Cloud Engineer on weekdays, Software Developer on the weekends ðŸ¤
GitHub Slack integration for affective (not spammy) pull request notifications
Powerful online SQL sandbox
Hi everybody! Software Engineering Teams often share their Pull Requests to a Slack channel seeking a code review. This would not only speed up the review process but also increase visibility, and team collaboration. A year ago I got tired of copy pasting the PR info into Slack, and not being able to see its status with a quick look. prbot was born as a Hackathon to solve this issue. It ended up being used and loved by most of engineers at work. I really enjoyed working on it so I decided to improve it and make it a product to keep coding cool features around it. 🔥 Today's prbot mission is to enhance and speed up code review process, by automating Pull Request sharing, keep them in sync, and much more. The main features as of today are: - Automatic Slack message - Synced Pull Request Status - Synced Reviews Status - Multiple Channel Support - Customizable Message Format - Advanced Settings I'm exited about the upcoming features, however, they won't matter if you won't use it so I would love to know the features you would like to see in the prbot next releases. Start the 14-day FREE trial!