Published Oct 11, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

7 Ways to Increase Website Traffic with Targeted Tracking


Driving more qualified visitors to your website is crucial for growing your online presence. Implementing website traffic tracking allows you to monitor performance, identify high-potential opportunities, and continuously optimize your strategy.

Website traffic tracking involves using analytics platforms to collect and analyze data on how people find and interact with your site. By leveraging this data, you can gain invaluable insights to boost conversions and maximize the impact of your traffic sources.

The goal is to attract visitors who will take meaningful actions, like signing up for your email list, downloading an ebook, or making a purchase. With targeted tracking, you can determine which acquisition channels, campaigns, keywords, and content resonate best with your ideal audience.

In this post, we'll explore seven powerful ways to increase website traffic through analytics-driven optimization and fine-tuning. Implementing just a few of these tactics can lead to exponential growth over time. Let's dive in!

Here are some key website traffic statistics to provide context:

  • Websites that load in under 3 seconds convert up to 60% better [1].
  • 57% of website traffic comes from organic search [2].
  • Content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing but generates 3x as many leads [3].

Analyze Your Traffic Sources

Breaking down your overall traffic by source helps identify opportunities with the highest potential for driving additional qualified visitors. Compare direct traffic, search traffic, referral traffic, social media traffic, and more over time.

Prioritize channels sending high volumes of users who actively engage on your site. Pay attention to positive or negative trends and adjust your strategy accordingly. Use platforms like Google Analytics to automatically generate detailed acquisition reports.

Social Media

  • Closely monitor traffic from social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, etc.
  • Analyze performance of specific social posts, campaigns, hashtags, and influencers driving traffic.
  • Determine which social channels and post types result in the most conversions. For example, video tutorials on YouTube could drive more traffic than static images on Facebook.
  • Test new social platforms and creative content formats to diversify referrals. Short-form vertical video on TikTok or Instagram Reels could be worth exploring.
  • Leverage social listening data to create content that resonates with your followers. Mentions of industry trends or competitor brand names might inform content themes.
  • Identify your top-performing keywords for content gap opportunities. For example, compare search volume and CTR data for "email newsletter platforms" vs "email subscription tools" to pick the better term to target.
  • Compare keyword-specific metrics like CTR, bounce rate, and pages per session. Higher page depth per visit indicates better engagement for a keyword.
  • Discover new relevant long-tail keywords to target in your content and on-page optimization. Use keyword research tools to find hidden gems.
  • Analyze keyword usage patterns on high-traffic landing pages vs. lower-traffic ones. This can reveal better optimization opportunities.
  • Use rank tracking to spot positive or negative changes in keyword positions over time. Losing ground for a major keyword might require content refresh.

Monitor Keyword Usage

Drilling down into keyword performance provides insight into which search terms attract qualified visitors who engage with your content.

Track keyword usage over time, and compare to competitors. Identify underutilized but relevant keywords to target in new content.

Analyze keyword usage on high-traffic landing pages vs. low-traffic ones to guide further on-page optimization. Stay up-to-date on seasonal keywords and trends.

For example, a SaaS company could analyze "free trial" keyword usage on pricing page vs. features page to determine where to focus content improvement efforts.

Analyze Your Top Content

Review analytics for your best-performing pages and posts driving the most website traffic. Identify common themes around topics, formats, and other factors influencing popularity.

Look at engagement metrics like time on page, bounce rate, and scroll depth to determine what resonates. Feature or link to popular evergreen content to continue driving traffic.

For instance, an ecommerce site may find their comparison articles and long-form buying guides perform best. Refreshing and promoting this content can boost recurring traffic.

Set Up Campaign Tracking

Create campaign URLs with UTM parameters to identify how your paid ads, email blasts, guest posts, partnerships, and other initiatives impact website traffic.

Compare performance across campaigns to double down on what works and rethink what doesn't. Allocate budget towards top-converting efforts.

For example, you could use utm_source, utm_medium, and utm_campaign to track a Facebook ad campaign directing users to a landing page.

A/B Test Page Elements

A/B test versions of your page titles, meta descriptions, headlines, body copy, calls-to-action, designs, images, videos, and more.

Analyze how each version impacts click-through rate, time on page, bounce rate, and other key metrics. Identify the page variants that increase conversions for further optimization.

For instance, you could test a green call-to-action button against a red one to determine which button color increases form submission rate.

Implement Event Tracking

Install event tracking for important on-site interactions like email signups, content downloads, video views, outbound link clicks, purchases, and more.

Pinpoint areas of friction in your website funnel by identifying steps where visitors fall off at higher rates. Then optimize those pain points to improve conversions.

For example, excessive drop off during free trial sign up could indicate the form fields are too complex. Simplifying the fields could boost conversions.


Implementing website traffic tracking delivers data-driven insights to boost qualified visitors. Prioritize high-impact analytic initiatives to maximize your growth.

Continuously monitor and fine-tune traffic sources and content performance. Website traffic tracking enables you to identify the most effective strategies for attracting and engaging your ideal audience.

Start optimizing based on actionable data today to build momentum and drive steady website growth over the long-term. Consistent refinement will compound results. Let analytics pave the way to more qualified traffic.

Ready to take your website traffic to the next level? Check out DevHunt's analytics and tracking tools to unlock growth.