Published Nov 13, 2023 ⦁ 6 min read

Analyze web pages to boost performance

Developers and web professionals know how important website speed and performance are. With page load times directly impacting user experience, conversions, and revenue, ongoing optimization and analysis is essential. Even minor improvements can have an outsized impact at scale.

This article will explore key techniques and tools for analyzing web pages to identify performance issues. By addressing problem areas and optimizing pages, sites can provide a smooth, fast experience that delights users. Let's dive into measuring page load times, reducing page weight, optimizing delivery, and monitoring performance. With a solid methodology, teams can make incremental improvements that aggregate into major gains.

Measuring Page Load Times

The first step is quantifying page performance using timing metrics. Popular options include:

  • Time to First Byte (TTFB) - Measures how long after the request is made that the browser receives the first byte of response. This indicates server processing and response times. TTFB is a key metric impacted by application code and infrastructure.
  • DOMContentLoaded - Records when the HTML is parsed and DOM constructed without waiting for additional resources like images, CSS, and JS. Optimizing page weight and deferring non-critical resources helps lower DOMContentLoaded.
  • Load Event - Triggers when all page resources including images have loaded. This is delayed by large images, excessive third-party scripts, and other heavy assets.
  • Time to Interactive (TTI) - Estimates when the page is visually rendered and responds quickly to input. TTI depends heavily on optimal code delivery and execution.

Tools like PageSpeed Insights, WebPageTest, and DevHunt PageSpeed provide easy ways to measure and analyze these metrics. Comparing performance over time and across pages identifies opportunities for optimization.

For instance, a recent PageSpeed Insights report for DevHunt showed excellent performance on mobile and desktop. The site scored 99/100 on mobile and 100/100 on desktop, with a First Contentful Paint under 1 second.

However, a tool like WebPageTest reveals additional details not captured by PageSpeed Insights. Configuring tests from different locations and connections simulates real user experiences. The filmstrip view clearly displays areas with slow rendering, while the request map highlights blocking requests impacting TTI.

Together, these free tools provide invaluable data to analyze page load performance from multiple perspectives. This informs an optimization roadmap targeting the highest value improvements first.

Optimizing Images

Images often represent the majority of page weight. Optimizing images provides one of the quickest performance wins:

  • Compress images without losing quality using tools like ImageOptim or cloud services like Cloudinary. JPEG compression levels, PNG optimization, and WebP support can significantly reduce file sizes. Cropping and resizing images also decreases bytes downloaded.
  • Lazy load images below the fold using native browser support or libraries like lazysizes. This defers loading until needed. Lazy loading plugins like those from WPMU DEV make implementation easy.
  • Serve properly sized images for the device using responsive srcset and sizes attributes. Don't serve full-resolution images to mobile devices. Services like Responsive Breakpoints Generator help with markup generation.
  • Leverage WebP for supporting browsers, falling back to JPEG or PNG. WebP often compresses better than older image formats. Cloud services simplify conversion and serving.

Proper image optimization can reduce page weight by 50-80%, with significant impact on load times. Yet many sites still overlook this quick win.

Reducing Page Weight

Heavier pages take longer to load, hurting user experience. Teams should audit page weight and optimize where possible:

  • Minify HTML, CSS, and JS with tools like html-minifier, clean-css, and Terser to remove unnecessary whitespace and comments. Minification often reduces code size by 20-40%.
  • Eliminate unused libraries and code to avoid parsing and downloading unnecessary bytes. Tree-shaking builds and code-splitting can help. Unused JS libraries are a common source of bloat.
  • Defer non-critical JavaScript using async or defer attributes to avoid blocking rendering. Libraries like loadCSS can defer CSS as well. Rendering can be delayed by 100+ milliseconds per blocking script.
  • Compress and cache static assets like images, fonts, CSS, and JS on a CDN. This improves delivery performance. CDN services like Cloudflare and DevHunt CDN make this simple.

A recent Cloudinary report found that optimizing images alone can improve PageSpeed scores by up to 28 points for desktop and 26 points for mobile. The impact compounds when combined with minification, deferred loading, and delivery optimizations.

Optimizing Delivery

Optimizing content delivery reaps significant performance gains:

  • Enable compression like gzip and brotli on the server and CDN. This drastically reduces file sizes without loss of quality. Compression typically reduces network transfer size 60-80%.
  • Cache static assets locally and on a CDN. Set future expires headers and immutable caching to minimize round-trips. This avoids unnecessary re-downloads of unchanged resources.
  • Distribute content globally on a CDN to reduce latency and improve connectivity. Services like Cloudflare and DevHunt CDN make this easy.
  • Follow best practices for caching headers, expirations, and invalidations to ensure fresh content. Test with Chrome DevTools to validate caching behavior. Proper caching can reduce page load times 50% or more.

Combined with minification and compression, overall page load gains of 70-90% are achievable for repeat visits by avoiding unnecessary downloads.

Monitoring Performance

Continuously monitoring performance identifies regressions and opportunities:

  • Configure RUM (Real User Monitoring) tools like Google Analytics, OpenTelemetry or Catchpoint to measure real user experience. Synthetic tests alone can miss real-world issues.
  • Set performance budgets for key metrics like TTFB, TTI, etc and configure alerting on regressions. Focus budgets on business metrics like conversions.
  • Review regularly for violations or degrading performance. Have a plan to quickly address high-impact regressions. A proper incident response process prevents outages.
  • Prioritize optimizations that improve real user metrics, focusing on the biggest opportunities first. Eliminate anything not directly impacting KPIs.

With ongoing measurement, teams can celebrate wins and continue incrementally improving performance over time. Small gains accumulate into vastly improved site speed and user experience.


Fast website performance is critical, but requires continuous analysis and optimization. Measuring page load times identifies high-impact issues to address. Reducing page weight, optimizing delivery, and monitoring field data gives the visibility and control needed to delight users.

This post covered key strategies like optimizing images, minifying code, leveraging caching, and tracking real user metrics. While each tactic incrementally improves performance, together they can reduce page load times by 50-90%.

The best way to start is by picking one or two quick wins like compressing images or enabling gzip compression. From there, teams can build momentum to systematically improve site speed over time. With the right analysis and tools, developers can build lightning fast web experiences that convert and engage. Check out DevHunt's web performance tools to analyze and optimize your pages today. Faster sites for happier users are just an audit away.