - Runs tests across thousands of browsers and devices. Allows greatly expanded test matrix coverage.

  • Testim - Generates test scripts by recording UI interactions.

  • Tricentis Tosca - Automated test case generation and maintenance. Useful for keeping pace with continuously changing apps.

  • Parasoft - Automated API simulation and mocking for virtual test environments. Enables isolated testing of microservices.


AI-powered testing provides several benefits:

  • Finds edge cases not covered by existing test suites. An AI technique called combinatorial testing uncovers unexpected interaction scenarios.
  • Significantly faster test script creation. Weeks of manual effort reduced to hours.
  • Ensures UI consistency across platforms. Cross-browser and device testing becomes scalable.
  • Expands test coverage at a lower cost. AI techniques like fuzz testing scale to test millions of parameter combinations.
  • API mocking enables faster isolated services testing. Frontends and backends can be tested in parallel.


When adopting AI testing, it's important to note:

  • Generated tests still require human validation. AI can suggest invalid or redundant tests.
  • AI bias can miss uncommon usage scenarios. Exploratory manual testing is still needed.
  • Flakiness remains an issue in test automation. Maintenance is required to address brittleness.
  • Monitoring and maintenance are still required for auto-generated tests.
  • Focus automation on happy paths, and explore manually. AI excels at common cases but humans find edge cases.


AI coding assistants like TabNine boost productivity by reducing repetitive work. Intelligent debuggers like Sentry cut issue diagnosis time through app monitoring. Automated code reviewers like Codacy enhance quality while freeing up developers. AI testing expands coverage at lower cost.

However, human oversight is still critical to address AI limitations. Overall, AI developer tools offer exciting potential to augment human developers when applied judiciously. These innovations point to a future where AI and humans work together to write, test, and debug code more efficiently.

Sites like DevHunt offer a great way to discover and evaluate the latest AI coding tools. Check out the AI developer tools on DevHunt to explore how AI is transforming coding.